Moldova FM on military spending

  • 7 months ago
Anatolie Nosatîi, Moldova Foreign Minister spoke to CGTN Europe from Munich Security Conference.


00:00 Yes, we are working on this and the government took very concrete measures for the last period
00:07 of time so the budget was increased.
00:09 But you know it's not about the budget because you cannot do reform specifically in the military
00:15 area just with money.
00:17 You need time, you need personnel, you need equipment and this cannot be done in one year.
00:23 You need to do this in several years with major, major investments.
00:29 Given the situation in Ukraine, do you think Moldova would abandon its neutral status and
00:35 join NATO someday?
00:37 This is quite a difficult question.
00:39 It's not about what I think, it's more important what people would like to because according
00:44 to the neutrality status of Moldova it's written in the constitution.
00:49 In order to change the constitution we need to go through the referendum to ask the people
00:54 what they think about.
00:56 What's the sentiment now in Moldova?
01:02 There is a divided opinion.
01:05 And this is not because of just people's belief but it's more about the influence of the propaganda
01:13 and the influence on our society.
01:17 One of the major targets of the Russian Federation is still to have influence based on the national
01:26 and the false narrative that neutrality is enough and you don't need to invest in your
01:33 defence.
01:34 However, we see the results for example.
01:35 Ukraine was a neutral country as well and the Russian Federation was the country who
01:41 invaded it.
