• last year
Lisa Frankenstein Director Zelda Williams Recalls Visiting Dad Robin on Set as a


00:00 Zelda, I know for you, you kind of grew up out of the spotlight,
00:02 but still largely in the industry.
00:03 Do you remember the first set you were on where you were like,
00:06 "I want to do this"?
00:07 Oh, uh, wanting to do it was probably later.
00:10 I was fascinated by it early.
00:13 I just don't think, you know, when you're that young,
00:14 I don't think you grasp that it's a job, really.
00:17 Mm-hmm.
00:18 It's just like a fun thing you go and visit.
00:20 Probably around Bicentennial Man.
00:22 That was when I was old enough to really understand
00:25 that there was like a whole bunch of jobs you could also do.
00:27 Andrew?
00:30 You're unique.
00:31 Unique?
00:33 And that set was really beautiful.
00:35 Chris Columbus runs a really wonderful set,
00:37 and he's such a kind human that I think
00:39 you weren't walking into a space that felt tense as well.
00:42 So it really, it gives you a false sense of security in our industry,
00:47 'cause then you go and you're like,
00:48 "Oh, none of these things get to be made anymore."
00:50 Like these huge sets and crazy stuff.
00:52 But we got to do that, so.
00:53 Taffy says it's a waste of time to try and fix up ways.
00:56 Better just accept a guy's flaws.
00:57 Aw, that's so cute.
01:00 We got a Zomcom.
01:01 Yeah.
01:02 A Zomcom.
01:02 Well, I heard there's three hours of gag reel footage
01:04 and some cutting room floor.
01:07 All right, so that begs the question.
01:09 Directors, cut.
01:10 I mean, I'd love to, especially because there's
01:13 so many jokes in this that we ended up also
01:16 kind of toning down for PG-13
01:18 that are still there, they exist, but I don't know.
01:20 I have no idea.
01:22 Gag reel, yes, I'm sure we'll release a shorter version of the gag reel.
01:25 No one wants to watch a Scorsese-length gag reel.
01:27 That's insane.
01:28 You know what? Give us a three-hour gag reel.
01:30 I can't do that.
01:32 Not until we bury the body.
01:34 Diablo, for you, what was the moment that you realized
01:37 that Zelda would be the perfect partner for this project to take it on?
01:40 Honestly, the very first interactions I had with Zelda,
01:42 which were not in person because of the pandemic,
01:44 I knew just from her visual references and the conversations that we had
01:48 that she understood the script completely.
01:51 Like, I felt like immediately we were simpatico on a creative level.
01:54 And then when I met her in person, the vibe was great.
01:56 I knew she was going to knock it out of the park, and she did.
01:59 You certainly did.
02:00 So what did it feel like to cross the finish line
02:02 on your first studio movie like this?
02:04 Strange, because also there's no real, like, moment,
02:09 at least not yet, where it feels like a finish line.
02:12 Because every single bit you do is just one more mile marker.
02:15 Like, you'll get off of set, and then you have edit,
02:17 and then you'll get off of edit, and then you have all of the sound work.
02:20 So maybe it'll be on the premiere night
02:23 when it's like finally other people seeing it.
02:24 I've lived with it for so long, and you don't leave it behind.
02:27 So it's, I'm still not there yet.
02:29 Yeah, yeah.
02:29 No, I mean, you think about something like Jennifer's body.
02:31 She can fly.
02:34 She's just hovering.
02:35 It's not that impressive.
02:36 But do you have to undermine everything that I do?
02:39 It's still getting new life.
02:41 Every, I mean, TikTok comes around, another new life.
02:43 I never would have expected that.
02:45 And it is so much fun.
02:46 Like, the fact that we're sitting, even talking about Jennifer's body
02:49 right now is, like, very exciting to me.
02:51 It's one of my favorites.
02:53 I've always loved it.
02:53 And it's such an interesting, fascinating story.
02:56 You've had a lot of projects that you've had your hands in,
02:58 and maybe wrong timing, whatever, they don't happen.
03:00 Is there anything that you would really, really love to revisit now at this point?
03:03 Yes, I tried.
03:05 Honestly, it's been a long time now, probably almost 15 years or more
03:08 writing a Sweet Valley High movie.
03:10 Trust me, Liz, I'm just trying to spare your feelings here.
03:13 I want you to be able to sleep tonight.
03:15 And like, that haunts me.
03:19 Like that, I could not push that one forward, and I'm still obsessed with the idea.
03:23 It'll come.
03:24 I hope so.
03:25 I really want to see Powerpuff at some point, too.
03:27 But I also wanted that to happen.
03:29 But like, yeah, that was a heartbreaker.
03:31 Do you like any other music?
03:32 No.
03:33 I have The Cure.
03:37 Ooh.
03:37 So The Cure is what makes Lisa Swallows feel better emotionally.
03:41 What is our emotional album we're putting on right now?
03:44 I have been listening to, I mean, look, I'm 45 years old.
03:48 However, I have been listening to Olivia Rodrigo's Guts album quite a bit.
03:53 And I relate.
03:55 I know we're not in the same age cohort, but it still gets me.
03:57 I agree.
03:59 I'm not a feel better listener, I'll be honest.
04:01 I'm kind of the wallow listener, where if I'm already feeling sad,
04:04 I'm like, take me there.
04:06 So probably Ethel Cain's.
04:07 Oh, I love Ethel Cain.
04:08 I don't do the like perky song when you're sad.
04:10 I'm like, no, go darker.
04:12 What movie monster could you easily see yourself falling in love with?
04:15 All of them.
04:17 I love complicated people.
04:20 Yes.
04:21 Definitely, definitely Dracula.
04:23 Oh, yeah. Same. Yeah.
04:26 Oh, Cape Beckonsale in Underworld.
04:29 Also like anyone in Underworld.
04:32 Underworld was just full of really beautiful people.
04:34 They killed you too just for helping me.
04:39 I know.
04:40 Actually, my favorite thing is I was just talking to Cole and Katherine.
04:43 They said, Zelda, that you get asked out left and right
04:45 and that you were asked out by the alligator tour person.
04:47 The alligator tour guide fell head over heels in love with Zelda,
04:51 invited her back for an alligator dinner.
04:54 She always gets asked out. It's so funny.
04:56 By like some real like, like Steve Irwin type like tough dudes.
05:01 You know, it's...
05:02 They work with animals kind of guys.
05:04 Yeah, I don't think he liked me too much.
05:05 Wait, that's not fair.
05:07 This is the best question that's coming up.
05:09 They make fun of...
05:10 Well, because like I've been single for a really long time,
05:12 but then Cole would be like, you don't get to complain
05:14 because occasionally you go on dates with really attractive people.
05:16 So it's like, this is a battle.
05:18 But yes, that did happen.
05:19 Cole and I went on an alligator tour.
05:21 It was just the two of us in the boat.
05:22 And I was talking about how I've been single for five years.
05:24 And then quite literally, the alligator guy who's like covered in tattoos,
05:27 he was very nice and had beautiful eyes.
05:29 But he was talking to us about alligator sausage.
05:31 And then he went...
05:33 He was like, I'll make you do something with mine though.
05:35 Gorgeous. And Cole just cracked up.
05:38 Oh, God.
05:39 He's a very nice man.
05:41 All the best to him.
05:43 I love your voice.
05:44 And so do a lot of people, a la Legend of Korra.
05:47 Now that Airbender is going the live action route,
05:49 could you see yourself taking on that role when that inevitably comes around?
05:53 I mean, by the time they get to Korra, I might be too old for it anyhow.
05:56 But I wish them all the best.
05:57 I love those guys so much.
05:59 And I know they're not involved in the live action version,
06:03 but if they ever needed me again, they already know I'm here for them always.
06:06 Incredible. Well, congratulations on this movie.
06:08 I love it so much.
06:12 (upbeat music)
06:15 (upbeat music)
