• last year
Family returns dog because she barked too much


00:00 Family had her for about a year and then returned her.
00:02 They said because she didn't like the baby crying.
00:05 We are Brittany and Danny,
00:09 and this is Sweet Pea's story for GOP.
00:11 When she was three months old,
00:12 she was attacked by another dog,
00:14 a stray dog outside of her house.
00:16 It's okay.
00:17 That family brought her to the vet
00:19 and she was surrendered because of her injuries.
00:22 That's when Fresno Bully Rescue stepped in
00:26 and took her under their wing.
00:28 She was nursed back to health
00:30 and adopted by another family.
00:32 That family had her for about a year and then returned her.
00:35 They said because they had a baby
00:37 and it was causing her to bark a lot and things like that.
00:39 But we've never seen any evidence of that.
00:41 She's honestly a great dog.
00:42 That's when we came into the picture.
00:51 We went to Fresno Bully Rescue
00:53 and it was love at first sight.
00:54 She was the most excited dog to see us at the rescue.
00:57 (gentle music)
01:00 She needed a permanent home.
01:03 We said, "We'll take her."
01:05 Our resident dog, Larry,
01:07 he wasn't thrilled about having another dog in the house,
01:09 but she was thrilled to be here.
01:11 She wanted to snuggle and we gave her a lot of affection.
01:15 Her favorite game is,
01:16 "I'm not close enough to you, but to get closer."
01:18 If you're not hugging her tight enough,
01:20 she'll put a little paw up on you and remind you.
01:26 She's literally the sweetest dog I've ever met.
01:28 She's so quirky.
01:29 She likes to get zoomies when she gets her nails trimmed.
01:31 She'd come back over and she'd try to give us her paw
01:34 and then she pulled away, "No."
01:35 She's always trying to get Larry to play with her.
01:40 It's very strange 'cause he'll play with any dog
01:42 that we see on the street.
01:44 But he didn't play with Sweet Pea very much.
01:49 And we find that a lot of dogs
01:52 don't want to play with her.
01:54 I've read that if you have a dog with brain damage,
01:56 those kinds of things happen.
01:57 They get kind of pushed out of the pack.
01:59 She brings a lot of people over,
02:01 people who are afraid of pit bulls and bulldogs.
02:04 We had the house repiped and one guy, he said,
02:06 "Oh, does she bite? I'm afraid of pit bulls."
02:08 And by the time we finished our conversation,
02:10 he was rubbing her ears and rubbing her face.
02:12 I've had women at Farmer's Market
02:14 shield their children away from her.
02:16 Dogs that are overlooked have so much love to give.
02:19 They're so appreciative.
02:21 And that makes us want to give them even more.
02:23 I'm definitely much more of the fun dad,
02:26 but I'm also the disciplinarian.
02:28 They get into things or they tear anything up.
02:30 And he's like, "Who did this? What is this?"
02:32 They always run and hide behind me
02:33 because they know that nothing will happen
02:36 if they just, they go like, "I'm their mom."
02:38 And they're like, "Protect me."
02:39 (laughs)
02:41 I do the babying of them.
02:43 We wondered how was she at the shelter for this long?
02:45 She has a little bit of facial deformity.
02:48 What kind of makes her eye droop a little bit.
02:49 Her ears were cropped very, very young.
02:52 She's not this beautiful Instagram model dog.
02:55 And I think a lot of people, they want that.
02:57 But she's absolutely gorgeous to us.
02:59 I hold her little head in my hands
03:00 and I tell her how beautiful she is.
03:03 (jazz music)
03:05 (jazz music)
03:08 (jazz music)
