Athar Kazmi Anaylisis on Current Political Situation | Breaking News

  • 7 months ago
#AiterazHai #PTI #PPP #PMLN #election2024 #AniqaNisar #AtharKazmi

Athar Kazmi Anaylisis on Current Political Situation | Breaking News
00:00 At this time, all political parties can be taken in two directions.
00:07 Either of protest, or of creating problems, or of parliament.
00:12 It seems that all the parties understand that they will have to go to the parliament ultimately.
00:17 Who will make the government, how will it be made, all those things will be clear.
00:21 But do you think that even sitting in the parliament,
00:24 the polarization that has taken place in politics, will be able to solve the problems?
00:30 Will that also lead to a situation of calm down?
00:33 Or will it lead to further escalation?
00:36 See Anika, the solution to the problems will be only by going to the parliament.
00:41 Whatever has to happen will happen in the parliament.
00:44 Till then things will not be settled,
00:46 till the government is not made through the parliament.
00:49 But the way we are going to the parliament,
00:52 the path we have chosen, because of that path,
00:55 the future can be difficult.
00:58 Mr. Bilawal, you are saying that we are talking about Pakistan Khapa,
01:01 and that is a very good thing,
01:03 but during this election campaign, what did he say?
01:06 What did he say about Nawaz Sharif?
01:09 He used to say that all the destruction of this country,
01:12 he is responsible for all of it.
01:14 He used to call him a lion that sucks blood.
01:17 On the other hand, he was called a spoiled child who bought votes.
01:21 So how will they come together and how long will they go on?
01:25 See, where he says that the people did not vote for him to become the Prime Minister,
01:30 then which people voted for his father to become the President?
01:34 They will make Mr. Shahbaz Sharif the Prime Minister,
01:37 but with their vote, they say that they will not bring a minister,
01:41 but they will make their father the President.
01:43 So there are many things in this where you see personal interests.
01:48 But whatever government is formed in the current situation,
01:52 I do not think it will be very worthy.
01:55 Although it is our wish that there is a worthy government,
01:59 but I do not see it being formed.
02:01 In this situation, if these Jamaats are forming,
02:04 the government is forming, they have clarified,
02:07 till now Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has 93 seats.
02:10 A little while ago, Mr. Omar Ayub was saying that we will reach up to 180 seats.
02:14 But that is a hypothetical situation, we are not so sure about that.
02:17 Till then, the government of Pakistan Muslim League Noon and People's Party is decided.
02:20 MQM is also with them.
02:22 In your opinion, such a government, which the government of PDM
02:25 has been formed 16 months before this,
02:27 even if the Pakistan People's Party does not take the ministries,
02:29 it will still have a good reputation.
02:31 I mean, all the positions will be of the Pakistan People's Party.
02:34 How much stability will such a government bring,
02:37 or how much stability will it be in itself as a government?
02:40 Yes, see it is very important that the Pakistan People's Party says
02:45 that we are forming the government of Shabaz Sharif.
02:49 So, basically, that government will be formed by the votes of the Pakistan People's Party.
02:53 But on the other hand, they are not ready to believe that this will be our government.
02:57 Because they say that we will not go and participate in the cabinet,
03:01 we do not want to bear the burden.
03:03 So, the government which the government does not want to bear the burden of its own unity,
03:07 will that government be able to bear the burden of Pakistan?
03:10 Will it be able to bear the burden of all these political situations,
03:13 the economic situation?
03:15 And secondly, which new team will they bring in the economic field,
03:20 or in other fields, which will come and make a change here?
03:23 Will it be Mr. Saagdar or some other person?
03:26 This government has already done this.
03:28 This is basically an action replay of the same government.
03:31 There will be some ups and downs.
03:33 So, I think the main issue is that they either say openly that,
03:37 "Sir, we are forming a government, our majority has been formed,
03:40 we will form a government together and we will take things forward."
03:44 They say that they want to do it, but they do not want to do it.
03:47 When they themselves are so confused,
03:49 when they themselves are not expressing their trust in a way,
03:52 then how will that government trust others?
