LeBron James praises young star after impressive performance

  • 7 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 First time he played LeBron, he hung like 23 on him.
00:06 And LeBron even said after, he goes,
00:07 "Man, that kid's, I like that kid."
00:10 He talked and he backed it up.
00:12 So Matherin kind of took over the first game
00:15 and they won by like two type of thing, two or three.
00:19 They got to the target score.
00:21 It was funny, Matherin was on the free throw line late.
00:23 He could have won the game.
00:24 They were at 38.
00:25 If he hit both free throws, they were gonna win.
00:27 And he says to Jaden Ivy,
00:32 "I'll bet you $25,000 right now
00:35 that I hit them both and end this thing."
00:37 And he bricked them both.
00:40 Then he ended up getting a winning basket after.
00:41 Shout out to everybody.
00:42 (upbeat music)
00:45 [MUSIC]
