• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi stiamo rallentando e siamo in difficoltà rispetto al tema degli investimenti perché il costo della liquidità è talmente alto da aver procrastinato tutti gli investimenti già calendarizzati dalle aziende. Ci auguriamo quindi che i tassi scendano il prima possibile”. Così l’assessore allo Sviluppo economico di Regione Lombardia, Guido Guidesi, parlando all’Adnkronos delle prospettive economiche della regione e delle ripercussioni sull’accesso al credito della politica monetaria della Bce.


00:00 Today we are slowing down and we are in difficulty with regard to the issue of investments, with
00:07 regard to the issue of innovation and the advance of time, because the cost of liquidity, of
00:16 access to credit is so high that we cannot afford to have procrastinated all the investments
00:24 already scheduled by the companies.
00:26 We are in a situation where the choice of monetary policy of the ECB is wrong and the effects
00:33 are proving that it was a wrong choice.
00:36 We hope that the taxes will be reduced as soon as possible.
00:41 Then we have an ecosystem that works because the companies are part of our community,
00:48 there is an environment that supports them, there is an environment that welcomes them and
00:54 that supports them.
00:56 We have a subjective role but also an objective role, not only economic but also social.
01:02 Therefore, it is the whole Lombard ecosystem that moves together, that creates added value
01:08 from research to training, going through investments, going through innovation from a technological
01:15 point of view and for which all the engineering capacity of our entrepreneurs is at the quality
01:22 of the German companies.
01:24 Our commercial balances in many sectors and our branches are co-protagonists with the
01:31 cousins of many German companies in many sectors.
01:35 Ours is a more European than Italian protagonism.
