تتبع القصة أماي، وهي جنرال من العصر التأسيسي لسلالة شيا الجنوبية، التي تتخلص من ملابسها الأنثوية وترتدي درع المعركة، وتتحمل المصاعب لتصبح محاربة أسطورية. أماي (تشانغ تياناي)، ابنة دوق جينغو في جنوب شيا، تشهد مقتل عائلتها بأكملها على يد صديق طفولتها تشين تشي. بعد سنوات، أماي، وهي الآن فتاة صغيرة، تتنكر في هيئة رجل وتتجول في عالم الدفاع عن النفس، سعيًا للانتقام من تشين تشي. من خلال سلسلة من المصادفات، ينقذ Amai Shang Yizhi (Zhang Haowei)، ابن الأميرة الكبرى، ويساعده بعد ذلك على الهروب من المواقف الخطرة عدة مرات، مما يؤدي إلى تشابك مصائرهم. مع اندلاع الحرب، تخلت أماي عن ملابسها الأنثوية وانضمت إلى الجيش، لتصبح جندية مشاة. بفضل مواهبها العسكرية الاستثنائية، تحقق إنجازات رائعة وترتفع إلى رتبة جنرال ماي. إلى جانب ذلك، تساعد Shang Yizhi، الذي يتم مطاردته ويواجه صعوبات، في العثور على نفسه الحقيقية وإنجاز أعمال عظيمة. في ساحة المعركة، اشتبك أماي بشكل متكرر مع الجنرال تشانغ يو تشينغ (وانغ رويتشانغ) من قوات العدو. على الرغم من المواجهات بينهما، إلا أنهما يمران معًا عن غير قصد بمواقف الحياة والموت، ويطوران التفاهم والاحترام المتبادل. ومع ذلك، في مواجهة وحشية الحرب، تضع أماي عن طيب خاطر ارتباطاتها الشخصية جانبًا وتستخدم شبابها وحماسها للدفاع عن جيشها. في النهاية، بعد انتصار الحرب، تركت أماي الجيش، وعادت إلى هويتها الأنثوية، وانسحبت من العالم، وفي النهاية وجدت سعادتها الخاصة.
00:00 [Générique]
00:19 [Musique]
00:47 Je pense que je suis un feu de lumière dans la pluie
00:53 Je ne peux pas me cacher à l'extérieur de l'univers
01:00 Je pense que je suis, je suis, je suis
01:03 Je suis comme un feu de lumière
01:07 qui brille dans l'espace
01:18 Le feu de lumière qui ne peut pas brûler
01:26 C'est moi
01:32 [Musique]
01:35 [Musique]
01:38 [Musique]
01:47 Mr. Xu
01:48 Mr. Xu
01:49 Mr. Xu
01:50 Mr. Xu
01:51 Mr. Xu
01:52 [Musique]
02:16 [Musique]
02:24 [Musique]
02:32 [Musique]
02:40 [Musique]
02:48 [Musique]
02:54 [Musique]
03:00 [Musique]
03:18 [Musique]
03:32 [Musique]
03:40 [Musique]
03:50 [Musique]
03:53 [Musique]
03:55 [Musique]
04:00 [Musique]
04:03 (musique dramatique)
04:06 (bruits de combat)
04:09 Stop !
04:10 (musique dramatique)
04:24 Petit gars, qui es-tu ?
04:26 (musique dramatique)
04:27 Je suis le fils de Shen Wei, Shen Yi Xun !
04:29 (musique dramatique)
04:33 Bien !
04:33 Attends !
04:34 (bruits de combat)
04:45 Tu peux me tuer !
04:46 Mais tu ne peux pas t'enfuir !
04:48 Tu dois garder ta vie pour me tuer !
04:50 (bruits de combat)
04:53 Shang Yi Zhi, Shang Yi Zhi !
04:55 Je vois où tu vas !
04:57 Une pièce de bâton pour chaque personne !
04:59 Tuez-le !
05:01 Mais il t'a sauvé !
05:04 Et alors ?
05:06 Il est le fils de Shen Wei !
05:08 Oui, il est le fils de Shen Wei !
05:10 Mais si il n'a pas fait quelque chose, tu serais mort !
05:13 Oui, c'est vrai !
05:15 (bruits de combat)
05:25 C'est vrai !
05:27 Il n'a pas la vie que nous avons !
05:31 Alors,
05:33 on va faire ce qu'il nous a fait,
05:36 et on va le faire de notre faute !
05:38 (bruits de combat)
05:40 Allez, je vais chercher des rangs !
05:42 Les rangs !
05:44 (bruits de combat)
05:54 Mon père n'a rien fait de mal !
05:56 Vous êtes des soldats !
05:58 Vous devriez être encerclés ici !
06:00 C'est vrai !
06:02 Le repas est déjà arrivé !
06:04 Tout le monde a faim !
06:06 Le soleil va descendre !
06:12 Prends bien soin de la fin de la température !
06:15 Tu vas te faire chier !
06:17 Allez !
06:19 (bruits de combat)
06:27 Père, je vais te donner des manteaux !
06:32 Pas besoin,
06:34 va manger !
06:36 Si tu as encore mon portion,
06:38 mange-le !
06:40 Père,
06:44 tu es un homme bien !
06:46 C'est pour ça que je suis encerclé ici !
06:51 Allez, va !
06:54 (soupir)
07:21 (bruits de combat)
07:24 Ah Mai !
07:26 Comment es-tu arrivé ici ?
07:28 Je suis venu te sauver, arrête de parler !
07:30 Non, je...
07:32 Ça va ?
07:36 Allez, va !
07:42 Mon Père,
07:44 j'ai gardé un chemin dans la forêt du nord.
07:46 Tu es enceinté,
07:47 je reviendrai tout de suite.
07:49 Et toi ?
07:50 Je dois en sauver un autre.
07:51 Qui ?
07:53 Un garçon qui s'appelle Ming.
07:55 Ming ? C'est notre pote !
07:57 Hein ?
07:58 Mais tu ne peux pas le sauver maintenant.
07:59 Il est tard.
08:00 Tu n'as pas le choix.
08:02 Alors...
08:03 Ok.
08:04 On va se cacher.
08:06 Allez !
08:09 (bruits de pas)
08:11 (soupir)
08:33 (musique)
08:35 (soupir)
08:40 D'accord.
08:56 Ça va.
09:02 C'est parti.
09:03 Il est là !
09:09 Il va nous tuer !
09:10 (cris de douleur)
09:11 Allez, allez !
09:12 (cris de douleur)
09:14 Tu es un bon gars.
09:27 Tu as un bon aideur.
09:29 Alors,
09:30 vous restez ici.
09:32 Et toi,
09:36 je vais te faire un autre jour.
09:38 (soupir)
09:47 (soupir)
09:54 (soupir)
09:56 (soupir)
09:58 (soupir)
10:00 (soupir)
10:02 (soupir)
10:04 (soupir)
10:06 (soupir)
10:07 (soupir)
10:10 (soupir)
10:13 (soupir)
10:15 (soupir)
10:17 (soupir)
10:19 (soupir)
10:21 (soupir)
10:23 (soupir)
10:25 (soupir)
10:27 (soupir)
10:29 (soupir)
10:31 (soupir)
10:34 (soupir)
10:35 (soupir)
10:38 (soupir)
10:40 (soupir)
10:42 (soupir)
10:44 (soupir)
10:46 (soupir)
10:48 (soupir)
10:50 (soupir)
10:52 (soupir)
10:54 (soupir)
10:56 (soupir)
10:58 (soupir)
11:00 (soupir)
11:03 (soupir)
11:04 (soupir)
11:06 (soupir)
11:09 (soupir)
11:11 (soupir)
11:13 (soupir)
11:15 (soupir)
11:17 (soupir)
11:19 (soupir)
11:21 (soupir)
11:23 (soupir)
11:25 (soupir)
11:27 (soupir)
11:29 (soupir)
11:32 (soupir)
11:33 (soupir)
11:36 (soupir)
11:38 (soupir)
11:40 (soupir)
11:42 (soupir)
11:44 (soupir)
11:46 (soupir)
11:48 (soupir)
11:50 (soupir)
11:52 (soupir)
11:54 (soupir)
11:56 (soupir)
11:58 (soupir)
12:01 (soupir)
12:03 (musique douce)
12:05 (musique douce)
12:06 (musique douce)
12:08 (musique douce)
12:10 (musique douce)
12:12 (musique douce)
12:14 (musique douce)
12:16 (musique douce)
12:18 (musique douce)
12:20 (musique douce)
12:22 (musique douce)
12:24 (musique douce)
12:26 (musique douce)
12:28 (musique douce)
12:30 (musique douce)
12:33 (musique douce)
12:34 (musique douce)
12:36 (musique douce)
12:38 (musique douce)
12:40 (musique douce)
12:42 (musique douce)
12:44 (musique douce)
12:46 (musique douce)
12:48 (musique douce)
12:50 (musique douce)
12:52 (musique douce)
12:54 (musique douce)
12:56 (musique douce)
12:58 (musique douce)
13:00 (musique douce)
13:03 (musique douce)
13:04 (musique douce)
13:06 (musique douce)
13:08 (musique douce)
13:10 (musique douce)
13:12 (musique douce)
13:14 (musique douce)
13:16 (musique douce)
13:18 (musique douce)
13:20 (musique douce)
13:22 (musique douce)
13:24 (musique douce)
13:26 (musique douce)
13:28 (musique douce)
13:31 (musique douce)
13:32 (musique douce)
13:34 (musique douce)
13:36 (musique douce)
13:38 (musique douce)
13:40 (musique douce)
13:42 (musique douce)
13:44 (musique douce)
13:46 (musique douce)
13:48 (musique douce)
13:50 (musique douce)
13:52 (musique douce)
13:54 (musique douce)
13:56 (musique douce)
13:58 (musique douce)
14:01 Je comprends.
14:02 Le commandant de l'armée de Qingzhou,
14:26 Qian Yu, Zhao Zhi, Sun Tao,
14:29 ont fait des meurtres et ont tué des soldats.
14:31 Ils ont commis plusieurs crimes,
14:33 ont commis plusieurs meurtres,
14:35 et ont été tués.
14:37 Qian Yu,
14:42 avez-vous des commentaires ?
14:44 Je me suis fait mal.
14:48 Je vous prie,
14:50 pardonnez-moi.
14:52 Ne vous en faites pas.
14:54 Je m'en occupe.
14:56 Vous,
14:58 vous pouvez partir.
14:59 Merci, General.
15:02 C'est le moment.
15:06 Je ne peux plus.
15:08 Pardonnez-moi, General.
15:10 General !
15:12 Pardonnez-moi !
15:14 General !
15:16 Maintenant,
15:18 le General Shang va vous parler.
15:20 Allez-y.
15:25 Allez-y.
15:28 (musique douce)
15:29 Je vais vous poser la question.
15:34 Pourquoi nous sommes en armée ?
15:38 Pour protéger notre pays !
15:41 Pour protéger notre pays ?
15:44 Alors,
15:49 je vais vous annoncer trois choses.
15:52 (musique douce)
15:53 Ceci est mon personnel.
16:03 Premièrement,
16:05 je vais construire un lycée.
16:07 Ce lycée
16:09 peut accueillir
16:11 enfants,
16:13 âgés,
16:15 et tout le monde.
16:17 Tout le monde
16:20 peut dormir
16:21 dans ce lycée.
16:23 C'est bien ?
16:25 Deuxièmement,
16:27 je vais amener les armes
16:29 et les armes de tous les soldats.
16:31 Je vais créer un lycée
16:33 pour les soldats.
16:35 Si quelqu'un veut faire de l'armée,
16:37 il peut le faire.
16:39 Troisièmement,
16:41 vous serez
16:44 mes familles.
16:46 Je vous en prie,
16:49 et je vous en prie,
16:50 je vous en prie.
16:52 Je vous en prie.
16:54 Je vous en prie.
16:56 Je vous en prie.
16:58 Je vous en prie.
17:00 Je vous en prie.
17:02 Je vous en prie.
17:04 Je vous en prie.
17:06 Je vous en prie.
17:08 Je vous en prie.
17:10 Je vous en prie.
17:12 Je vous en prie.
17:14 Je vous en prie.
17:16 Je vous en prie.
17:18 Je vous en prie.
17:19 Je vous en prie.
17:21 Je vous en prie.
17:23 Je vous en prie.
17:25 Je vous en prie.
17:27 Je vous en prie.
17:29 Je vous en prie.
17:31 Je vous en prie.
17:33 Je vous en prie.
17:35 Je vous en prie.
17:37 Je vous en prie.
17:39 Je vous en prie.
17:41 Je vous en prie.
17:43 Je vous en prie.
17:45 Je vous en prie.
17:47 Je vous en prie.
17:48 Je vous en prie.
17:50 Je vous en prie.
17:52 Je vous en prie.
17:54 Je vous en prie.
17:56 Je vous en prie.
17:58 Je vous en prie.
18:00 Je vous en prie.
18:02 Je vous en prie.
18:04 Je vous en prie.
18:06 Je vous en prie.
18:08 Je vous en prie.
18:10 Je vous en prie.
18:12 Je vous en prie.
18:14 Je vous en prie.
18:16 Merci, Général Shang.
18:17 Merci, Maître Mai.
18:19 Les bons sont reçus.
18:21 Je vous en prie.
18:24 Prenez soin de vous.
18:32 Maman, si vous avez des difficultés,
18:36 venez me voir.
18:38 Merci.
18:40 Merci.
18:45 Merci.
18:46 Merci.
18:47 Merci.
18:49 Merci.
18:51 Merci.
18:53 Merci.
18:55 Merci.
18:57 Merci.
18:59 Merci.
19:01 Merci.
19:03 Merci.
19:05 Merci.
19:07 Merci.
19:09 Merci.
19:11 Merci.
19:13 Merci.
19:15 Merci.
19:16 Merci.
19:18 Merci.
19:20 Merci.
19:22 Merci.
19:24 Merci.
19:26 Merci.
19:28 Merci.
19:30 Merci.
19:32 Merci.
19:34 Merci.
19:36 Merci.
19:38 Merci.
19:40 Merci.
19:42 Merci.
19:45 Merci.
19:46 Merci.
19:48 Merci.
19:50 Merci.
19:52 Merci.
19:54 Merci.
19:56 Merci.
19:58 Merci.
20:00 Merci.
20:02 Merci.
20:04 Merci.
20:06 Merci.
20:08 Merci.
20:10 Merci.
20:13 Merci.
20:14 Merci.
20:16 Merci.
20:18 Merci.
20:20 Merci.
20:22 Merci.
20:24 Merci.
20:26 Merci.
20:28 Merci.
20:30 Merci.
20:32 Merci.
20:34 Merci.
20:36 Merci.
20:38 Merci.
20:40 Merci.
20:42 Merci.
20:43 Merci.
20:45 Merci.
20:47 Merci.
20:49 Merci.
20:51 Merci.
20:53 Merci.
20:55 Merci.
20:57 Merci.
20:59 Merci.
21:01 Merci.
21:03 Merci.
21:05 Merci.
21:07 Merci.
21:09 Merci.
21:11 Merci.
21:12 Merci.
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21:18 Merci.
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21:26 Merci.
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21:41 Merci.
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21:47 Merci.
21:49 Merci.
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22:01 Merci.
22:03 Merci.
22:05 Merci.
22:07 Merci.
22:09 Merci.
22:10 Merci.
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22:22 Merci.
22:24 Merci.
22:26 Merci.
22:28 Merci.
22:30 Merci.
22:32 Merci.
22:34 Merci.
22:36 Merci.
22:38 Merci.
22:39 Merci.
22:41 Merci.
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22:47 Merci.
22:49 Merci.
22:51 Merci.
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22:55 Merci.
22:57 Merci.
22:59 Merci.
23:01 Merci.
23:03 Merci.
23:05 Merci.
23:07 Merci.
23:08 Merci.
23:10 Merci.
23:12 Merci.
23:14 Merci.
23:16 Merci.
23:18 Merci.
23:20 Merci.
23:22 Merci.
23:24 Merci.
23:26 Merci.
23:28 Merci.
23:30 Merci.
23:32 Merci.
23:34 Merci.
23:36 Merci.
23:37 Merci.
23:39 Merci.
23:41 Merci.
23:43 Merci.
23:45 Merci.
23:47 Merci.
23:49 Merci.
23:51 Merci.
23:53 Merci.
23:55 Merci.
23:57 Merci.
23:59 Merci.
24:01 Merci.
24:03 Merci.
24:05 Merci.
24:06 Merci.
24:08 Merci.
24:10 Merci.
24:12 Merci.
24:14 Merci.
24:16 Merci.
24:18 Merci.
24:20 Merci.
24:22 Merci.
24:24 Merci.
24:26 Merci.
24:28 Merci.
24:30 Merci.
24:32 Merci.
24:34 Merci.
24:35 Merci.
24:37 Merci.
24:39 Merci.
24:41 Merci.
24:43 Merci.
24:45 Merci.
24:47 Merci.
24:49 Merci.
24:51 Merci.
24:53 Merci.
24:55 Merci.
24:57 Merci.
24:59 Merci.
25:01 Merci.
25:03 Merci.
25:04 Merci.
25:06 Merci.
25:08 Merci.
25:10 Merci.
25:12 Merci.
25:14 Merci.
25:16 Merci.
25:18 Merci.
25:20 Merci.
25:22 Merci.
25:24 Merci.
25:26 Merci.
25:28 Merci.
25:30 Merci.
25:32 Merci.
25:33 Merci.
25:35 Merci.
25:37 Merci.
25:39 Merci.
25:41 Merci.
25:43 Merci.
25:45 Merci.
25:47 Merci.
25:49 Merci.
25:51 Merci.
25:53 Merci.
25:55 Merci.
25:57 Merci.
25:59 Merci.
26:02 Hey, hey, hey.
26:03 I'm asking my friend.
26:04 Where is he?
26:05 He's dead.
26:07 Dead?
26:08 When did he die?
26:10 Just now.
26:11 My Lord.
26:13 My Lord, I have something important to report to you.
26:18 You guys talk.
26:20 My Lord.
26:29 I've checked the grain in Qingzhou.
26:31 I'm afraid we won't last a month.
26:34 Then we have to report to the government.
26:38 Ask them for grain.
26:39 Now all the provinces are asking for grain from the government.
26:42 In addition, the government has been in a state of crisis for several times in recent years.
26:45 The grain supply has been cut off.
26:47 The loss of grain is very huge.
26:49 Then what should we do first?
26:51 The closest thing to us is Yuzhou.
26:55 It's a strong and strong place.
26:56 We have enough food and water.
26:58 Yuzhou is good.
26:59 Yuzhou is a city of ten mountains and ten rivers.
27:02 It was my father's old home.
27:04 My father saved his life before.
27:05 I think he won't refuse to give us grain.
27:08 It's possible.
27:10 But now there's a tricky problem.
27:13 Chief Zhang ordered that the Crown Prince will arrive in Qingzhou soon.
27:18 The Crown Prince is coming.
27:21 Yes.
27:22 If the Crown Prince comes and we're not there,
27:25 I'm afraid we'll be punished.
27:27 Please make a decision.
27:34 The Crown Prince is coming.
27:36 I'm afraid it's not a good idea.
27:38 But even if I stay in Chengzhou,
27:41 it's not something that can be solved overnight.
27:43 It's too late now.
27:46 The North Koreans just took the silver treasure.
27:48 Maybe they'll come to Qingzhou that day.
27:51 They're coming to Qingzhou.
27:52 Sir, listen to me.
27:57 Go to Yuzhou.
27:58 Okay.
28:00 By the way,
28:02 how's the problem with Amei?
28:06 Amei.
28:09 What's up?
28:12 I have news.
28:13 The friend you asked me to ask about last time,
28:16 A-Si,
28:17 he's dead.
28:20 And
28:21 the pass
28:22 was originally under my brother's control.
28:24 But we're going to war with the North.
28:26 So,
28:27 the situation has changed.
28:29 It's okay.
28:31 I'll figure out a way to go to the North.
28:33 We're going to Yuzhou to pick up grain tomorrow.
28:36 My suggestion is
28:38 you can go with us.
28:39 I'm not going to Yuzhou with you.
28:42 I have to figure out a way to go to the North.
28:44 Listen to me.
28:45 You're going to the North.
28:46 Yuzhou is a must-go place.
28:47 Besides,
28:48 the general Shi Dachun
28:49 is my father's uncle.
28:50 Maybe he can solve the problem
28:52 through the pass.
28:53 Okay.
29:00 Let's go tomorrow.
29:02 Thank you.
29:04 Xiaohui,
29:10 go to pick up grain.
29:12 Go back quickly.
29:17 Don't worry, sir.
29:18 Uncle Shi is there.
29:20 The North
29:21 is in your hands.
29:23 Don't worry, Xiaohui.
29:24 With the help of General Liang and the other two,
29:26 I'll keep the city well.
29:28 Wait for my good news.
29:30 Let's go.
29:33 I got the information today
29:45 that there are many mines
29:46 in the city.
29:47 There is no trace of the Northern Moer.
29:49 No trace?
29:50 That's impossible.
29:52 Is the Northern Moer's elite force
29:54 targeting Qingzhou?
29:56 You mean the Northern Moer's elite force?
29:59 Yes.
30:00 The leader is the Northern Moer,
30:01 Li Changyixing.
30:02 But the elite force
30:03 can only be used
30:04 in the plains.
30:06 The Northern Moer's army
30:07 is attacking the city with elite force.
30:09 You know about the elite force?
30:12 General Shi,
30:14 I was the head of the Silver Castle.
30:15 I'm the commander-in-chief.
30:16 I'm the commander-in-chief of the elite force.
30:17 Good.
30:19 There is a man in Yuzhou
30:21 who has fought
30:22 with the Northern Moer's elite force.
30:24 How is he?
30:25 Will he stay
30:27 and train the elite force for Yuzhou?
30:29 General,
30:31 didn't you tell me
30:33 to start training the elite force?
30:35 Did I say that?
30:36 Yes, I did.
30:39 Look at Commander Tang.
30:41 He has fought with the Northern Moer's elite force.
30:44 If he can integrate his experience
30:46 into his training,
30:47 it will be very beneficial
30:49 to the rapid growth
30:50 of the elite force in Yuzhou.
30:52 I'm willing to do my best
30:54 for the south.
30:55 You're a man from a small city.
30:59 How dare you show off?
31:01 What did you say?
31:02 What?
31:04 Didn't I?
31:05 The Silver Castle you mentioned
31:07 is not a place
31:08 I've heard of.
31:09 You can fight with the Northern Moer's elite force.
31:11 You're really something.
31:13 The Silver Castle is small,
31:15 but it's the territory of the south.
31:17 The people of the Silver Castle
31:18 are also the people of the south.
31:20 Now that the city is being destroyed,
31:22 do you know how much
31:23 the people there are being humiliated?
31:25 I'm telling you...
31:26 Wang Xun.
31:27 Shen Yan.
31:28 Commander Tang,
31:32 you go back first.
31:34 If you have any questions,
31:37 I'll send someone to ask you.
31:39 Yes, I'll leave now.
31:42 Yes.
31:43 Wang Xun.
31:49 I've told you many times.
31:52 You have no skills,
31:53 but you're so good at everything.
31:55 You know,
31:56 there are people outside the sky.
31:58 When can you change this?
32:00 General,
32:02 I just don't agree.
32:04 What's his ability?
32:05 Why does he train the cavalry for us?
32:07 Does he deserve his status?
32:08 All right, all right.
32:09 I won't talk to you anymore.
32:10 You won't listen to me.
32:12 Let's talk about the war.
32:14 There's no news about
32:17 the Qin Shan Shao Jia recently, right?
32:19 No.
32:20 No news at all?
32:23 No news is good news.
32:26 I hope it's because I think too much.
32:34 Take it.
32:35 Here you are.
32:38 Thank you.
32:39 Thank you.
32:40 Take it.
32:41 Thank you.
32:47 What are you doing?
32:53 There's someone here.
32:56 I didn't see him just now.
32:58 You're playing this trick.
33:01 I used to play it in the Sheng family.
33:03 Who are you messing with?
33:06 I'm the one who's messing with you.
33:09 You're trying to hit me.
33:10 Stop.
33:13 You're good.
33:17 You're good enough to mess with me.
33:34 Stop.
33:36 Tang Shaoyi.
33:48 You were so righteous that day.
33:51 Today, you have to fight with your fellow brothers.
33:53 You're not the kind of person
33:55 who would be shy to stay in our army.
33:58 Commandant Wang.
34:00 So you're jealous of me.
34:04 Bullshit.
34:05 I'm not jealous of you.
34:06 I'm the Commandant of the Yuzhou Army.
34:09 Of course you're jealous of me.
34:10 I'm good at archery.
34:12 I'm not a high-ranking person.
34:14 But I'm a little bit higher than Commandant Wang.
34:18 You're afraid that I'll take over you
34:21 after I get General Shi's approval.
34:23 If it wasn't for our general's kindness to take you in,
34:26 you might be a lonely ghost now.
34:29 I advise you to be more restrained.
34:32 Otherwise, you'll be in trouble.
34:34 I'll be waiting for your news.
34:39 Come.
34:44 Tang Shaoyi.
34:51 He was supposed to be the one to take over today.
34:55 Now you're going to beat him up like this.
34:58 Then you'll have to do it for him.
35:00 Then I'll leave it to you tonight.
35:02 Okay, Commandant Wang.
35:03 I, Tang Shaoyi, will complete the task.
35:06 The first general of Qingzhou, Shang Yizhi,
35:12 was a man of great virtue and committed many crimes.
35:14 He was promoted to the rank of deputy general.
35:16 Kill him.
35:17 He left his post without permission.
35:18 Kill him.
35:19 He released his prisoner without permission.
35:20 Kill him.
35:21 Now the crown prince is in charge of Qingzhou.
35:23 All the officials in the city are under the command of the crown prince.
35:27 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:30 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:32 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:34 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:36 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:38 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:40 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:42 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:44 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:46 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:48 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:50 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:52 The crown prince is now in charge of Qingzhou.
35:54 Mr. Yang has traveled a long way to Yuzhou.
35:57 Are you used to living here?
35:59 If you need anything, just tell me.
36:02 I'll send someone to do it right away.
36:04 Yuzhou is not as big as Chengdu.
36:06 I'm afraid I'll neglect Mr. Yang.
36:10 You must be kidding.
36:12 It seems that Yuzhou is a treasured place.
36:16 These dancers are not simple.
36:18 And look at the audience below the stage.
36:21 They are all very polite.
36:23 It shows that General Shi is a good leader.
36:26 People trust General Shi.
36:28 You flatter me.
36:30 I'm flattered.
36:32 Don't be modest.
36:35 I serve by the crown prince's side.
36:37 I often hear the crown prince praise General Shi.
36:40 Among the states, the Yuzhou army is the best.
36:45 I'm flattered.
36:48 But Yuzhou is strong, but far from Chengdu.
36:54 Chengdu is changing.
36:57 Yuzhou is still passive.
37:00 Why are you sighing?
37:06 Now the world is in turmoil.
37:10 The North and the Mo army are attacking one after another.
37:12 The crown prince is worried about the emperor.
37:15 The military power of the Inner Peace House is in his hands.
37:18 He is worried every day.
37:20 It's hard to calm down.
37:22 The crown prince is worried.
37:25 I'm ashamed.
37:28 Yuzhou received the imperial decree.
37:31 It is a strong state.
37:32 It will defend the country with its life.
37:36 That's good.
37:44 Have some tea.
37:48 Master, why are you so sad?
38:06 Didn't you go to the opera with Mr. Yang today?
38:10 It's hard to perform on stage.
38:17 Why didn't you go to the Three Treasures Hall?
38:21 Why did Mr. Yang come from Chengdu?
38:24 Who sent him?
38:26 He is the crown prince's advisor.
38:28 He has the East Palace's token.
38:30 Who sent him?
38:32 I don't live in Chengdu.
38:37 But I know that the emperor is old.
38:42 Although he has the crown prince,
38:44 it's just a false name.
38:46 He has no military power.
38:48 If the second prince is ambitious and runs around,
38:52 what will happen to the emperor and the crown prince?
38:57 So he wants to draw me in
39:00 to prepare for the future.
39:02 Master, what should we do?
39:06 If we are in the wrong,
39:08 we will be doomed.
39:11 Don't worry.
39:17 I have fooled the emperor.
39:23 I don't want to be involved in this mess.
39:28 General, we have a report.
39:31 The enemy is outside the city.
39:33 Let's go.
39:36 Who is on duty today?
39:38 General, it's me.
39:40 Why is it you?
39:42 Who let you come up?
39:43 It's the guard who sent me to guard the city.
39:45 Why did you report it when you arrived?
39:47 I had already sent a message
39:49 an hour ago.
39:50 Why do you know it now?
39:52 That idiot
39:54 took my words as bait.
39:57 Shang Yizhi, the city guard of Qingzhou,
39:59 is here to see you.
40:01 Please open the gate.
40:03 Shang Yizhi?
40:05 Didn't he just become the city guard?
40:07 Why is he in Yuzhou?
40:09 Pass my order.
40:11 Guard the city gate.
40:13 I'm afraid he is a fake.
40:15 Yes.
40:17 General,
40:23 I'm here to see you.
40:25 Yes.
40:27 Answer me.
40:31 Yes.
40:33 If you are from Qingzhou,
40:35 what is your status?
40:37 Why is this voice so familiar?
40:41 What do you mean?
40:43 Do you want to see my seal?
40:45 If you are really General Shang,
40:49 please show your seal
40:51 to me.
40:53 I'll go.
40:55 Show it to him.
40:57 I'll go.
40:59 I'll talk to the people up there.
41:09 Don't make a mess.
41:11 I know him.
41:13 How do you know the people of Yuzhou?
41:15 So many questions.
41:17 Do you want to enter the city?
41:19 Brother Tang!
41:21 Amei!
41:25 Brother, it's me!
41:27 Amei, it's really you!
41:29 Brother, I came here
41:31 with General Shang's carriage.
41:33 This is
41:35 General Shang's seal.
41:37 Please check it.
41:39 Yes.
41:41 General,
41:43 Amei and I
41:45 escaped from the city of Yimao.
41:47 Don't worry.
41:49 We are not from the Northern Moer.
41:51 Are you sure?
41:53 Absolutely.
41:55 General!
41:57 Open the gate!
42:09 [Musique]
42:37 Uncle!
42:39 It's been years.
42:41 You've grown up.
42:43 If we met on the street,
42:45 I wouldn't recognize you.
42:47 Uncle,
42:49 how is it?
42:51 Compare with me.
42:53 I see.
42:59 It's interesting.
43:01 You must be tired.
43:03 You can stay in my house for a few days.
43:05 I'll take care of you.
43:07 OK.
43:09 Let's go.
43:11 Why did he go to Yuzhou?
43:19 Yes.
43:21 General Shi Dachun of Yuzhou
43:23 was the old subordinate of Marquis Shang.
43:25 He was picked up from the battlefield.
43:27 I'm afraid
43:29 the new general wants to repay his kindness.
43:31 So,
43:33 the crown prince
43:35 is not empty this time.
43:37 His Majesty values the crown prince.
43:39 He always thinks for the crown prince.
43:41 The crown prince
43:43 is always in need of experience.
43:45 When do you think
43:47 the crown prince
43:49 will be
43:51 the next general?
43:53 Kill him.
43:57 Kill him.
43:59 Lin Yang.
44:05 Kill him.
44:09 Your Majesty,
44:17 you're kidding me again.
44:19 It's a big matter.
44:21 How can I give the order easily?
44:23 It's just a casual talk.
44:25 Shi Dachun of Yuzhou
44:27 was the old subordinate of Marquis Shang.
44:29 But he was not a threat.
44:31 He was
44:33 suspicious.
44:35 He was a wall-head.
44:37 But he met me.
44:39 He was a wall.
44:41 He had to come to me.
44:43 He had to come to me.
44:45 He had to come to me.
44:47 He had to come to me.
44:49 His Majesty doesn't need to worry about
44:51 the crown prince.
44:53 I'm still worried about the crown prince.
44:55 No matter how good the chess is,
44:59 if he meets a bad chess,
45:01 no matter how good the water is,
45:03 he can still
45:05 play a dead game.
45:07 Lin Xiang,
45:09 you should talk to the crown prince.
45:11 I'm not good at chess.
45:15 I can't talk to His Majesty.
45:17 I can't.
45:19 You've been playing chess for so many years.
45:21 Do you think I can't tell
45:23 you're giving up your son?
45:25 If I really
45:27 give up my son,
45:29 how can His Majesty
45:31 see it?
45:33 You!
45:43 You!
45:45 Your Majesty,
45:47 do you want to play another game?
45:49 No, I don't.
45:51 I'll do it.
45:53 Come on.
45:55 (Song of the River)
45:57 (Song of the River)
45:59 (Song of the River)
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46:09 (Song of the River)
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46:13 (Song of the River)
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48:21 (Song of the River)
48:23 (Song of the River)
48:25 (Song of the River)
48:27 (Song of the River)
48:29 [Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org]
48:32 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada