Government clamps down on anti social behaviour

  • 7 months ago
The government are piloting hotspot police patrolling in a bid to clamp down on anti social behaviour. Home Office Minister Laura Farris said the government saw excellent results after piloting hotspot patrolling in various areas across the UK. "All the data supports our decision now to roll that out across all 43 police forces in England and Wales because we're confident it will drive down anti social behaviour which really affects so many communities," Ms Farris said.
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00:00 We piloted hotspot patrolling which involved over 80,000 extra hours of police hotspot patrolling in those areas
00:07 and we saw some excellent results.
00:09 So to give you one example, in Brunswick, Blackpool, there was a 42% drop in reported antisocial behaviour incidents
00:15 during that hotspot patrolling episode.
00:18 But all the data supports our decision now to roll that out across all 43 forces in England and Wales
00:24 because we're confident that it will drive down antisocial behaviour which really affects so many communities.
