Banned Confiscated Video Sealers & DFO Don't Want You to ...

  • 15 years ago
Canadian Seal Killers & DFO have a lot to hide from the world. Canadian Sealers passed a LAW that stops YOU from getting pictures of their crimes against nature. This video reveals multiple crimes and violations, and they attempted to confiscate it so that You in the world would not see it. === TO ALL GOOD Newfoundlanders: - REPORT Seal Hunters to the police. - Report Sealers for improper licenses, - Skinning seals alive, - Killing seals not in a proper time, out of season - Report them for illegal weapons charges - Fishermen are also sealers, and also many fishermen are complicit condoning sealers acts, so report them as well, until they and everyone stop the seal hunt. - Report sealers and fishermen for illegal dumping of garbage, trash, contamination. - Report Canadian sealers for improper & unsafe drunk boating, endangering lives. - Report Sealer Fishermen for improper safety equipment, not enough life jackets onboard, etc. - GOOD people of Newfoundland Canada are among the Sealers and Fishermen, in sealing areas, and are watching, observing, capturing evidence of crimes committed by Sealers and reporting them to police. === TO ALL GOOD CANADIAN citizens: -Sealer Fishermen take your tax money. They absorb handouts from the government and Decrease your pay check. Fishermen sit at home most of the year, only working a couple months of the year and the rest they get paid UI which means YOU have to work, and they sit and collect money. - Vote seal hunt supporters out of Parliament. - Write to newspapers, bring up the subject, post notices, make your voice heard. === TO ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE of the WORLD: - Post about this in your blog, copy the text about it and forward it, tell people, anywhere you can. - Write, call or phone your country's government officials, and tell them to reaffirm the Laws against these killers. - Boycott RED LOBSTER. Red Lobster is owned by DARDEN corporation. Sell off your stock of that company. Don't buy it. Boycott OLIVE GARDEN and RED LOBSTER restaurants. Red Lobster ...


