FTS 14:30 11-02: Iran: People march to celebrate 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution

  • 7 months ago
FTS 14.30
*Arab League concerns over Israeli offensive against Rafah
*Over 4.5 million Finns called to vote in second round of presidential election
00:03 In Iran, hundreds of thousands of people
00:11 marched on Sunday towards the center of Iran
00:13 and the main cities of the country
00:14 to celebrate the 45th anniversary
00:16 of the Islamic Revolution.
00:18 In Palestine, the Arab League condemned
00:24 the imminent Israeli ground offensive against Rafa,
00:26 where 1.5 million Palestinians remain as refugees.
00:30 In Finland, polling stations opened
00:36 to hold a second round of presidential elections.
00:42 Hello, welcome from the south.
00:47 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesus studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:51 We begin with the news.
00:52 On Friday in Ecuador, in the province of Cotopaxi,
00:54 the indigenous movement held its first march
00:56 against the administration of President Daniel Novoa.
01:00 Representatives of the native peoples
01:01 marched through the streets of Latacunga city,
01:04 claiming for increased security and for the right
01:06 to implement their own justice system.
01:09 Also, demonstrators denounced the lack
01:10 of health services, education, employment,
01:13 and the increase of the value-added tax introduced
01:16 by Novoa.
01:17 This is considered the first protest
01:18 of indigenous movement against the administration
01:21 of President Novoa and his measures
01:23 to tackle organized crime.
01:27 In Ecuador, authorities are running security operations
01:33 in state prisons, mainly in the El Litoral prison,
01:36 due to inmate links with organized crime.
01:38 Regional police chief Freddy Goyes
01:40 said Friday that during the carnival holiday,
01:43 they will continue with searches and censuses
01:45 in the country's prisons.
01:46 He said they will continue taking action against inmates
01:49 with links to organized crime.
01:51 Since January 9th, the Ecuadoran government
01:53 is waging war against organized crime.
01:56 So far, they have executed 1,341 arrest warrants,
02:00 with some 200 of those intainees allegedly being
02:03 involved in terrorist actions.
02:04 In El Salvador, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal
02:14 has officially announced the victory of Nayib Bukele,
02:17 despite reports of over 37% abstentions.
02:21 Bukele has become the first president
02:23 to be re-elected despite constitutional ban
02:26 on that regard.
02:27 They have announced that after counting 100% of the vote cast,
02:31 last February 4th, 2.7 million Salvadorans out of the more
02:35 than 6 billion registered voters favored Nayib Bukele
02:38 and his New Ideas party.
02:40 The announcement came amidst alleged irregularities
02:43 and fraud claims made by social organizations.
02:45 Those claims add to the complaints
02:47 made regarding alleged failures in the automated voting
02:50 system.
02:51 In Peru, around 334 areas in the central highlands
03:12 were declared as critical due to the danger of landslides
03:15 and floods caused by heavy rainfall.
03:17 According to the National Service of Meteorology
03:19 and Hydrology of Peru, moderate to heavy rainfall
03:22 is expected in the highlands and moderate to extreme intensity
03:25 in the north coast from this Sunday to Tuesday, February
03:28 13th.
03:29 Also, they warned about the possibility of rainfall
03:31 with hail in localities above 2,800 meters above sea level.
03:36 There will be snow in areas above 4,000 meters
03:39 above sea level in the central and southern highlands.
03:43 In view of this situation, the agency
03:45 called on the population to protect and reinforce
03:47 the roofs of their homes, as well as to establish
03:50 an early warning system by means of whistles, bells, alarms,
03:54 sirens, or loudspeakers in coordination
03:56 with local authorities.
03:58 In Argentina, more than 387 PIP-118 Reversal Brigadiers
04:09 continue working to extinguish the fire in the Los Alerces
04:12 National Park, located in Chubu.
04:15 The Department of Fire Communications and Emergencies
04:17 reported that the fire in the national park
04:19 affected at least 7,808 hectares and continues active.
04:25 Likewise, the National Meteorological Service
04:27 reported a storm with electrical shocks
04:29 from the north of Noquen and stated
04:31 that they were monitoring for the possibility of it
04:34 extending to the south of Chubu.
04:36 In this sense, tourist services work normally,
04:39 and motorists are recommended to drive with caution
04:42 on the route near the national park.
04:43 On the other hand, a yellow alert
04:49 has been issued in seven provinces
04:51 and an urge alert in Buenos Aires after heavy rainfall.
04:54 In this sense, the National Meteorological Service
04:57 forecasts rainfall values between 50 and 80 millimeters
04:59 that could be exceeded.
05:01 The scientific entity can recommend
05:03 that to stay away from coastal areas and light poles
05:06 or power lines.
05:07 It is also recommended to always have an emergency backpack
05:10 ready with a flashlight, radio, documents, and telephone.
05:13 And with Telesur, you can now celebrate
05:20 one of the largest festivals in the South American continent.
05:24 Lais Gazzada brings you all the details in this Carnival Time
05:26 2024.
05:28 Tune in every day this week at 7 PM
05:30 Paraguay time through our Facebook Live
05:32 at Telesur English official and X account at Telesur English
05:35 and discover our most colorful celebrations.
05:38 Other stories coming up, stay with us.
05:40 Welcome back from the South.
06:04 In Iran, hundreds of thousands of people
06:06 marched on Sunday towards the center of Tehran
06:08 and the main cities of the country
06:09 to celebrate the 45th anniversary
06:11 of the Islamic Revolution.
06:13 The massive marches started in the morning hours
06:15 on Sunday, February 11, with shouts of "Down with the US"
06:18 and "Down with Israel," the main adversaries
06:21 of the Islamic Republic since the victory of the Islamic
06:23 Revolution in 1979.
06:25 In Tehran, the capital, the crowd
06:27 marched through the main avenues in the center of the city
06:29 to congregate in the emblematic Assadi of Freedom Square.
06:33 Of the main protest points during the revolution
06:35 that deposed the pro-Western Pahlavi monarchy
06:43 and established the Islamic Republic,
06:45 these years' marches have also become an opportunity
06:47 to condemn the genocide and barbarism committed
06:49 by the Israeli regime with the support of the US
06:52 in the Palestinian enclave.
06:53 Let's take a look at some of the achievements
07:00 of the Islamic Revolution.
07:01 The Velayat 7 maneuvers, where Iranian air forces
07:04 tested smart bombs and modern weapons,
07:08 as well as the design and manufacture of Qadir
07:10 submarines used in the navigation of the waters
07:12 of the Persian Gulf in protection of peace
07:15 and defensive diplomacy, and the creation
07:17 of a long-range ballistic missile capable of detecting
07:20 targets at a distance of 200 kilometers.
07:23 They are part of the list of achievements in the military
07:25 area during these first 45 years of the Islamic Revolution.
07:29 In the cultural field, Iran worked in the tourism industry
07:32 to become one of the countries with the highest
07:34 number of tourists, for which created more than 2,000
07:38 education centers in which more than 4 million people receive
07:41 university education.
07:43 The nation also dedicated itself to internationalizing
07:47 Iranian art, its handicraft being some of the most popular
07:51 in the world.
07:52 Iran's scientific technological development
07:54 has earned global recognition in this area,
07:57 ranking first in the development of nuclear energy
07:59 as an alternate source of fuel, despite the restrictions
08:02 imposed from the West.
08:04 Iran continues its efforts to contribute
08:06 to the production and scientific and technical evolution
08:09 of the planet.
08:09 In terms of international policy,
08:16 since the arrival of the Islamic Revolution
08:18 stands out the support for the expulsion of US troops
08:21 in West and East Asia.
08:23 It has also consolidated relations
08:25 of comprehensive cooperation with countries
08:28 in Latin America and the Caribbean.
08:29 It has also raised its relations with China and Russia
08:33 as reference of emerging economies and world leadership.
08:36 At the same time, the Iranian government
08:37 has achieved an important position
08:39 in today's global geopolitics without undermining
08:42 its identity, sovereignty, and national dignity.
08:45 Nicaragua congratulated the government and people of Iran
08:53 on the occasion of the 45th anniversary
08:55 of the Iranian Islamic Revolution.
08:57 In an official letter, President Daniel Ortega
08:59 and Vice President Rosario Murillo
09:02 conveyed on behalf of the people and government
09:05 of reconciliation and national unity
09:06 of the Republic of Nicaragua, the nation's most sincere
09:09 congratulations to the Iranian leadership and heroic people.
09:13 The letter wrote, "Our brotherly peoples of Iran and Nicaragua
09:16 have traveled a common path in defense
09:18 of their fundamental rights and the closeness
09:20 of our convictions for the creation of a world of peace,
09:24 justice, and prosperity."
09:25 The letter added that Nicaragua reaffirms its commitment
09:28 to continue strengthening the bonds of friendship,
09:32 fraternity, solidarity, and cooperation that unites
09:36 both peoples and governments.
09:38 --contend the imminent Israeli ground
09:55 offensive against Rafah, where 1.5 million Palestinians
09:59 remain as refugees.
10:01 The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gade,
10:04 warned in a statement on Sunday that plans
10:06 to displace hundreds of thousands of people
10:08 from the southern Gaza Strip, people who have taken refuge
10:11 there as a last resort in the face of Israel's
10:14 indiscriminate attacks, is a serious threat
10:16 to regional stability.
10:18 The official said the Israeli extreme right
10:19 wants to empty Gaza of its inhabitants
10:22 through a policy of ethnic cleansing
10:24 to recolonize the area with Israeli citizens.
10:27 He said pushing Palestinians to flee Gaza and into Egypt
10:30 is a violation of international law.
10:33 The siege and genocide by Israel against the Palestinian people
10:43 in the Gaza Strip reaches its 128th day,
10:46 with new bombardments on the civilian population.
10:48 Gaza health authorities report that at least 42 people
10:51 have been killed in the last few hours,
10:53 while dozens more were wounded after the bombing of a house
10:57 in Palestinian displacement in east Rafah.
11:00 In parallel, Israeli occupation forces
11:02 attacked the center of Gaza, causing a new number of dead.
11:05 And wounded exact figures are unknown
11:07 due to communications interruptions in that enclave.
11:11 A non-final tally indicates that Israel
11:13 has killed over 28,064 people and would
11:16 have left over 67,000 injured.
11:18 In Palestine, organizations defending the rights
11:27 of Palestinian detainees denounce
11:29 that a total of 245 civilians have lost their lives
11:32 in Israeli jails since the occupation of Gaza
11:34 and the West Bank in the 1967 war.
11:37 According to data from the Palestinian Prisoners Club,
11:39 to this figure must be added a group of Gaza detainees
11:42 more during the Teamam camp.
11:44 The Prisoners Club and Prisoners Affairs Commission
11:46 stated that in the last three months of 2023,
11:49 seven Palestinians died in Israeli jails
11:51 after October 7th, the date on which
11:54 the current cycle of violence in the occupied territories began.
11:57 Both organizations denounce that the prisoners are not only
12:00 subjected to torture by Israeli armed forces,
12:03 but suffer bad sanitary and hygienic conditions,
12:06 as the Israeli Attorney General's Office
12:08 admitted in a recent report.
12:10 In Italy, hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters
12:18 took to the streets to demand an end to the Israeli genocide
12:21 in the Gaza Strip.
12:22 Demonstrations took place after Israel's most recent attack
12:25 that killed at least 44 Palestinians,
12:27 including over a dozen children in Rafa city.
12:31 Activists say that after four months of Israel's siege on Gaza,
12:34 more and more people have come out in Italy
12:36 to demand an end to the illegal occupation.
12:39 So far, over half of the 2.3 million inhabitants of Gaza
12:42 are taking refuge in Rafa, following Israeli evacuation
12:46 orders.
12:47 The Israeli regime currently occupies two-thirds of Gaza.
12:50 In Spain, dozens of demonstrators
12:58 gathered on Saturday inside a shopping mall in Valencia,
13:01 calling to boycott the French supermarket franchise Carrefour
13:04 for supporting the Israeli regime and its war crimes
13:07 in Palestinian territory.
13:09 Activist wave Palestinian flags as they
13:11 walk through the supermarket chanting slogans
13:12 like "genocide" and "boycott Carrefour."
13:14 And in the United Kingdom, citizens
13:22 rallied in Manchester City to demand an immediate ceasefire
13:25 and an end to the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip.
13:28 Protesters chanted slogans such as "end the occupation now"
13:31 and carried placards saying "stop the massacre in Gaza."
13:35 At the same time, demonstrators condemned
13:36 the British government's complicity
13:38 with the extremist Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu.
13:41 We have a second short break coming up,
13:48 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
13:51 for our English-speaking audience,
13:52 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
13:55 and share the link to reach more people.
13:57 Got some news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
13:59 as well as the rest of the world.
14:02 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
14:04 Found your break?
14:05 Don't go away.
14:09 Welcome back from the South.
14:27 This Sunday in Finland, polling stations
14:29 opened to hold a second round of presidential elections.
14:32 In this round, conservative Alexander Stubb
14:34 and the representative of the Green League, Pekka Havisto,
14:36 will face each other.
14:37 Both candidates reached the second round
14:40 after winning 27.2% and 25.8% of the votes,
14:46 respectively, in the first round,
14:48 beating the other seven candidates.
14:50 Approximately 4.5 million Finns are
14:52 expected to go to the polls between 9 AM and 8 PM
14:54 local time to elect their next president.
14:57 A minute after closing the polls,
14:59 the first official data will be released.
15:01 The Russian government described as economic banditry.
15:10 The European Union's plans to use the profits
15:12 from frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine.
15:15 The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15:16 expressed in a press release their disapproval
15:19 of what they described as a new attempt by Western countries
15:23 to confiscate their sovereign reserve.
15:26 They also denounced the plans of the Joint West
15:29 to use Russian assets to support Kiev
15:31 since the bloc's debt is already huge.
15:33 The Russian authorities also reminded
15:35 that all such actions constitute a serious violation
15:37 of international law.
15:38 The Russian anti-aircraft defense
15:47 intercepted and destroyed on Saturday
15:49 three Ukrainian drones flying over the province of Bryansk.
15:53 The Ministry of Defense informed that Moscow prevented
15:56 a new terrorist attack by Ukrainian forces.
15:58 The agency detailed that no human lives were lost
16:02 as they were on main aerial vehicles.
16:04 Russian civilians denounced the irregular impact of shells,
16:06 the presence of drones, and other attacks by Kiev
16:09 on the Russian provinces bordering Ukraine,
16:11 of which were Bryansk and Kursk,
16:13 forcing these populations to seek refuge elsewhere.
16:17 In Senegal, a young man was killed during a demonstration
16:25 against the postponement of presidential elections.
16:29 The death of this college student
16:30 was reported by an official from his university
16:33 in the city of St. Louis.
16:35 In Dakar, the country's capital, the police
16:37 repressed demonstrators with tear gas
16:39 to prevent them from reaching National Square.
16:42 This first day of major nationwide protests
16:44 was held against the parliament's decision
16:47 to postpone presidential elections until December 15,
16:50 as requested by incumbent Macky Sall.
17:01 - In Bolivia, the city of Oruro celebrated the carnivals
17:20 with various dances in veneration of the Candelaria
17:22 Virgin of SocavĂłn.
17:24 Over 50,000 dancers, 15,000 musicians,
17:27 and at least 300,000 tourists participated
17:30 in the carnival celebration.
17:31 The dancers danced almost four kilometers
17:34 to the shores of the Candelaria Virgin
17:35 in order to receive the blessing of the priest
17:38 and to thank her for all the favors granted.
17:40 It should be highlighted that the carnival of Oruro
17:42 is oral and intangible heritage of humanity since 1995.
17:57 In Venezuela, the state of La Guaira
17:58 lives moments of carnival with double joy
18:01 after the triumph of Los Tiburones baseball
18:03 team in the Caribbean Series 2024.
18:05 Citizens celebrate the carnival festivities
18:07 and the triumph of their baseball team
18:09 as champions of the Venezuelan League and the Caribbean
18:12 Series after 15 years without obtaining the highest award.
18:15 In this way, the governor of the state of La Guaira,
18:17 José Alejandro Terán, expressed that this triumph
18:20 is a feeling that transcends and occurs at a good moment.
18:23 Terán pointed out that the carnival in La Guaira
18:27 is successfully lived with the presence of at least 200 people
18:31 floats, parades, concerts, festivals, colors, happiness,
18:35 and peace in spite of the consequences of the US
18:37 blockade against the country.
18:46 We have come to the end of this news brief.
18:48 You can find these and many other stories
18:50 on our website at telesurenglish.net.
18:53 Also join us on our social media, Facebook, X, Instagram,
18:56 Telegram, and TikTok.
18:58 For TELESURENGLISH, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
19:00 And before closing, more images of the amazing carnivals
19:03 taking place all over the region.
19:34 you
