مؤشر مدركات الفساد: لبنان في المركز 149 عالمياً للعام 2023

  • 7 months ago


00:00 Despite the lack of supervision and the Lebanese' trust in the independence of the judiciary and the absence of policies that contribute to establish a just government, Lebanon is classified among the most corrupt countries in the world for the next three years.
00:16 After the CPI's report of 2023 was published, and Lebanon's results were 24/100, and its occupation of the 149th centre of 180 countries was subjected to evaluation,
00:31 the executive director of the Lebanese International Transparency Association for Arab CNBC confirmed that these results reflect the government's role in enhancing transparency in texts, not in behavior, which requires taking corrective measures and implementing the laws that protect the procedure.
00:49 The majority of the international donors and even the private investment sectors are waiting for this indicator. This indicator is from 180 countries.
00:57 In the case of Lebanon, as long as this indicator is still in the same place for the third year in a row, and we are now 149 countries, this means that our government is talking about combating corruption, but in reality, there is still a serious attitude towards it.
01:13 We already have laws in Lebanon, for example, the law on the right to access information, which is in place since 2017, and all official administrations must publish, for example, contracts that are circulated with companies.
01:28 But if there is no questioning and accountability, and of course we have an indisputable and independent judiciary that enjoys the necessary resources and transparency, we cannot really talk about a serious fight against corruption.
01:40 14 international standards are based on the Corruption Perception Indicator in Lebanon, based on the levels of corruption in the public sector, which has recorded a decline over the years.
01:52 This result, according to experts, is the absence of governance, transparency and willingness to build appropriate systems for cleanliness, which directly affects the life of the Lebanese citizen and hinders his access to basic services, including health, education and food.
02:09 The absence of transparency is linked to the establishment of borders, the existence of civil security agencies in the relevant ministries, and also the existence of political plans that go towards the country's development and the implementation of justice.
02:21 If all of these are not present in a country like Lebanon, then we will naturally occupy the last places for transparency, and the first places for countries that have problems with transparency, as this report states.
02:34 Therefore, the absence of borders, the absence of a balance sheet, the absence of a budget, the absence of a banking sector to track internal and external transactions from source to use, results in a lack of transparency in the country.
02:50 It is reported that Lebanon, among seven Arab countries, has been ranked this year among the countries that recorded the lowest ten degrees for the Indicator of Corruption, with an average of 34 out of 100 degrees, which requires a long path and doubled efforts to ensure cleanliness, justice and strengthen inquisitiveness and transparency.
