Biden says his 'memory is fine', not charged for mishandling documents

  • 7 months ago
An "elderly" President Joe Biden will not face charges for knowingly taking classified documents when he left the vice presidency in 2017, a prosecutor said on Thursday (Feb 8), drawing a swift rebuke from the president as he seeks reelection.

00:00 -Thank you.
00:02 -I'm well-meaning, and I'm an elderly man,
00:05 and I know what the hell I'm doing.
00:06 I've been president, and I put this country back on its feet.
00:09 I don't need his recommendation.
00:10 It's totally -- -How bad is your memory,
00:13 and can you continue as president?
00:15 -My memory is so bad, I can let you speak.
00:19 That's -- -Do you feel your memory
00:21 has gotten worse, Mr. President?
00:23 -My memory is not -- My memory is fine.
00:26 My memory -- Take a look at what I've done
00:27 since I've become president.
00:29 I did not share classified information.
00:32 I did not share it. -With your ghostwriter.
00:34 -With my ghostwriter. I did not.
00:36 Guarantee you did not.
00:37 -But the special counsel said -- -No, I did not say that.
00:40 I know there's some attention paid to some language
00:42 in the report about my recollection of events.
00:46 There's even reference that I don't remember when my son died.
00:52 How in the hell dare he raise that?
00:55 Frankly, when I was asked the question,
00:56 I thought to myself, "It wasn't any of their damn business."
01:00 As you know, initially, the president of Mexico,
01:05 Sisi, did not want to open up the gate
01:08 to allow humanitarian material to get in.
01:11 I talked to him.
01:13 I convinced him to open the gate.
01:16 -On the document! -Mr. President!
01:18 -On the document!
01:20 -On the document!
01:21 -On the document!
01:23 -On the document!
