Health minister refuses to answer dentist funding question during live interview

  • 7 months ago
Health minister refuses to answer dentist funding question during live interviewSource: BBC Breakfast
00:00 Am I right in thinking that actually the budget for NHS dentistry has dropped by
00:05 500 million pounds since 2014 so you might be putting in an extra 200
00:10 million but that's from a point where their budget is hugely smaller than it
00:15 was 10 years ago. So the I mean a lot has happened since 2014 but we have we have
00:23 our budget is three billion pounds as I say that is a lot lower than it was.
00:28 Indeed last year we put out a ring fence around that funding.
00:34 Is the budget lower than it was?
00:36 So the budget is three billion pounds.
00:38 But is that lower than it was?
00:40 As I say we are spending more on the NHS than we ever have.
00:44 But is it lower than it was?
00:46 Well it's a three billion pound budget.
00:50 So is it lower?
00:52 And a lot has happened in those 10 years that you're talking about.
00:57 But as I say this is additional money an additional 200 million pounds on top of the three billion pounds.
01:04 Additional after a budget cut?
01:06 It's a little bit rich for Labour to be lecturing us.
