Welsh Wave trailer

  • 7 months ago
00:00 So I got a tattoo to remind me of the important things in my life, right
00:05 So I got the bin days
00:09 Do you know what people always ask me like is there any real difference between being Welsh and English
00:17 I think the biggest difference is if you are Welsh you can wave your flag and not automatically look like a racist
00:27 About myself a beautiful middle-class white woman from the home counties. I'm living the immigrant stream. I did it. I came here I won
00:34 If you've never done an autism assessment the age of 27 in the middle of pandemic, I'll tell you what it's like
00:51 Basically my assessment I did I had five-hour interview very nice woman
00:56 But she just asked me the same question again and again and again and that question was are you weird in this way?
01:02 I
01:04 Realize I sound a little bit. I like it's not coded. I have to say that now you all think it is coded
01:10 It's not coded in size with five
01:13 (audience laughing)