奉公守法者仍占多数 安华: 警队97%正面新闻

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 针对近期警察部队的负面新闻,首相安华表示,大部分的公务员都奉公守法、勤勤恳恳的工作,然而人们只关注一小群犯错的公务员。安华说,大马皇家警察部队97%的新闻都是正面的,但人们却喜欢把负面的事件放大。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Recently, news about police crimes has been breaking the news.
00:08 However, the public should not have prejudice against the police.
00:11 Prime Minister Anhua is today for the police team to ease the clamp.
00:14 He said that some of the public officials' outstanding performances
00:16 sometimes did not receive much public recognition.
00:19 Instead, bad things spread thousands of miles.
00:21 In fact, 97% of the police team's news is positive.
00:26 Anhua also used the Tax Administration as an example.
00:28 He said that if an official of the Tax Administration beat someone,
00:32 then this news will definitely be noticed by the public.
00:35 But the tax collection results obtained by the Tax Administration
00:37 are not recognized by the public.
00:40 Regarding the negative news of the police force recently,
00:44 Anhua said that most civil servants are working hard.
00:49 However, people only pay attention to a small group of civil servants who make mistakes.
00:53 Anhua said that 97% of the news of the Dalmatian police force is positive.
00:57 But people like to exaggerate negative news.
01:00 The same is true for the Tax Administration.
01:02 Recently, the KPN reported that the police were not disciplined enough.
01:08 It is true that the small group of civil servants were not disciplined enough.
01:11 And the good news of the 95% of the police force was not disciplined enough.
01:15 Just as the Prime Minister spoke for civil servants,
01:18 today, the police team sent another negative news.
01:21 According to the video posted on the Internet,
01:23 a drug addict was arrested by a man in Fuloh Jiaoyi on 29th last month.
01:27 He was beaten and beaten.
01:28 The suspect was sent to hospital for treatment and was not treated for two days.
01:31 The Chief of Police of Jida, Fei Suor, confirmed today that
01:34 the autopsy report showed that the victim's head was seriously injured.
01:37 The police did not cover up the suspected drug addict.
01:40 Currently, there are 13 people who have been investigated and called.
01:43 Including six police officers who have made statements.
01:45 This is the initial report we received from the police.
01:47 It shows that there is a blood loss from the head.
01:51 We have instructed the investigation officers of the IPK
01:55 to not take any action.
01:58 We are not responsible for the crime.
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