অ্যাডমিট ছাড়া Madhyamik দিতে এসে কান্নাকাটি ছাত্রীর! কীভাবে মুশকিল আসান করলেন 'পুলিশ কাকু'?

  • 7 months ago
শ্রীরামপুরের এক স্কুলে অ্যাডমিট কার্ড আনতে ভুলে যায় এক মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার্থী। খবর পেয়ে সমস্যার সমাধান করলেন ইন্সপেক্টর সুব্রত ধর


00:00 The mid-2024 exam has begun.
00:03 It was the third day's history exam.
00:06 From morning, the students of Srirampur Rajdhodharpur Netaji High School
00:11 were present one by one, like the other five schools.
00:14 But the exam was still not over.
00:16 One student forgot to bring his admit card.
00:19 The student with 9.25 marks was the one who was
00:22 stuck outside the exam hall.
00:25 The student was taken to the GT Road Traffic Inspector Subrata Dhar.
00:30 The police corps were on the scene of the super hero.
00:35 They arrived at the scene and took the student by bike.
00:40 The student was again taken to the exam hall.
00:47 Subrata Dhar was the one who was being investigated by the police.
00:54 If the police had not been there,
00:56 this journey would not have been called the mid-2024 exam.
00:59 So, the student thanked Subrata Dhar.
01:03 I forgot to bring my admit card and registration card.
01:07 I was in a hurry and was doing my homework.
01:10 The police took me by bike to my house.
01:15 Then I took my admit card and registration card and sat for the exam.
01:20 What would you have done if you had not been there?
01:22 I would not have been able to give the exam.
01:24 Would you have thanked the police for that?
01:26 Yes.
01:27 What would you have said?
01:29 Thank you for helping me.
01:33 Subrata Dhar was informed about the incident.
01:36 The constable of the exam center, Nitu Mantopadh and
01:39 Shoylen Dantopadh informed her first.
01:42 The girl's house was in the exam hall.
01:44 The school was far from there.
01:46 Subrata Dhar took the constable to the house of the first student
01:50 and found his admit card.
01:52 Then she took the exam on her bike and came back to the exam hall.
01:58 The biggest story is that before the exam started,
02:02 she reached the exam hall in her free time.
02:06 The constable of the school forgot his admit card.
02:14 I was informed about the incident and I went to her.
02:26 I told her that I would take care of her.
02:28 Did she have a medical card?
02:30 Yes, she had a medical card.
02:32 I told her that I would take care of her.
02:35 She did not have to worry.
02:37 I was a police officer.
02:39 I took her to her house and took her to the exam hall on time.
02:50 Was the girl happy?
02:52 Yes, she was happy.
02:54 It was her first exam.
02:56 We have also given such exams.
02:58 We know what can happen in this situation.
03:01 What do you think?
03:03 What is your opinion?
03:05 It is our duty.
03:07 I am happy that I was able to take her to the exam.
03:15 In the cinema series, we always want to see the police officers
03:20 who are superheroes for their honesty, dedication and duty-based education.
03:25 Subrata Dhar has set such an example.
03:29 Subrata Dhar has thanked the entire team.
03:35 If the other officers had not helped her,
03:39 or if they had not made a green corridor,
03:41 she would never have been able to pass the exam on time.
03:46 Such is the importance.
03:48 Bureau Report, One India, Bangla
