面对纳吉减刑课题静悄悄 行动党被抨"马华化"?

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 前首相纳吉获得减刑在政坛和坊间炸开了锅,让作为希盟一份子,大家打着反贪旗帜上台而现在成了团结政府一份子的行动党,也成了箭靶。面对民众的质疑,行动党一些非主流派,包括王建民,潘俭伟和蓝卡巴星都出来抨击,但主流派除了党秘书长陆兆福要大家保持冷静之外,就没人发表任何立场...(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The former prime minister, Na Ji, was fired from the political forum and the room.
00:09 As a member of the West, everyone is fighting to rise up against the corruption.
00:13 Now, the Action Party, which has become a member of the United Government, has also become a shoulder.
00:18 Facing the doubts of the public, some non-mainstream parties, including Wang Jianmin, Pan Jiewei and Lan Kawashima,
00:23 all stood up to criticize, and even asked the party to give an explanation.
00:26 But the mainstream parties, in addition to Secretary of the Party, Lu Zhaofu, asked everyone to remain calm,
00:30 no one expressed any position.
00:32 Therefore, it is questioned whether the Action Party did not dare to speak up after becoming a government.
00:37 Is it like Ma Hua in the past in the state government, always holding his breath?
00:41 Is the rocket in Ma Hua?
00:44 Hua Yan senior researcher Zheng Minglie pointed out when accepting the 8 o'clock hot news interview.
00:48 The current Action Party seems to be very careful, and is more afraid to touch the bottom line of the Malay society.
00:53 Afraid to arouse the Malay people's attack and resentment against them.
00:56 But he believes that the Action Party and the West were in the position of fighting the corruption of the Nazis.
01:01 So, facing some problems involving the bottom line, involving principles,
01:05 the Action Party cannot remain silent.
01:07 When necessary, the party central or the party senior officials need to come out and express themselves.
01:12 Otherwise, the Action Party will be labeled "Ma Hua".
01:16 But the official scholar Pan Yongqiang believes that
01:18 it is too early to label the Action Party as "Ma Hua".
01:23 He pointed out that the Action Party has lost power.
01:26 This experience or memory is very painful for them.
01:30 Therefore, whether it is the Action Party or the West,
01:32 they cannot bear the consequences of losing power again.
01:35 Because if they lose power again,
01:37 it will not only cause great damage to these political parties,
01:40 but also to the development of the country.
01:42 Therefore, the main responsibility of the Action Party now is to stabilize the regime first,
01:46 then show the political achievements.
01:49 The Security Commission has also made a lot of contributions to this case.
01:52 It has also made a lot of exposures.
01:54 So it has a stronger feeling.
01:56 In addition, the Security Commission and Wang Jianmin are not in the mainstream of the party now.
02:01 Sometimes they don't need to worry too much when they speak.
02:05 But they are not equal and do not represent the party's position.
02:07 I think that now it is said that the political parties themselves
02:09 may have a little control over the internal speech.
02:13 Because the Action Party may design some issues of faction.
02:15 For example, Wang Jianmin expressed his opinion on the situation of the Falun Gong.
02:19 This may be related to the relationship between the different factions in the party itself.
02:26 Although both people think that the voices that are now appearing are not the voices of the mainstream leaders of the party,
02:31 it does not represent the position of the Action Party.
02:33 But the senior researcher of Huayan, Zheng Minglie, pointed out that
02:36 some leaders of the Action Party still have to give an explanation.
02:39 Because the Action Party and the West were in the position by beating the Nazi corruption.
02:44 Therefore, some positions that involve principles cannot be completely promised.
02:48 Otherwise, it may be a step behind Ma Hua.
02:51 The Action Party should be careful about such issues.
02:54 Even if you say that it is a strategic approach to call the second and third lines to speak,
02:58 you still have to say what you should say.
03:00 The point is that in the end, you have to show a sign of a line to the first line.
03:05 You can't say that I made the final result for this management.
03:08 Especially for yourself.
03:09 Ma Hua is because the initial human result is really one, two, three, three, three.
03:13 This is the last complete collapse.
03:15 If it collapses, it will be difficult to come back.
03:17 The Action Party should learn such a lesson.
03:19 Zheng Minglie pointed out that Ma Hua was under the Uyghur
03:22 because he kept giving in to the position,
03:24 and finally got the result of the collapse.
03:26 And now the Action Party and the Uyghur cooperation must also be particularly careful.
03:29 It cannot be because of the need for the support of the Uyghur or Malaysian voters,
03:32 and give in again on the principle of the subject.
03:35 Otherwise, once the label of Ma Hua is pasted, the consequences will be unimaginable.
03:39 It's just that the Action Party should pay a little attention to it.
03:43 You can't make people feel like you're painting Ma Hua.
03:46 This expression is very unfavorable for Taiwan's future development.
03:48 I think that no matter how it is politically,
03:50 people still have to see the clear black and white part.
03:52 This line still has to be drawn very clearly.
03:54 But political scholar Pan Yongqiang believes that
03:56 at this stage, it is a bit too early to criticize the Action Party for painting Ma Hua
03:59 or becoming Ma Hua 2.0.
04:02 Because the Action Party has just become the ruling party,
04:05 the position has not yet settled.
04:07 The most important thing is to stabilize the regime
04:09 and show the people their achievements and achievements.
04:12 If it is too intense on all political issues now,
04:15 it is easy to repeat the consequences of the 2020 Xi'an Uprising.
04:19 At that time, it may not be possible for them to develop or improve their achievements.
04:23 Now it is a stable situation.
04:26 And if there is no way to stabilize the regime in the next three or four years,
04:30 there will be no achievements, no performance,
04:33 or no reform of the system.
04:35 Then the development of the country may be more challenged.
04:38 So at this stage,
04:40 it is more unfair to criticize the Action Party for painting Ma Hua 2.0.
04:45 It is also too early to criticize.
04:47 Pan Yongqiang believes that the Action Party is now facing another problem,
04:53 which is that it is easy to become the shoulder of Malay politics.
04:56 If there is a problem, it will point its head at them.
04:58 So if the Action Party reacts too intensely,
05:01 it may lose the ability to develop or improve
05:03 its achievements in the next three or four years.
05:06 So what the Action Party can do now is to help the Anhua government stabilize the regime,
05:11 and to make more efficient and effective performance
05:14 in some municipal and public policies in exchange for support,
05:17 to make up for its political inefficiency.
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