Mounting Pressure To Oust Hou as New Taipei Mayor After Failed Presidential Run

  • 7 months ago
Organizers of a petition seeking to recall the Kuomintang's Hou Yu-ih as New Taipei City mayor expect to secure enough signatures to move into the second stage of the three-step recall process by the end of the month.
00:00 The Kuomintang's Hou Youyi is facing a growing petition to remove him as new Taipei mayor.
00:05 Organizers say they have already secured over 10,000 signatures for Hou's recall.
00:10 They vowed to get 40,000 signatures by the end of the month, more than enough to move
00:14 to the second stage of the three-step recall process.
00:17 The group is angry that Hou took months off to run for president, losing to the DPP's
00:21 Lai Ching-de.
00:22 Hou has since said that he is committed to working hard for the city.
