Nostalgia 1 EP3 [Mapa Minecraft] SrDanOk Gameplay

  • hace 7 meses
Seguimos con el segundo episodio donde Jeke esta viviendo diferentes aventuras y esta encontrando diversos enigmas. Ahora esta en las cloacas intentando conseguir salir a la superficie.

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En el desolador escenario postbélico que dejó tras de sí una guerra devastadora, la comunicación se convirtió en la principal víctima, sumiendo al mundo en un profundo silencio. Las ciudades, antaño bulliciosos centros de actividad humana, se transformaron en sombras de lo que alguna vez fueron, envueltas en el caos y la desolación. La sociedad, fragmentada y desconfiada, vio cómo muchos de sus habitantes optaron por alejarse de estos núcleos urbanos convertidos en sinónimo de peligro y desesperación.

Entre aquellos que tomaron la decisión de buscar refugio en la lejanía de las ciudades, se encontraba Jake, un superviviente cuya historia estaba destinada a desafiar las normas establecidas por el nuevo orden postapocalíptico. Contrario a la corriente de quienes huían de los vestigios de la civilización, Jake sentía la urgencia de adentrarse en una de esas ciudades devastadas, como si un propósito más grande lo guiara.

Su motivación no era simplemente la nostalgia de un pasado perdido, sino la necesidad imperante de encontrar algo crucial para la supervivencia de la humanidad. En un mundo donde la comunicación y la conexión entre los pocos sobrevivientes se habían vuelto esquivas, Jake había descubierto información vital que podría cambiar el curso de lo que quedaba de la sociedad. Un mensaje cifrado, un rumor sobre un enclave secreto de conocimiento o simplemente la clave para restaurar la comunicación perdida, cualquiera que fuera la verdad, estaba enterrada en el corazón de una ciudad ahora envuelta en el manto del olvido y la desesperación.

En su camino hacia la ciudad, Jake enfrentaría no solo los peligros evidentes de un entorno desgarrado por la guerra, sino también los misterios y las incertidumbres que aguardaban en el interior de los edificios en ruinas. Con cada paso, se encontraría con los vestigios de lo que una vez fue la vida moderna: calles desiertas, edificios derruidos que susurraban historias de un pasado glorioso, y la sombra constante de lo desconocido acechando en cada esquina.

A medida que Jake se adentrara en la ciudad, se vería obligado a enfrentarse a decisiones difíciles y dilemas éticos. ¿Hasta dónde estaría dispuesto a llegar para obtener la información que podía cambiar el destino de la humanidad? ¿Cómo lidiaría con los encuentros inesperados y las alianzas precarias que podrían surgir en su travesía? La ciudad, una vez hogar de miles, ahora se convertía en el escenario de la búsqueda de Jake, quien se veía impulsado por la esperanza de encontrar respuestas, aunque ello significara sumergirse más profundamente en las sombras de un mundo caído.
00:00Hello and welcome to another day of
00:02nostalgia yesterday because we fell from
00:05up there and we hurt ourselves and we appeared
00:07in a place where we don't have to
00:08appear but I have already solved it we have already
00:10returned to where we were So let's go
00:13here again and we have to follow
00:15these lines okay let's break
00:20this first aid kit first aid kit
00:27things fall down we have to go there
00:32And what do I have to jump there or not
00:37necessary yes it seems to me that it is necessary
00:40to jump there okay
00:58no Hello
01:12let's see if We can't take it
01:24Yes, maybe now we can
01:42no, I think we have to jump There we're going to
01:46take another one, then
01:52dad, take
01:58another one here,
02:20I don't even know what I've done But okay, okay,
02:23anyway, if we put it the
02:36please, here we have it more
02:47we'll almost see that we don't have anything
02:58to hold onto like that
03:02up there Okay we don't have any of
03:06that let's
03:24continue Okay now they are long jumps
03:28eh but we've already gotten the hang of it
03:32we're going to break all
03:36this there's no boat here What It's a
03:44pity we're still in the sewers
03:53because we're going to go up to the
04:06Okay Ok and now here
04:27okay we have to throw in some dynamite
04:42Hey we have enough of the Dynamite ones
04:45we have quite a few eh so that's going to
04:47be quite useful for us I guess Hold on with
04:51all head and we continue
04:58climbing Ah but what happened there
05:01they saw Foreman and he has
05:03escaped again through the alleys whenever we
05:06cut off their escape routes we are
05:08creating other paths that they use
05:10so that we get lost in their search they are
05:15smart rats okay I mean, the bad guys are
05:28yes, they have
05:39n't seen me
05:53okay, anyway, we have to run, let's
06:09like that, okay, it's been a
06:14traitor for us, Manuel is a traitor,
06:18okay, I've seen boxes here, let's see if they
06:21give us first aid kits, please, Marion, we're
06:33light blocks many light blocks that may
06:36be for
06:43or there is a door we can still
06:47climb all of that let's see what's around
06:54first the light blocks You can't
06:58take them very far
07:01So it would be up to here anyway they won't let us
07:06no but here there is a
07:10light block message from a stranger, let's see
07:13what he tells us, let's see if you believe me,
07:16several people killed some soldiers
07:18who were guarding the supplies and now they
07:21are demanding anything in
07:25return, that's why I need you to take care of
07:28Laura, she is in danger in the city please
07:32help me Okay message from
07:39stranger let's see here we can pass
07:46yes a first aid kit
07:50unsigned note let's
07:52see who it is from at first
07:56I thought I
07:58was just rambling But my son is
08:01sick I need your help think
08:04we live in our old house There is no
08:07way get it out of your head
08:11So your son's head is already
08:14more there than
08:22okay And we have one last climb left to see
08:25what I see
08:28here we can't
08:31and here This one is
08:41open okay you
08:53who are going to check the
08:56light block because if we can't take it very
08:58far it's
09:07Oops we've lost it, I think we're going to
09:11check with
09:22another one.
09:56Dynamite, I'm going to take the dynamite
09:59with me so it won't get bugged and
10:01we'll spend it
10:11all here It seems like there's
10:15nothing Oh yes I hear something what is this
10:21pliers press the right button to cut it's used to
10:27generator cables okay
10:36we continue this
11:10Eh that can be
11:22opened Oh here we can
11:27go up
11:30Okay then let's go
11:35down we go inside okay okay
11:57Hello crafting tables
12:10door generator be the one that
12:21passed I have to come back this way I don't
12:26understand it's
12:34falling I guess we can
12:44come back here
12:45oysters What
12:57okay okay be
13:01careful bottle This
13:04sounds This
13:11crap It's all full of
13:14bottles this is a
13:22okay Ah I mean I've already
13:27lost an
13:35interesting first aid kit Oh What a beautiful photo
13:47okay I just saw if we should go that way
13:50but since there's no one there we can do it a
13:52little more
13:57noise here it wasn't it was
14:00here it was
14:12here What a bad thing
14:19I have these games or these levels that are about
14:22jumping make me super
14:27nervous it's not
14:46okay it's not going to be that here just in
14:50case there was
14:53that you imagine that there's just that there and what do I
14:57say? I
14:59want to do it the hard way by
15:06jumping the sun is
15:17still That's it that's it that's it that's it that we have to
15:20decide quickly if it's
15:26worth stairs
15:31these are the blocks to which I have to
15:33hook wooden boxes
16:01because There are two
16:03stairs if we can go up here no
16:06yes Oh look there are the blocks I'll
16:10close it imagine closing that door It
16:25come anymore Ah there's one and there's another those
16:30are good
16:35eh your face you didn't work at Shut up
16:39don't say nothing's worth it calm down friend today I
16:42don't want to die
16:51Hello You think you can come here to
16:54talk like that Be careful what you say or
16:57you're going to win in this area okay okay
17:02okay we have another
17:07generator we have to cut the
17:11cable So there Let's look for some
17:18pliers, okay, that's where we can go, let's go and
17:21see if we find things here,
17:29and then over
17:37here, okay, let's investigate this whole
17:41area. There's nothing there. We can't go up. It's
17:44closed. It's closed. Oh,
17:49look, a note is passed to us. Let's
17:53investigate. Okay, then let's go. to get
17:57the boxes in there and we could enter through
18:01pipe if I remember correctly Exactly through the
18:12Ginger we open the
18:15door okay we take the tongs and
18:25here now we are going to hit it here
18:30maybe anything explodes because
18:31we are going or it starts making a lot of
18:34noise I am more convinced It's going to
18:36make a lot of noise, I'm
18:42sure it's okay. We left through this door. Oh, I'm falling, what a
18:57crazy building, kid.
19:08What he
19:10tells us is that the supplies have arrived and
19:13are being distributed throughout the
19:16country. I suppose that soon we will
19:19rotate the workers for your
19:22Thank you very much to the entire
19:24organization for your help. I
19:27greet you, okay, okay, okay,
19:35here we can upload this. It's
19:48okay No it doesn't let us because
19:51I imagine they leave us and we almost
19:55cheat okay let's go up here
20:02We have to be careful that
20:04the bad guys don't see us the
20:07looters around here we don't have
20:17anything What
20:27happened I don't know at
20:35the moment It has not happened NO
20:47Yes, well we get to be below and it crushes us
20:53eh There is nothing here
20:59We have to keep in mind that we have
21:01Dynamite to break
21:07glass because it is unknown and it gives us Three
21:14points I don't
21:16remember Which were the countries that
21:19started the war they launched Their
21:22bombs against emer satellites and antennas
21:27and enemy antennas and they cut off the
21:31communication of millions of people. I
21:33never thought that this could cause the
21:36worst war in history. This man is
21:40eating one of the crazy things. This man, this
21:44stranger, okay, we have another
21:50engine. There is
21:53nothing here. another engine that how we enter here
21:57from above
22:02and here too, that is, we have to go
22:06here, tongs, not tongs,
22:09okay, let's eat
22:25okay, I understand that
22:34maybe here it
22:36was not good, yes it has to be there, that is, we
22:39have no other place to
22:56put it, or
23:07we need three boxes two
23:23more then one here and that's it
23:31Thank goodness they think of people like me
23:33who know what they're doing
23:55Okay Ah okay the door is already open
23:58okay okay okay
23:59okay And
24:02we can't
24:08get through here okay pipe I hadn't
24:14seen it okay okay the cable goes there
24:18let's open this door to keep it
24:22open it's very
24:24dark I can't see much because it reflects
24:26the lanterns that I have in front of me
24:28but I think there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing let's go
24:36here okay we have also to go up
24:38we could have gone up with the
24:40hook I understand that that is in case the
24:42hook is
24:45lost Hello damn what a scare you have
24:49given me Hey hey Where are you going in such a hurry
24:52to the bunker on the mountain again
24:54with the joke you are going to do it to tell
24:56anyone we meet, it's not
24:58a joke, I swear they
25:00told me about it from you and your nostalgia, I'm not
25:03sick and besides, I've never been
25:07there, okay, they just said the title of the
25:10map or the movie in the conversation,
25:14no. Here there is another
25:19Hello, well, I don't want to tell us anything until
25:24Lucas, go ahead, you first
25:32Hello, okay, I understand that you have to jump
25:34up there and there is
25:38another one. You really know how to jump. See you
25:41soon at the attack at the
25:49Hello, no one says anything here,
25:53okay. We have to put ourselves there
26:04and here we have to
26:10look for the same thing, it's just so we don't
26:12hurt ourselves when we
26:16go down okay AC there is a
26:19door there was a
26:22door Look what's cool here
26:24are the supplies that we are
26:29going to
26:30get okay let's go
26:33this way we can't go this way anymore Like this
26:36I understand that we have to go through the
26:42Central Park that doesn't look
26:45good Killer crepo is called in the
26:51park Ok Well little by
27:14Okay I don't know what could have
27:21happened let's take a walk here in
27:24the park and see If we find the notes
27:31okay this way we can't
27:33go through here it won't let us pass either
27:36so I mean it won't let us get out
27:39of the way so
27:42I understand
27:47okay holes there is a
27:54yellow sign I understand that we have to go
27:56there but
27:58let's investigate all these
28:04things okay this way he doesn't let us go
28:12here anymore he doesn't let us go any more
28:16so he tells us to go to the yellow sign
28:20directly this looks like a
28:25bicycle parking lot notice
28:28Don't forget your identification card
28:31before collecting your part of the
28:36supplies I mean They fed you here,
28:40here there are some stairs, maybe it's
28:44because I have to do something
28:53here, we go to see if there's something. Why
29:01not, for that
29:06matter, Uh, there's something there,
29:13no. Yes, that
29:17looks like Charlie's hiding place.
29:22We found Charlie's hiding place
29:48interesting. okay, let's go this way,
29:54here, don't leave us a
30:04good note, six of the 15
30:08lost newspapers, we will find them all, the
30:11truth is, I don't know how much is left because I don't
30:14remember anything about the map, I did see
30:16some YouTuber or Killer Creeper himself play it many years ago, but
30:20the truth is, but I
30:22don't remember
30:23anything and I think I just got lost in the
30:33quiet park I don't think we have another
30:37Stranger what the hell was that the attack
30:53Hey what are you doing here it's very
30:56dangerous Marcus next to the Fountain there is
30:59an entrance you can meet him
31:00there hurry up they can't see us in
31:03this area we are hiding in the
31:06sewers okay next to the Fountain there is an
31:09entrance This is the
31:13Fountain There are boxes here we are going to break them
31:17all because it may be under some
31:26cardboard box there okay let's see if
31:29there's anything around here from a
31:32newspaper fragment no there isn't
31:35no And that fountain It won't let us get on
31:40Okay then let's go this way go go
31:49quickly we have to go down
31:55a lot they are taking the power grid from
32:02above Ah okay This is where we
32:05came from. I'm going to go where I
32:08wasn't. Hello,
32:13here, that's a priest, you are. They told me
32:17that you have weapons, it's true. That's right, friend,
32:20but I don't usually give it to foreigners. A
32:23classmate of yours told me, could you give a If
32:26you support your cause I think that's very good
32:29but it turns out that we need people
32:31right now and if you want to get a
32:32weapon You better participate in
32:34our attack on the police station I can't I have
32:36other plans Hey you won't have your
32:39weapon if you don't accompany us after the
32:41attack can you Going wherever you
32:43want is fine I
32:48follow you so let's follow him Although I don't
32:52have a very good feeling about Marcus, he
32:54looks like a
32:56friar I'm going this way okay let's go to the right
33:05it seems You're fine friend yes it's this
33:10[ __ ] disease I know it I also suffer from it,
33:13demons, we all suffer from it,
33:16some more than others, my mother, it does not
33:19come to us with the misery of having lost
33:21everything, now our mind betrays us and
33:23makes us see things that are no longer
33:27Someone has discovered what
33:30the human being is due to. designed to
33:33withstand all these years of violence and
33:36loss, our visions are due to the
33:39instinctive act of the brain to
33:40place us back in a comfortable environment for it, it
33:43moves away from our control until
33:45it takes over our senses, they say
33:48that those who have reached its most
33:49advanced phase They already live in a totally
33:51different world dominated by their memories, they
33:54call it
33:55nostalgia, there
33:58were too many years, they were the worst
33:59years in the history of humanity and
34:02all because of some satellites and some antennas,
34:04who would have thought, there you have your
34:09gun, pick up the
34:16gun, okay, let's see. If
34:22we pick them up they are all
34:40it is
34:41difficult to take objects it is a
34:46bit of a complication
34:52there meet with my men to
34:54carry out the attack at the police station I wish you luck
34:58if everything goes well you will have participated in
35:00the change friend the first step to
35:02take control of the
35:05city perfect ok We're going to leave it,
35:08guys, go up and take all the corners
35:10of the police station then shoot
35:12each one of them to come out, take a re,
35:15follow the plan and wait for the next
35:16movement, understood, the flares at the
35:18other three key points are the signal
35:20to go out into the street. and advance towards the
35:21center we will corner them in the
35:23central hotel and destroy them with the c4
35:25placed under the building watch the
35:27windows and the surveillance posts on
35:29all the walls good
35:33luck good luck Okay then we are going to
35:36leave it here we already have the gun We have
35:38to get together and we are going to make a
35:40kind of attack here there is a first aid kit
35:42we take it and leave it here we
35:46are going to be reading this holy Bible
35:48while here we do our mass and
35:50see you in the next episode of
35:52nostalgia bye
