Nostalgia 1 EP1 [Mapa Minecraft] SrDanOk Gameplay

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Comenzamos con Nostalgia 1 un mapa creado por Killercreeper55 para Minecraft.


En el desolador escenario postbélico que dejó tras de sí una guerra devastadora, la comunicación se convirtió en la principal víctima, sumiendo al mundo en un profundo silencio. Las ciudades, antaño bulliciosos centros de actividad humana, se transformaron en sombras de lo que alguna vez fueron, envueltas en el caos y la desolación. La sociedad, fragmentada y desconfiada, vio cómo muchos de sus habitantes optaron por alejarse de estos núcleos urbanos convertidos en sinónimo de peligro y desesperación.

Entre aquellos que tomaron la decisión de buscar refugio en la lejanía de las ciudades, se encontraba Jake, un superviviente cuya historia estaba destinada a desafiar las normas establecidas por el nuevo orden postapocalíptico. Contrario a la corriente de quienes huían de los vestigios de la civilización, Jake sentía la urgencia de adentrarse en una de esas ciudades devastadas, como si un propósito más grande lo guiara.

Su motivación no era simplemente la nostalgia de un pasado perdido, sino la necesidad imperante de encontrar algo crucial para la supervivencia de la humanidad. En un mundo donde la comunicación y la conexión entre los pocos sobrevivientes se habían vuelto esquivas, Jake había descubierto información vital que podría cambiar el curso de lo que quedaba de la sociedad. Un mensaje cifrado, un rumor sobre un enclave secreto de conocimiento o simplemente la clave para restaurar la comunicación perdida, cualquiera que fuera la verdad, estaba enterrada en el corazón de una ciudad ahora envuelta en el manto del olvido y la desesperación.

En su camino hacia la ciudad, Jake enfrentaría no solo los peligros evidentes de un entorno desgarrado por la guerra, sino también los misterios y las incertidumbres que aguardaban en el interior de los edificios en ruinas. Con cada paso, se encontraría con los vestigios de lo que una vez fue la vida moderna: calles desiertas, edificios derruidos que susurraban historias de un pasado glorioso, y la sombra constante de lo desconocido acechando en cada esquina.

A medida que Jake se adentrara en la ciudad, se vería obligado a enfrentarse a decisiones difíciles y dilemas éticos. ¿Hasta dónde estaría dispuesto a llegar para obtener la información que podía cambiar el destino de la humanidad? ¿Cómo lidiaría con los encuentros inesperados y las alianzas precarias que podrían surgir en su travesía? La ciudad, una vez hogar de miles, ahora se convertía en el escenario de la búsqueda de Jake, quien se veía impulsado por la esperanza de encontrar respuestas, aunque ello significara sumergirse más profundamente en las sombras de un mundo caído.
00:01Hello and welcome to this
00:04Minecraft adventure map called
00:06nostalgia from the creator Killer Creeper is going
00:09to tell us a story and we are going to
00:15start we are already
00:17here we already have the rules and we are going to let this
00:23calm down a little There
00:26are all the rules We have to
00:29comply although we already know them and how
00:33volume works everything else is there we don't
00:36have to move in the cutscenes
00:37So let's
00:41start Yes and we stay
00:58still [Music]
01:09again let's
01:19Hello there is
01:23someone what was
01:28that Hello
01:36There's someone in
01:40there I have a problem with the car
01:42can someone come help me
01:44please Where are the people at this
01:51Hello what was that
01:54I'm leaving
02:04come on let's
02:10okay guys please [
02:28please [Music
02:49[Music ]
03:23What are you
03:24doing, nothing, I'm going now, it's happening
03:33okay, we can't
03:35go here, the truth is,
03:42introduction is really amazing and let's see what it
03:45tells us, we should take something to the
03:47camp before nightfall V rabbits
03:50in this area for the week past Yes but
03:53who knows how long have you been hunting when I was little
03:56my father used to take me hunting I didn't go
03:59many times but I learned the basics How to
04:01shoot move without being heard
04:03you are a volunteer here we shouldn't
04:06help each other boy it's the
04:08only way to get ahead I mean
04:10e Is there someone else who does it or
04:12are you the only one? Eh well, since you are new
04:15and have nothing wrong, how about
04:17accompanying me more often? You still don't
04:19know if I am good at hunting. Believe me, there is
04:21no one in the camp who knows how to
04:23hunt. Could you teach your people to
04:25use the bow Or maybe you can also
04:28teach them now that you will stay with
04:30us I have never been good at
04:32teaching people but I think that
04:33nowadays everyone already knows what they have to do
04:35to survive it is still a
04:37world screwed to assimilate children
04:40should not see so much violence
04:42women should be protected at
04:44all costs they are the only hope
04:46we men should be
04:48there to protect them but everyone should
04:50know how to shoot a bow Francis if those
04:53damn bastards will be comfortable
04:56in their happy cities we all have to
04:58pay for it
05:01look there is a rabbit Go up to it and
05:05kill it with the knife hopefully there will be
05:07more rabbits in the
05:09area Ok Ok well we have to get
05:13rabbit meat sorry bunny jak there
05:17is another rabbit there next to it okay here
05:25another two out of
05:32okay we have meat more
05:37experience and we're missing
05:42One Okay
05:46here we can't Here I've seen something
05:50no there
05:58great it arrives for today it's
06:01back perfect we're going little by little Oh there's
06:06someone no
06:08yes And if they don't see me and If I go from
06:17Ah I can't go
06:21this way he won't let me go
06:25this way okay I mean we have to go back with give
06:33me everything you just hunted don't
06:36give him anything J Shut up I'm not talking
06:38to you you didn't listen to what I said yes I have
06:41hunted some rabbits I don't give a [ __ ] about what
06:43I hunt, give it to me right now and the
06:45knife works too No Jake, don't
06:53do it here Now I want you to go to your
06:57camp and bring me the food
06:58you have there, you understand, no, Jake, don't pay
07:01attention to him Hey, I'll do whatever you ask.
07:04Look, he learns soon, not like this
07:06big mouth, because that's already taking you Jake,
07:09don't do it, you can't know where
07:12we are. Hey, no. Finally, he
07:18shuts up. Don't try to waste my time or you'll end up like him. You didn't understand the
07:20first one. Go get the food right now,
07:23okay. I'll get you used to our
07:27visits okay Well, they have killed
07:31Francis, let's go to the camp. Then he
07:34told us to bring him food. I, who know how,
07:36can bring him a piece of bread
07:39and that's it, they
07:44leave us, let's go this way,
07:51I have to take advantage of this
07:55opportunity. It's the camp, what a
07:57camp, the ugliest camp.
08:01A book by a
08:02stranger. For several days,
08:05people haven't spoken to me or even looked at me.
08:08They treat me like a weirdo. I'm fed up with the fact that
08:10I'm fed up and that's why I'm leaving. If you read
08:14this, tell them it's their fault. of them and
08:17their fear of a disease that is not
08:23bastards Okay well I
08:27'll tell you the disease two contagious
08:34guys up there can
08:41go up it has this
08:50fatal painted on it okay here no we can't
08:56V it's super cool and the voices seem
09:00super cool to me I mean Let it be a map
09:03basically as if it were a
09:08new video game Hello Hey everything is fine I heard
09:13a gunshot We
09:15heard it too it seems like there is someone nearby
09:18okay be careful out there even if you are
09:21new You are already part of the group Yes
09:23thanks Look this one is
09:25cutting down It's like
09:28a man with
09:30glasses is leaving, he's a zombie with a mask,
09:33you go and
09:38Okay, it says that we don't have
09:40to make changes with the Villagers,
09:43I understand that those are Villagers, so let's go to
09:50camp okay. There are
09:53things there, this What is a normal pond? and
09:56current without
09:59I hope you are hearing well the
10:01truth is that the configuration took about three
10:05times to
10:09configure this one he is carrying
10:14boxes of
10:18food Hello
10:22Joel okay he is carrying
10:27logs here
10:31what the hell is the day today [ __ ] is the day
10:34but yes every day
10:43Hello I carry a lot of days going out to
10:46look for these idiots who were
10:47lost in the forest, they are not lost, they have been
10:50kidnapped, which is different or they
10:53have disappeared or something like that, but they have not
10:57lost you here, no one disappears, they all
11:00leave to try their luck in other
11:01camps, as happened to me. me And
11:03surely you too well it's the same I do
11:05n't want to talk more
11:09Okay I think the music is loud I
11:12hear it loud But it could also be
11:14because of the headphones
11:16eh there is
11:20nothing here there is nothing here They are like
11:25crafting tables okay he I saw one of food there
11:29Hello tonight We will have a talk
11:31to decide what we do with Charlie, his
11:33illness is very advanced He thinks there
11:36is a supermarket nearby and he keeps
11:37asking why we don't buy There he is
11:40making many people feel bad, you know we don't
11:42want to Let them remind us of what
11:45we lost Okay then at night we will talk
11:48to Charlie shine
11:52okay let me out let me out this is
11:57a spider web for sure
12:00okay we have four of food Oops What a
12:11here one of 15 newspapers okay
12:19Hello okay we
12:21have another one of food and we There's
12:27one left, it's the same, we can go up
12:31here, no. Ah, look how cool, the dog
12:34throws things at him and he
12:36picks them up, let's go here for a little
12:39walk. Ah, look, there it is, okay. I don't
12:42understand why we're dying of hunger,
12:44having a supermarket close to our house. I
12:47should leave them all and loot before
12:50others find out damn those
12:53who don't
12:54believe me I'll accompany you If you want to the
13:02here we can go up yes So if
13:04we can go up it's because there is
13:22something around here there will be something no no
13:26Oops Ah we can go up there anyway up Let's
13:41see, no, we can't go any further from here. So I
13:44don't think there's
13:51much. It's not worth it. Let's go get the food
13:54and give it to the
13:57looters. I'd swear that
14:04the food could go through there for the bandits.
14:08Well, let's go. Let's
14:10go quickly. Let's see. What's
14:18in store for us? I hope they don't ask me for more things
14:20because it seems to me that we are starved for
14:22food in this
14:27camp and that these people here don't
14:29see me. Because of course if these people here
14:30see me taking the
14:38food. Good
14:50afternoon or either we have to find
14:53newspapers somewhere 15 is the
15:04ok the looters are here no Yes
15:10there they are
15:14Hello good
15:19afternoon Let's see if you're starving you have the
15:22food yes it's the only thing I could get wow
15:25It's more than what we would see we don't
15:28want to kill either hungry, I don't know if you
15:29understand me, this starving man has
15:32the makings of a thief, he hasn't stolen
15:35anything from the city. No, you're stupid, no one
15:38has the balls to come within
15:391 km of our city. Hey, what do you
15:43think? I had
15:46thought of course
15:53eh what happened Oops how dizzy Oops how
15:56dizzy where am I
16:00Hello Don't you think we should have
16:04taken some woman from their camp we
16:06have enough just take care
16:09of the ones you have earned and don't kill
16:11any others with your stupid
16:13sadistic games you will be bastard So you already know it, you
16:17know it. We are all always
16:19aware of any crazy people we have,
16:21like you, I have to keep
16:23an eye on you and the [ __ ] Carlos
16:26is still at the guard post here, he's been here
16:28for a few weeks, they're
16:31punishing us hard next time. Once you
16:33Explore the area and don't bring anything, you
16:35'll be deported, until this one that we came
16:37back has done more today than expensive in the
16:39last month and we have accomplished
16:42having found a new camp is
16:44giving us several months of life brother,
16:47especially after the other's
16:49camp, [ __ ] crazy people have committed suicide.
16:51That old man thought I would
16:53give him his daughter back and what a face he had
16:56when I told him I had destroyed her. Well,
16:59keep quiet, I don't want to know anything about
17:01your disgusting details, I'm going to play
17:08music, one missing, here two, okay, here,
17:11what can we do?
17:22do break the glass with this and
17:29what the hell are you doing stop the vehicle right now
17:43shoot what's
17:45cool okay look we have some
17:48meat there and a first aid kit take
17:58two the
18:13city okay let's go get the first aid kit
18:21we can't take the piece of meat
18:27okay what Cool, a car here in Minecraft
18:31disappears But nothing happens, we're going to
18:33continue from
18:37there to there, there's nothing, we're going to go
18:41forward to where they were directing us to
18:43see what
18:48appears okay Here's a
18:53city cell nearby Oh look, there's something there.
18:57Since the city is over there I have to
19:01try to cross the wall that the
19:06city built These are supplies,
19:17not this this What is it okay Here there is
19:23nothing let's see here Ah it won't let us
19:26go there anymore okay
19:29we have invisible walls that's
19:34good okay There I see something shiny Let's
19:38go in here just in
19:40case Hello there is
19:45someone who says read the description of
19:48the items okay it is used to break boxes and
19:52hit I mean
19:56yes this is okay a book let's first go
19:59to what it said it is useful to break
20:04boxes the boxes could be these What
20:07were they? Here we are going to
20:15see these or these will be to break
20:22boxes not to break these these boxes are
20:28Okay what does it put us in the
20:30book abandonment I am tired of guarding
20:33this position while my colleagues
20:35have a good time hunting rats I kept the
20:38key to the garage in the tower use the
20:41hook to go up
20:45okay Oops the
20:49background music is gone Okay then let's go to the hook to
20:53get the hook to go
20:59this is used to break
21:02boxes What kind of boxes I don't know how
21:07to pick up the hook this
21:13is is a little strange How to
21:22pick it up ok I already have it I have the
21:50I have no idea what it says here Ah ok
21:54here it says
21:57key there is nothing behind here no because I
21:59can't break this
22:12Ah I still have to get up
22:25Aha I have an account This is
22:31like this, maybe I have to be here, go up and
22:39like Well, it doesn't
22:55work the same, I have to get right under it.
23:00It seems that
23:03one key is worth, well, three keys. Create
23:06a line to open the closure, okay,
23:09horizontal or
23:14vertical, it doesn't matter.
23:17No And if I do like
23:32advice, they have taken away all our
23:34books, let's see what they tell us. The motorcycle is
23:37broken. When you get on it, use space
23:40to start it. It has little gasoline and there is
23:43almost no fuel left in this area.
23:55Okay, hey, what's wrong with us.
24:04We have a caution sign here.
24:18There is a house.
24:22here or there there is an evil man
24:33let's go
24:41through let's go H this house What's up guys
24:45you come early I haven't seen anyone pass by
24:48but if you want to go Giving me the
24:50perfect food the detour
24:53to enter the
24:55city is guarded who are you get out of here I'll
24:57let you know Tell me or I'll burn you down the house
25:02is not guarded now Leave me alone and
25:03go away
25:05Hello I would like to
25:07come in maybe you have things around
25:17here you have a broken fence
25:30let's go to this house Look this house is
25:34not a note good well two out of 15 we are
25:39fine For now
25:47no Okay
25:52Oops here we don't have anything as a gift
25:56us no it doesn't
26:12work as it says it can be used to break things there
26:18the hook may not be the right thing
26:28to put in the 2s slot maybe that's why it does
26:38work Okay so we sneak in and
26:41go with the
26:45motorcycle is okay Let's go p
26:49p we have a
26:53stop But if we
27:00okay Ah look here there is a
27:05path we are going along the
27:12Caminito these are drif motorcycles and I will be able to get on
27:17yes we are going to make sure that we don't find
27:20any paper around here
27:24and we get off it
27:35makes a lot of noise in the motorcycle
27:39eh, the seamen have
27:42found out about the
27:43accident, they will never come to the conclusion
27:46that we lost three men when
27:47preparing a suicide, I think that
27:50anything will make them collapse, they
27:53deserve to die all at once,
27:56positive side nowadays There are few things with
27:58the ones that have fun killing rats makes me
28:00wake up happy every day how
28:03poetic you are made don't
28:06freak out either
28:10okay let's see where we have to
28:18go okay we can jump here and here there
28:21will be
28:23something there I see some
28:26stairs maybe over
28:29here we can go up and
28:33see no We can't go up here, they're
28:36blocking us El Paso okay we have to go
28:38here then pum pum
28:46p let's see if we find
28:49things okay There I see
28:55brown blocks Charli ate
28:58Charlie ate
28:59here boxes of sardines look like
29:06that okay Okay
29:12Uh we've
29:25gone too far okay let's go
29:28here now here what ah this is used
29:32to break glass was
29:37Ah no there is another block
29:53the same I have to stand right here like this
30:12okay well I don't understand I understand that
30:16the mechanics like this
30:22up here and this doesn't let us break So let's
30:26go this way then Oops Well it
30:30turned out well for us there
30:38Yes ok little by
30:43little let's see what we
30:52here V there is nothing so
31:04note to drag yourself through the conduit
31:08stand on top and look down the
31:10books can
31:13drop ok yes The drop disappears
31:19okay let's see if we have something here
31:22Before we get more involved in the
31:26story I want to get all the
31:32is's there is nothing
31:35okay So let's get in
31:39here and let's see what happens we have a
31:44little left to finish
31:49today little by
31:53little there is no exit,
31:56not that the
32:02exit is okay, we see a lot of things
32:05but here there is no exit So we
32:08are going to go towards the other now you will see
32:11everything very dark but the truth is
32:13that there is no light I mean we don't have
32:33we have a silence here okay we see
32:37a lot of
32:42things there is no way
32:45out I hope you see it clearly the
32:47truth Wow what a knock
32:56okay we hear a lot of noise so
32:59this is the way out chups
33:02Hello Look there we can hang up
33:06Okay then let's take a walk around here and
33:09we will cut today's video note due to an
33:14unknown import of supplies
33:17due to the constant clashes
33:20when distributing supplies
33:21we have made the decision to send
33:23armed soldiers to control the
33:26situation let's hope it is a good
33:30solution Okay
33:35we save it let's go
33:37here and get on First of all,
33:55okay, I understand that we have to touch that
33:58lever, no. And if we do this here
34:13and there is one more lever that
34:16we have to
34:18touch, that's on. Oh okay,
34:32here we go quickly and touch the lever and when we see
34:42happens, a little
34:46Parkour okay. That exit door has been opened,
34:59we cannot afford to eat more, help
35:04those who need it most, eat just
35:07enough and share the
35:10rest of the
35:11vegetables, okay, let's see what's
35:13in store for us here and we'll cut the
35:15video by Ho
35:24Castro is missing. a
35:32missing panda Iván
35:38Pérez here is a car okay we can't
35:42go any further here let's move around
35:45here how silent people have to
35:49be hiding somewhere
36:04missing and it's Susana
36:09Fernández Okay then we're going to leave it
36:12here in this
36:13puzzle this is a puzzle I understand okay
36:17light cubes we leave it here I hope you
36:20liked this first
36:22addition of nostalgia a
36:26Killer map I really like it a lot
36:28and I'll see you next day here at
