هل يواصل الذهب رحلة الصعود بعد تسجيل مستويات شراء تاريخية في عام 2023؟

  • 7 months ago


00:00 The gold purchases record record levels in 2023.
00:07 What are the main reasons behind this?
00:10 And will the yellow coal continue its journey to the top in 2024?
00:15 First, we note that according to the World Gold Council,
00:19 it is unlikely that gold purchases will reach the record levels
00:24 that were recorded last year in 2024.
00:28 At the same time, because most countries today still record high levels of gold purchases,
00:34 but in the range of moderate gold purchases, not the single gold purchases.
00:39 This will reduce the acceptance of gold as a safe deposit during crises.
00:44 If we look at the most important gold-purchasing companies, even this year,
00:49 we start with the Chinese economic weakness, especially with the real estate crisis
00:54 that has been a storm in China and led to the acceptance of gold purchases,
00:58 in addition to the implications of the Ukrainian-Russian war,
01:01 and also tensions in the Middle East.
01:04 All these crises make investors more willing to buy gold.
01:11 In this context, we also note that the head of central banks in the World Gold Council
01:16 considered that moderate inflation could move gold prices in the two directions,
01:22 up and down, and this will of course lead to the possibility that the record levels of gold
01:29 that were recorded last year will not be recorded this year.
01:34 In this context, we note that in December 2023,
01:38 gold prices reached their highest levels ever.
01:42 The gold price touched the levels of $2,100, but we remember last week,
01:48 after Jerome Powell announced that the US Federal Reserve
01:52 is having a hard time lowering interest rates.
01:55 Starting in March, gold prices dropped to 3%
02:03 In this context, we also note that the head of central banks in the World Gold Council
02:07 considered that 2023 was the second-highest year in history
02:13 in the purchase of central banks for gold.
02:16 Therefore, if we look at the numbers, we notice that the levels of purchase,
02:22 in total transactions in 2023, reached 4,899 tons of gold.
02:30 We say, of course, that these transactions are carried out outside the stock exchange
02:35 and the depository deposits.
02:37 If we look at 2022, we notice that in total transactions,
02:42 4,741 tons of gold were received.
02:46 In this context, we also note that the purchases of central banks for gold
02:51 exceeded 1,000 tons over the next two years.
02:55 If we look at the largest central bank in the world in gold purchases,
02:59 the People's Bank of China was the largest gold buyer in 2023
03:05 with 225 tons of gold.
03:08 This led to a rise in its gold deposit to 2,235 tons.
03:15 As we mentioned, the main reason behind this great increase in gold purchases
03:20 is the real estate crisis that erupted in China last year
03:24 and led to the major development of real estate companies in China
03:29 to protect themselves from bankruptcy.
03:31 These were the most important details about the historical levels of gold purchases
03:36 that were recorded in 2023, in addition to the expectations for 2024.
