• last year
With Facebook celebrating its 20th birthday, we went out to ask the good people of Lancashire what they think if social media, how much of an impact they think it's had on modern life, and if they think that influence has been positive or negative...
00:00 Hi, I'm Theo Hewson-Betts and today I'm going to be out on the streets of Preston asking
00:03 people about their views on social media. That's because this week marks the 20th anniversary
00:09 of Facebook being launched and the beginning of the social media age. I want to find out
00:13 if people think that that's been a good thing for the world or a bad.
00:17 So 20 years on then now from when Facebook was launched in the first place, do you think
00:21 that in your opinion it's been a good thing for mankind or do you think that it's a negative?
00:27 I would say Facebook has been a positive in terms of the ability to connect with people
00:33 all around the world and it has a bit more regulation from previous social media spaces
00:41 like Myspace where there was no, there wasn't much regulation. However now with the rise
00:47 of Instagram and TikTok it has taken away a lot of the light from Facebook and Facebook
00:53 may be seen as more of an old people website or a millennial website than...
01:00 20 years since the launch of Facebook, what's your opinion on how much that launch, the
01:05 start of the social media age, has changed the world?
01:08 Well to be honest, social media has its perks and its obviously bad at the same time. Obviously
01:16 everything nowadays is on social media. If you go out you post on social media, if you
01:22 go on holiday you put your holiday pics on social media. Then also you get the front
01:26 end of it, you get some people who negatively use it by insulting people and abusing people.
01:34 You see in the football nowadays, if someone makes an error, immediately people go to the
01:39 comments and go "oh you cost us this" and start going in on their families. But in reality
01:46 people make mistakes and I think social media for that reason, at the moment, as much as
01:52 it does good, I don't think there's enough regulation of it to outweigh the negatives.
01:58 Cool, so I'll put you on the spot then and we'll zip back 20 years. You've got a button
02:02 in front of you that can kill Facebook, can kill the advent of social media. Knowing what
02:07 you know now, in the position we are now with social media, do you press that button or
02:10 no? Yeah I'd press it. I mean at the end of the day, just think now, we've lived with
02:21 social media, I'm 21, I would have been one when it came out. All my life's been revolved
02:28 around social media so thinking of life without it would be very strange. Yeah, if there were
02:35 things I could change about it I would, but no. That's the view that we got today from
02:41 the people on the street. What are your thoughts on social media? Are there things you would
02:44 change? Let us know in the comments down below.
