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These terrifying creatures are pure nightmare fuel! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the creepiest beasts, demons, and other entities across various mythologies.


00:00 (Screeching)
00:02 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the creepiest beasts, demons, and other entities across various mythologies.
00:10 We'll be leaving creatures from singular works of literature like Cthulhu and modern cryptids like Mothman for another list.
00:17 "That's right."
00:18 Number 20. Minotaur.
00:28 "Is that the Minotaur?" "Once the attacks start, they never let up."
00:31 This half-man, half-bull has struck fear into many hearts for ages. After all, this is not a creature that regular humans can outrun or overpower.
00:40 With tremendous strength, agility, and a primal rage that pretty much cannot be quelled, the Minotaur is a force to be reckoned with.
00:48 "Boo!"
00:55 He also had a habit of eating people. Kept imprisoned in King Minos of Crete's shadowy labyrinth, the Minotaur was actually the result of a punishment from Poseidon.
01:05 Minos ordered Daedalus to build the Great Maze to contain the beast. According to Greek myth, Theseus bested the Minotaur, with some navigational help from the king's daughter, Ariadne.
01:16 Number 19. Jorogumo.
01:19 "Take this thread off!"
01:20 If you find regular spiders scary enough, you better hope you don't get caught up in a Jorogumo's web.
01:33 This entity from Japanese folklore tends to appear to victims under the guise of a beautiful woman.
01:38 But once a Jorogumo gets your attention, it quickly traps you in its inescapable web and poisons you.
01:44 These seductive spiders have a particular hunger for humans. In one story from the Joran Falls of Izu, a Jorogumo lives as mistress of a waterfall and attempts to drag men to a watery demise.
01:56 Variations and adaptations of the legend have been said to enchant victims, shapeshift and breathe fire.
02:02 Number 18. Amet.
02:11 "My path is set, same as anyone's. I'm here to bring balance."
02:16 This goddess from Egyptian mythology has the body of a lion, the lower half of a hippo and the head of a crocodile.
02:23 If that's not enough to make you bolt straight for the exit, then we're not quite sure what will.
02:27 Besides being quite the amalgamation of animals, Amet's also known as Devourer of the Dead.
02:33 When souls being judged in the underworld are deemed impure, it's Amet's job to eat them.
02:38 To pass judgment and avoid their hearts being on the menu, ancient Egyptians were typically buried with a copy of the Book of the Dead.
02:45 "Your scales lack balance."
02:48 "I understand."
02:50 Number 17. Gashadokuro.
02:52 "I don't got this."
03:00 Gashadokuro might be a group effort, but don't think that makes this monster any less formidable.
03:06 The Japanese mythical creature is made from the skulls of people who died in the midst of terrible events, typically battle.
03:13 The vengeful souls of the departed merge to form Gashadokuro, a menacing skeletal figure.
03:18 This giant would then stalk the night in search of humans to eat.
03:22 Animated by resentment, the creature would stop its reign of terror only when every soul's anger was gone.
03:28 That task seems a bit easier said than done.
03:31 "Yes!"
03:35 "Thank goodness that's over."
03:38 Number 16. Mare.
03:40 "It says here that the Mare visit sleeping humans at night and create nightmares out of their fears."
03:46 Ever wonder where the word nightmare comes from? We owe it to the Mare.
03:50 A demonic creature from across multiple mythologies that haunts sleeping people,
03:54 the Mare would essentially break into your home, sit on your chest, and use your fears to give you a chilling dream.
04:01 A visit from the Mare could also result in tangled hair or attempted strangulation.
04:06 Sometimes, victims would actually wake up during this experience and be unable to move.
04:11 Does that make Mare the original sleep paralysis demon? Either way, they've got a fearsome reputation.
04:17 "I was just frozen. Utterly in terror."
04:21 Number 15. Nuclavi.
04:28 Everything about the Nuclavi is gross.
04:31 The Orcadian demon is said to have a body without any skin and an enormous head.
04:35 Sometimes, even two heads.
04:37 It's also said to have breath so poisonous it could cause plants to wilt and livestock to perish.
04:43 Sorry, but there aren't enough mints in the world to fix that problem.
04:46 The Nuclavi is actually a sea demon that takes its monstrous part-horse form when it goes on land.
04:52 The islander's saving grace is the Seamither, an ancient being that contains the beast to the ocean during the summer.
04:58 Maybe avoid the northern isles of Scotland in the off-season.
05:02 "For my father."
05:03 "For all those that you've slain."
05:11 "For myself."
05:19 "For myself."
05:20 Number 14. Ushioni.
05:26 Roughly translating to "Ox Demon", Ushioni are malevolent Japanese monsters.
05:36 Accounts about their physical appearance have varied, changing based on where the legends arose.
05:41 Ushioni are said to have the head of an ox with spider or crab-like bodies.
05:46 Other legends include wings and tusks.
05:48 But despite whatever they may look like, they always end up terrorizing people.
05:53 Often appearing near bodies of water, including at beaches, rivers, swamps and pools,
05:58 they have been said to drain the souls of victims.
06:01 A face like the Ushioni is absolutely one of the last things you'd want to find when going for a walk or crossing the ocean.
06:07 "I don't know who you are, human, but you just made a big mistake."
06:12 Number 13. Typhon.
06:16 "Typhon?" "Typhon!"
06:18 When a creature has been sometimes referred to as the father of all monsters,
06:23 there's a good chance it's gonna send shivers down your spine.
06:26 Typhon is no joke.
06:28 The half-serpent giant has 100 snake heads on his shoulders and has been said to breathe fire.
06:33 Add flashing eyes and giant wings coming out of his back, and just the sight will cause chaos.
06:39 With the monster Echidna, Typhon's offspring included multi-headed dogs, the Hydra and the Chimera.
06:45 In Greek mythology, a vicious battle with Zeus ends with Typhon cast into Tartarus.
06:50 "His brutal attack sent everyone packing, and Zeus had to face him alone."
06:57 Number 12. La Llorona.
06:59 "Voy a quedar contigo para siempre."
07:03 She may not always look as monstrous as other entities in Latin American folklore, such as the livestock-killing chupacabra,
07:14 but La Llorona can be very dangerous.
07:16 According to legend, the weeping woman drowned her own children after finding out her husband was unfaithful to her.
07:22 In some versions of the tale, she then drowns herself.
07:26 Mothers warn their children not to wander near bodies of water, since they may find a mourning La Llorona.
07:32 Those who spot her usually see her covered in a white dress and can also hear her weeping loudly.
07:38 The story has scared kids and adults for generations.
07:42 "M-m-mom... Mom!"
07:45 [Screaming]
07:47 Number 11.
07:49 You should never reveal personal information to people you don't trust.
07:59 That is especially true when it comes to the Dullahan.
08:02 According to Irish folklore, this creature can guarantee your death just by saying your name.
08:07 If that's not enough, the Dullahan is also very physically imposing.
08:12 It typically rides on a horse and can carry a whip that's fashioned from a human spine.
08:16 Oh, and it carries around its own severed head.
08:19 You may be aware of some depictions of the Dullahan as the headless horseman.
08:23 There's no easy way to say this, but if the Dullahan wants you gone, then you're gone.
08:28 "Wait, he's not after you."
08:30 "I'll get him."
08:32 Number 10.
08:36 [Roaring]
08:39 "That's right. Follow, Buffy. Good dogs."
08:43 Demonic canines can be found in stories of cultures from around the globe.
08:47 Though any big, angry, aggressive dog can be terrifying,
08:50 the Hellhound in any iteration is much, much worse.
08:54 Closely associated with death wherever it's found.
08:57 Depending on who you ask, the Hellhound can kill you with just a few glances.
09:01 In other cultures, simply hearing its howl can spell demise.
09:04 Some versions suck blood, some are as large as a horse,
09:07 while others actually have shape-shifting abilities.
09:10 Most cultures seem to agree, however, on the Hellhound being extremely strong, fast, and having incredibly foul breath.
09:18 In the case of Cerberus, you're looking at a three-headed Hellhound.
09:21 Triple yikes.
09:23 "Get back!"
09:28 Number 9.
09:30 "Jake, look out!"
09:33 [Screaming]
09:35 "What is this thing?"
09:39 This monstrous creature looks like a science experiment gone wrong.
09:43 Though there is some variance, the classic chimera has the head of a lion,
09:47 an admittedly cool start, a tail with a snake's head on it, again, badass,
09:52 and a goat's head sticking out of its back. Yikes.
09:55 Yeah, that's where it takes a sharp left turn into terror territory,
09:59 and brings to mind David Cronenberg's "The Fly."
10:02 The chimera hails from Greek mythology, and counts the aforementioned Cerberus among its siblings.
10:08 While Cerberus is terrifyingly intimidating, it's the oddness of the chimera that inspires a certain grotesque fear.
10:14 Of course, its ability to breathe fire and signal impending disaster don't hurt either.
10:19 "Help us! Vegas Budman, help us!"
10:24 Number 8.
10:26 "Have you ever heard of a dybbuk?"
10:29 "Mm-mm."
10:30 "It is the soul of a dead person that has been barred from entering heaven."
10:36 This distinct brand of Jewish ghost is a cut above the rest when it comes to wreaking havoc in a person's life.
10:41 The slightest religious doubt or misstep makes a body vulnerable to possession by these otherworldly entities.
10:48 Dybbuk roughly translates to "clinging spirit,"
10:51 and refers to a malicious ghost that, rather than moving on, latches on to other living things.
10:57 Should it find its way into the body of a living person, it can have disastrous influence.
11:02 To avoid catching your very own dybbuk, avoid purchasing old wine cabinets off of eBay,
11:07 and be sure to get your mezuzahs from a quality source.
11:10 "Baby, you're hurting me!"
11:12 "Mark, stop it!"
11:14 "No!"
11:15 "No!"
11:16 Number 7.
11:18 "Dragon."
11:19 These exotic creatures require very little introduction.
11:22 Sure, you may have fantasized about Khaleesi giving you a dragon of your very own.
11:26 [Dragon roars]
11:33 But though they are indeed awe-inspiring, let's be honest.
11:37 Would it not be pants-wettingly terrifying to meet one face-to-face?
11:40 A colossal flying reptilian beast with a nearly impenetrable hide,
11:45 massive gnashing teeth, and, who could forget, the ability to breathe fire?
11:50 How is that not the stuff of nightmares?
11:52 They are absolutely captivating on screen,
11:55 but a world in which dragons are real is a world that any sane person would not want to inhabit.
12:00 Have you seen "Reign of Fire"?
12:02 Go watch "Reign of Fire."
12:03 [Dragon roars]
12:12 Number 6.
12:13 "Kraken."
12:14 [Dragon roars]
12:25 Deep-sea fishing sure sounds like fun,
12:27 until you start to contemplate all the water beneath your feet.
12:30 Honestly, space may be the final frontier,
12:33 but just think of what might be lurking miles beneath the ocean's surface.
12:37 You know what?
12:38 Why bother using your imagination when we could just release the Kraken?
12:41 It's long been spoken about in hushed voices by sailors of Scandinavian cultures,
12:46 particularly those coming from Greenland and Norway.
12:49 The Kraken, in its most popular interpretation,
12:51 is described as a gargantuan, octopus-like creature with the ability to sink ships.
12:57 So, yeah, points for staying on dry land.
13:00 [Dragon roars]
13:04 Number 5.
13:05 "Incubus Succubus."
13:07 [Incubus succubus roars]
13:13 "No way."
13:15 These sensual creatures are to be avoided at all costs.
13:18 It doesn't matter whether you're invited to bed by an incubus or seduced by a succubus.
13:22 In either case, a demonic romp in the sheets with them could cost you your health, sanity, or even your very life.
13:29 Though they might appear attractive at a glance,
13:31 you should be on the lookout for talons of serpent-like tails.
13:34 The fear of these beings was so widespread at one point
13:37 that the church released a guide of at least five ways to avoid the most dangerous hookup of your life.
13:42 While one evening with an incubus or succubus wasn't always a death sentence,
13:47 the prospect is so risky that you're better off immediately swiping left.
13:51 "I made you hopeless."
13:53 [Incubus succubus roars]
13:59 "Hopeless."
14:00 Number 4.
14:01 "Werewolves."
14:02 [Werewolves roar]
14:13 Though the monsters that populate myths of old are indeed the stuff of nightmares,
14:17 few can inspire fear quite like werewolves.
14:20 Why? Because a werewolf isn't just a vicious creature.
14:23 It's a vicious creature that you yourself could very well become.
14:27 The beast within Unleashed, an uncontrollable animal driven by pure instinct.
14:32 The concept of werewolves has plagued humankind dating back to the Middle Ages, if not earlier.
14:38 A human being, after being bitten, cursed, or otherwise afflicted,
14:42 transforms into a wolf or wolf-like creature.
14:45 After transforming, most werewolves have no control over their actions
14:49 and could very well harm those nearest and dearest to them.
14:52 It's terrifying that you could become your own worst nightmare.
14:56 [Werewolf howls]
15:00 "Don't stop it. Don't stop it."
15:04 "There you are, pet."
15:06 [Werewolf roars]
15:08 Number 3.
15:09 "Baba Yaga."
15:10 "Which shall it be? The right or the left?"
15:17 "Now this will hurt a lot."
15:20 Are you familiar with this particular witch?
15:22 If not, you probably actually slept well as a young child.
15:25 But don't worry, this terrifying creature from Eastern European folklore
15:28 is scary enough to make up for lost time by robbing you of your sleep now.
15:33 She lives in a cabin in the woods that stands on two tall chicken legs
15:37 and rides around in a mortar wielding a pestle.
15:40 But don't let these eccentricities fool you.
15:42 Though she can be benevolent at times,
15:45 she's truly startling to behold given her gnarled witchy appearance.
15:48 And she's got a well-documented penchant for human flesh.
15:52 "Come, sit here."
15:57 The English have black anise, but Baba Yaga is even worse.
16:02 Number 2.
16:03 "Vampires."
16:04 "You think you can destroy me?"
16:07 "You're right."
16:09 [Vampire roars]
16:13 "They want to suck your blood."
16:15 Seriously though, while Twilight made them relatively benign
16:18 and what we do in the shadows made them hilarious,
16:21 vampires, when stripped of all the modern pop culture baggage,
16:24 are downright terrifying.
16:26 Sexy? Sometimes.
16:28 But for centuries, dating back to medieval times,
16:30 these blood-sucking fiends have been scaring the life out of people.
16:34 Not just regular vampires,
16:36 but weird variations like the goat-sucking chupacabra,
16:39 the ghoulish Naxxir,
16:41 and the shape-shifting Strigoi.
16:43 Imagine a creature draining you of your blood
16:45 in order to temporarily sate its unquenchable thirst.
16:49 Sure, a nighttime visit from a vampire might sound like an erotic premise,
16:53 but in application, it would be a most grisly end to your life.
16:57 "I was betrayed.
17:00 Look what your God has done to me."
17:06 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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17:22 Number 1 - Manananggal
17:24 "Help. Help me.
17:28 Help.
17:31 Help me."
17:35 Never heard of it?
17:36 Consider yourself lucky for having avoided this pure dose of nightmare fuel as long as you did.
17:41 We are here to ruin that for you.
17:43 This walking and flying horror show, hailing from the Philippines,
17:47 is like a vampire on steroids.
17:49 It also puts most other creatures on our list to shame with its characteristics.
17:53 It's a hideous being that is capable of, wait for it, splitting its own body in half.
17:59 The upper half flies off in search of prey,
18:01 while the creepy bottom just stands there and waits.
18:04 According to folklore, Manananggal like to prey on pregnant women,
18:08 loving couples, and would-be grooms who never got married.
18:11 Oh, and did we mention it likes to attack sleeping victims?
18:15 Sweet dreams.
18:17 Is there a nightmare-inducing creature we missed?
18:27 Scare us in the comments.
18:29 "He mocks me and I've had enough!"
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18:41 [outro music]
