الوظائف في اميركا ترتفع بشكل غير متوقع!

  • 7 months ago


00:00 The American economy was surprised by the number of jobs in January, where expectations
00:06 were pointed to the decline in the number of unemployed jobs in the sector by 187,000
00:12 out of 216,000.
00:14 But in January, it added 353,000 jobs, which is the highest level since February 2023.
00:24 The jobs in the industrial sector were expected to decline by 5,000 out of 6,000, but they
00:31 suddenly rose by 23,000.
00:35 The jobs in the private sector were expected to decline by 155,000 out of 164,000, but
00:43 they rose by 317,000.
00:47 As for unemployment, expectations were expected to rise from 3.7 to 3.8, but they remained
00:54 stable in January at 3.7 percent.
01:00 The sectors that were able to add jobs are the sector of professional services, which
01:05 added 74,000 jobs in January, and the highest of the average is the sector of health, which
01:11 added 75,000 jobs in January, and the sector of distribution added 45,000 jobs in January.
01:18 The increase in the number of jobs indicates the possibility of increasing spending, and
01:23 therefore increasing demand, and therefore increasing prices, which is what the US Federal
01:28 Government is trying to control, and it is a huge issue.
01:31 In the last meeting of the US Federal Government, it said that it does not expect a decrease
01:36 in the interest rates in March.
01:38 But now there are bets on a meeting in May.
01:42 Will these jobs continue with this momentum of strength, and will the US Federal Government
01:47 be able to start lowering interest rates in May?
