Incapable of Loving || Acharya Prashant

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Among couples, this sometimes goes, one of them would ask, "Oh, do you love me?"
00:04 That should not even be the question.
00:05 The question should be, are you capable of loving anything, anybody?
00:09 The fact is, neither of them are capable of loving.
00:12 So how?
00:13 It's unjust to ask such a person, "Are you loving me?"
00:16 The fellow has no faculty to love and that faculty has to be learnt, it has to be awakened
00:22 and that's the proper purpose of education.
00:24 But our education does not teach us what real love is.
00:28 So what do we have?
00:29 We have animalistic love and we think of that as the only love possible.
00:33 It's just that we have been so dulled down by the conventional images and definitions
00:40 of love that we do not realize true love even if it is right there in our face, even if
00:45 it is right there.
00:46 So, a great lover, Christ for example, what do we do to him?
00:50 We don't even see that he loves us.
00:52 All the wise men, they are just lovers but we forget them, we ignore them.
