10 Best Amazon Golf Products Under $65 | Golf Monthly

  • 9 months ago
In this video, Dan Parker runs through the ten cheap golf products he bought on Amazon and gives you honest opinion on them all. Every one of these simple golf gadgets come in under $65, so could make a perfect gift for someone in your life that plays golf or perhaps you need something that is going to make your life easier on and off the course. Our selection covers clubs, travel bags, training aids and cleaning solutions, so we’re hopeful that something will interest you among Dan’s selections - remember to use the links above to find the best prices in your area on the products we’ve chosen.


00:00 There are over 20,000 golf products on Amazon,
00:03 but after a lot of digging,
00:04 I think I've found 10 of the best for under 50 pound,
00:07 all of which are linked below.
00:09 I've tested everything from the cheapest dozen balls
00:12 on the website to a devilishly difficult training aid,
00:15 a brand new wedge, and this shoe cleaner,
00:17 which might be the best thing
00:18 I've ever spent my own money on.
00:19 Let's get started.
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00:23 Okay, first up, let's start with this.
00:26 It is the Champke Impact Mat 2.0,
00:29 and this cost me 45.99 on Amazon.
00:31 And for your money, you get everything you see
00:33 in front of you here, plus three spares,
00:35 which is fantastic.
00:36 I think good value for money there
00:38 for when this eventually wears out.
00:40 And for those who don't know,
00:41 an impact mat is a training aid
00:42 that's really visual, intuitive to use.
00:44 It's basically showing you your impact with the ball
00:47 and your club path as well.
00:49 So you can either use a ball off here and hit as I did,
00:52 or just swing on it and see where you're impacting the ball
00:55 and where your swing's coming from.
00:56 And as your club moves against this surface here,
00:59 it gives you a really visual and clear idea
01:03 of what you're doing.
01:04 And I've always wanted to try one of these,
01:05 and I absolutely loved it.
01:06 I think it's a really useful tool
01:08 that all levels of golfer can benefit from.
01:11 This premium version really feels it.
01:13 I think you're getting your value for money here
01:15 from the quality.
01:16 The rubber mat it sits in could do a bit better for me.
01:19 It moved around a few times.
01:20 That might have been the ground conditions I was using.
01:22 And one thing to note with this one
01:24 is it just sits about half an inch off the ground.
01:26 So you need to make sure that your feet are level with this,
01:29 otherwise you'll start fatting them unexpectedly.
01:31 But I love this.
01:33 I continue to use it to this day.
01:34 And I think for all levels of golfer,
01:37 a really great product.
01:38 Right, next up, let's talk about this.
01:39 It's called the Birdie Brush.
01:40 It cost me $12.99, and effectively,
01:43 it's just a spray bottle with a brush on the end.
01:45 But that's doing it a bit of a disservice, I think.
01:47 It's really well made, looks really pretty,
01:49 and does a great job of keeping your clubs clean
01:52 while you're on the course.
01:53 Not enough golfers do this, in my opinion.
01:55 So you fill this reservoir up with a bit of water,
01:57 a bit of cleaning solution.
01:59 You press down on here, squirt some water at the top,
02:01 and you can go away.
02:02 Clean your club, dry it with your towel.
02:04 Brilliant, really simple.
02:05 Comes with this excellent hook.
02:06 Pop onto your towel hook on your bag, and it hangs there.
02:09 My only problem with that is that it's got no
02:12 elasticated bit, which might help you bring it away
02:14 from the bag, you have to do it quite close.
02:15 So I've actually been keeping it in a pocket
02:17 and bringing it out as and when I need it.
02:20 There are loads of examples of these sort of things
02:22 on Amazon, but I think for $12.99,
02:24 this is a really premium option in that space.
02:26 Looks great, feels great, does a great job.
02:29 Okay, so let's talk about the golf balls then, shall we?
02:31 This is the TaylorMade Distance Plus.
02:33 This is a dozen balls for 15 pounds and 34 pence
02:36 at the time of me purchasing it.
02:38 Cheapest I could find on Amazon at the time.
02:40 It does fluctuate between some different products,
02:43 but this was the one at the time.
02:44 Went for the yellow ones 'cause it's winter,
02:46 and I've loved using these, especially in the winter.
02:49 It's a two-piece ball, so it's very hard,
02:51 but it gives you a little bit extra distance,
02:53 and when you don't need the spin around the green
02:55 when they're wet, these are brilliant for it.
02:57 And when you lose one, you're not that bothered.
02:59 It's only just above a pound of ball,
03:00 so you're not carving a brand new Pro-V one away
03:03 for three or four quid.
03:04 I love a couple of things about the way this ball looks.
03:06 It doesn't look like a cheap ball.
03:07 The TaylorMade logo is the same as you'll see
03:10 on the more expensive balls that they produce.
03:12 This Distance Plus alignment aid's really useful,
03:16 and the cover doesn't scuff up too quickly.
03:18 You know, it's quicker than some balls,
03:19 but for a 15-pound dozen, this ball I've used for 18 holes,
03:23 pretty clean still, so you're not going to be
03:25 running through them super quickly either.
03:26 So I think for 15 quid, if you're worried
03:29 about these cheap balls on Amazon
03:30 being real rubbish pebbles, they're not.
03:33 They're harder for sure, but they look great,
03:35 and I think they perform pretty well too.
03:37 Okay, next up, now this is a pretty basic one, I'll admit,
03:40 but I think it's something that not enough golfers
03:42 have in their bag or use enough.
03:44 It's this golf ball marker set I've got in front of me here.
03:47 Cost me 5.99, you get four permanent markers
03:49 of different colors, and these two attachments,
03:52 which help mark your ball.
03:54 Not only is it a really good way to help
03:56 with your alignment on the putting green,
03:58 but with these permanent markers,
04:00 you can make sure your golf ball is always identifiable,
04:03 you never mix it up with somebody else's.
04:05 These four markers should last you ages,
04:07 they're decent enough quality,
04:09 as should these two tools here.
04:11 So if you haven't got one already,
04:12 I highly recommend getting yourself one,
04:14 and this example here really impressed me.
04:17 Right, let's move on to this devilishly difficult
04:19 training aid I mentioned in the intro.
04:21 It's in the name, these are the Puttout Devil Balls,
04:23 19.99, you get two of them and this ball marker in the pack.
04:27 And what this training aid does is give you feedback
04:30 on how square or otherwise your putter face is at impact.
04:34 It does this with this flattened edge here
04:37 that basically exaggerates any sort of openness
04:40 or closeness of the face to help you understand
04:43 how you're delivering the putter face, right?
04:45 So I've actually been using this as a bit more
04:46 of a diagnosis tool, right?
04:48 So if I'm a lefty, right, so if I've been putting badly
04:50 on the green, they've been missing all left.
04:52 I'll go home, get the devil ball out,
04:54 and I'll be like, right, they're all going left.
04:56 Let me square that face up and get that feeling,
04:58 that muscle memory back of a squarer face.
05:01 This is what these are absolutely fantastic for,
05:03 and they feel like a real ball,
05:04 they're weighted like a real ball,
05:06 and as training aids go, plus things quite boring sometimes,
05:09 this brings the enjoyment factor back for me.
05:11 And for 19.99, it's a great option.
05:13 Okay, let's talk about the Me & My Golf
05:15 True Grip Glove here.
05:17 Now this is basically a bit of a cheat sheet
05:19 for how to grip the golf club.
05:22 It comes with these blue signifiers on it
05:24 across the palm and on the knuckles
05:25 that basically show you where your hand
05:27 needs to be on the club.
05:29 What I love about this the most is it comes
05:31 included with the package with this free mini series
05:33 of three lessons from Piers and Andy from Me & My Golf,
05:36 basically teaching you how to use the glove
05:39 and then how to identify changing your grip.
05:41 So if you're a slicer of the ball
05:43 or a hooker of the ball,
05:45 this mini series will show you how to adjust your grip
05:48 accordingly to get rid of that.
05:50 Now, I wouldn't wear this to play golfing, you can,
05:53 but I think there's better gloves out there.
05:55 How I've used it is as a bit of a way to check myself.
05:58 If my grip, I feel like it's slipped a little bit,
06:01 I'll whack this back on, head to the range,
06:03 and just make sure my hands are in the right place
06:05 and develop that muscle memory again.
06:08 But I think with that series of lessons
06:09 that come involved with it, the quality of this,
06:12 it can be something you always have with you
06:13 for as long as you play golf.
06:15 For 19.99, a great training aid,
06:17 one I've really enjoyed using.
06:19 Right, so we've spoken about some really great,
06:21 cheap golf products on Amazon,
06:23 but let's talk about one that maybe isn't so great.
06:24 Now, I purchased these professional golf wipes,
06:27 for 3.99, more out of intrigue than anything else.
06:30 What are golf wipes?
06:31 Were these the solution to my golf club cleaning problems
06:33 on the course?
06:34 It turns out they weren't.
06:36 Didn't really understand them,
06:37 they're basically just baby wipes.
06:39 They felt really wasteful, you'd sort of use one
06:41 and have a wet baby wipe in your hand.
06:43 They left this sheen on the golf club
06:45 that meant you had to dry it with your towel anyway,
06:47 and I think there are better
06:48 club cleaning solutions out there,
06:50 the birdie brush being one that we've already spoken about.
06:53 So do be careful with some of these
06:54 cheaper golf products on Amazon,
06:55 they might look cool and interesting and innovative,
06:57 but sometimes they're a bit hit and miss.
06:59 Okay, buying golf clubs on Amazon,
07:01 cheap ones especially, can be a bit of a minefield,
07:03 so I thought I'd better include one in this test
07:06 to see where we get on.
07:07 I went for this, it's the Wilson Harmonized Sand Wedge.
07:11 This cost me just 30 pounds for a Wilson wedge,
07:15 pretty impressive, right?
07:16 So I gave this to our wedge tester here at Golf Monthly,
07:19 Sam Diath, who went and played 18 holes with it,
07:21 and his feedback was really positive.
07:23 Again, bearing that price in mind,
07:25 he said the grip was really good,
07:27 it felt solid enough off the face,
07:29 he got the right sort of distance he'd expect
07:31 from a sand wedge.
07:33 It was quite a wet day when he tested,
07:34 so he said it was hard to really gauge the spin,
07:37 but there was probably less than normal, was his feedback.
07:39 You can see on the face,
07:41 there's not that much extra milling in between the grooves,
07:44 and another slight point of concern
07:46 was how quickly it sort of started to scuff up.
07:49 But he said ultimately, 30 pound is a beautifully shaped,
07:52 traditional sand wedge head,
07:54 plenty of manipulation available in that sole
07:56 and that 12 degrees of bounce.
07:58 And if you're looking for a cheap sand wedge,
07:59 or just to fill a gap somewhere,
08:01 this Harmonized wedge was a really good option.
08:03 We would recommend when you're looking
08:05 for cheaper golf clubs on Amazon,
08:06 stick to those recognized brands
08:09 who will deliver really solid golf equipment
08:12 just at that cut price.
08:14 Right, next, let's chat about this.
08:15 This is the Izzo Golf Bag Travel Cover.
08:17 Now this cost me 29.95,
08:19 which for a travel cover is an absolute bargain.
08:22 It was the second cheapest one on Amazon
08:24 that I could purchase at the time,
08:25 so really, really good value for money here.
08:28 Now, I've not traveled with it, I'll be honest with you,
08:30 but having hands-on experience with it,
08:32 I think I can recommend it
08:33 for certain type of people out there.
08:34 So, if you're not a very regular traveler,
08:38 once a year or less,
08:39 and just want a really cheap and easy travel cover option,
08:42 this is fantastic.
08:43 Regular travelers, I think you'll struggle with it
08:46 for a couple of reasons.
08:46 One, no wheels, so you're carrying it yourself,
08:50 and when there's 20 kilograms or more of luggage in there,
08:52 that's quite heavy, you'll need a trolley around the airport.
08:54 The fabric's really solid, it's not going to rip or tear.
08:57 There's loads of pockets on it,
08:59 and there's loads of space, extra space in it.
09:00 Once your golf bag's in, you can pad out with clothing,
09:03 towels, whatever else you're going to take
09:05 on your trip with you.
09:06 So, yes, it's not as good as these more expensive ones.
09:08 It never would be, but for the less frequent traveler
09:11 who doesn't want to spend loads on a travel cover,
09:13 this Izzo option is fantastic.
09:15 Right, lastly then, my absolute favorite from this lineup
09:18 is the Boot Buddy shoe cleaning kit.
09:21 This was 19.99, you get the shoe cleaner itself,
09:24 some cleaning solution, and a microfiber cloth in this set,
09:27 and I've absolutely adored using this.
09:29 I think if you don't have a useful device to hand
09:32 to clean your shoes after a round of golf,
09:34 you're going to forget, you're going to not bother doing it.
09:36 Your shoes get dirty and they don't last as long.
09:38 So what you need is something that's ready to go
09:41 as your round of golf finishes,
09:42 just to wipe your shoes clean
09:44 and have them fresh for your next round.
09:45 This is that device.
09:47 I've had it in the back of my boot since I bought it,
09:50 and every time I finish a round of golf,
09:51 no matter how dirty or clean my shoes are,
09:53 I will give them a once over with the Boot Buddy.
09:56 It's got really strong bristles on it,
09:57 the reservoir basically releases a bit of water
09:59 to help remove some of that mud,
10:02 and on the back of it, there's this sort of hard plastic bit
10:04 that helps dig out any dirt from spikes
10:07 or areas where dirt might get stuck.
10:09 I couldn't recommend it anymore.
10:11 Really well built, great value for money.
10:13 It's going to help the longevity of all of your golf shoes.
10:16 And if you're like me and want to have nice,
10:17 shiny golf shoes all the time, this is the device for you.
10:21 So I've left some handy links down in the description
10:23 for you to go and check these out.
10:24 10 of the best cheap golf products on Amazon.
10:28 Well, maybe we'll call it nine,
10:29 discounting these golf wipes.
10:31 I've told you my favorite in the Boot Buddy shoe cleaner.
10:33 I want to hear yours down in those comments.
10:35 Please do let me know.
10:37 But for now, thank you so much for joining me.
10:38 I'll see you next time.
10:39 (upbeat music)
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