Bilawal ya Nawaz, kis ka bayaniya awam me maqbool?

  • 7 months ago
Bilawal ya Nawaz, kis ka bayaniya awam me maqbool?

#bilawalbhutto #nawazsharif #bakhabarsavera #arynews
00:00 So, this was the statement but now what is the actual situation on the ground and all the talks that have been made,
00:08 the claims that have been made, now to complete them, the people have only a few days left to go to their side.
00:13 So, let's talk about all this. Bureau Chief Islamabad, Khawar Ghoman is now with us.
00:19 Khawar sahib, welcome to the show. Good morning. As-salamu alaykum.
00:23 We are seeing that the weather is probably very good in Islamabad.
00:27 It is raining as well. But the weather in politics is slowly warming up.
00:33 What is the situation like? Bilawal has targeted the lion on one side.
00:37 One thing I would like to ask Khawar sahib is that Bilawal tells us that we will do this and that.
00:43 But when there is a statement of Nawaz Sharif, he says more about his past.
00:48 That look, this happened to me, this happened to me.
00:50 Which statement is more acceptable to the public, Khawar sahib?
00:54 Thank you very much. Look, there are two things.
00:58 If this campaign is going on at the moment, one thing is that when Pakistan's justice was taken from them,
01:08 their candidates are free, then what Bilawal Bhutto and Zardari saab say again and again
01:14 that, "Look, my competition is with the lion at the moment, and I am present as a hope with you."
01:23 And if you want to compete with the lion, then vote for me.
01:27 He is reminding them again and again, PTA, that look, obviously your people will be free.
01:34 So if someone wants to compete, then it is Nawaz Sharif or Waqf-e-Muslim League Noon or the lion.
01:40 So he can only do three, so don't waste your vote.
01:44 It is possible that tomorrow you may be free, so it is better that you vote for me.
01:50 So that I can compete, I can hunt the lion in a good way.
01:55 And he has made a good campaign in Punjab.
01:58 I mean, unlike the elections of 2013-2018, if we compare them,
02:04 then this time, a very good campaign is being done by the Pakistan People's Party in Punjab.
02:10 Now, the second thing is, you asked a question, that Nawaz Sharif saab is repeatedly talking about his activities.
02:19 Obviously, from 2013-2018, when he was in power, he did some projects.
02:24 He has this calendar, that he has done this load-sharing issue, obviously, he finished it.
02:30 And he did some other projects.
02:32 So he is not going on such criticism.
02:35 He is saying that, obviously, the price control at that time, and all the other issues,
02:40 he has this claim that he is doing it for us.
02:43 So, this is a global phenomenon, we are seeing this everywhere, to combat it.
02:47 But, Khawar, please explain to me about the People's Party.
02:50 The People's Party is in a mood of fighting with almost everyone.
02:54 They have also told Maulana saab that he has not come to ask for votes.
02:58 Has this policy of their mutual understanding remained the same?
03:01 Will it be seen the same later, or is it just a statement?
03:05 The People's Party is now doing a solo flight.
03:08 Look, you can put today's date on your desk, and write my name in front of it.
03:16 That after today's date, they will be completely head to head with each other.
03:21 And there is every possibility, like Faisal Wada saab is repeatedly talking about,
03:28 that this PDM2 will become a government, and it will become a government.
03:32 And look, during an election, there is a need, obviously people are together,
03:39 you go to the Jalsa, and you have to engage people.
03:43 So, when you are not standing with your candidate,
03:48 and you will not target the opponent of your candidate, in a different way,
03:54 then this is happening all over the world.
03:56 But he also keeps saying that now we should end old politics,
04:00 bury the old politics of the people.
04:02 So, these references are also given without any reason.
04:05 So, will he be able to do something himself, or will the mutual understanding remain the same?
04:11 If I may add, Khawar saab, if I include this,
04:14 that when he is saying that we will end old politics,
04:18 all the politicians behind him on the stage,
04:21 they are at least, at least, we see them at least less than 18 years old.
04:25 They are thinking like this.
04:27 Okay, it is like this, that the rest of the question,
04:30 that the statement of Jinnah Bihalla,
04:34 the big reason for that is, as I was saying,
04:37 that this is not happening only in Pakistan, it is happening all over the world.
04:41 Nowadays, you see in America,
04:43 that there, in the republicans,
04:45 for their candidate elections,
04:47 they are having elections,
04:49 there are caucuses on the state level, there are primaries.
04:51 So, within one party,
04:53 there is criticism against each other,
04:55 it is being targeted.
04:57 So, there is an atmosphere of elections,
04:59 there, this kind of talk is being done.
05:01 One thing to keep in mind,
05:03 that the current situation,
05:05 the question that you have,
05:07 there is no doubt in it,
05:09 that both the parties, the Noon League and the People's Party,
05:12 they have this feeling,
05:15 that one party, obviously,
05:17 that has taken two votes in 2018,
05:21 now, obviously, their leader is in jail,
05:24 and a sympathy wave,
05:26 and, obviously, a decision has been made yesterday,
05:28 of 10 votes,
05:30 yesterday, you must have heard Javed Nazeem's statement,
05:32 that it is a conspiracy,
05:34 that 8-10 days before the elections,
05:36 their leader has been punished,
05:40 and it is completely wrong,
05:43 so that more and more people vote for him.
05:46 So, on the ground,
05:48 the people who are talking,
05:50 the media people,
05:52 we go and ask people,
05:54 the rest of the survey companies,
05:56 whatever it is,
05:58 you can look at the survey,
06:00 so, in Punjab, the competition is obvious,
06:02 the PTI,
06:04 I hope, no doubt,
06:06 like you were saying,
06:08 that someone has a balla,
06:10 someone has a record,
06:14 someone has other evidence,
06:16 so, that vote must have been wasted,
06:18 but, talk to people,
06:20 the on-ground voter supporters,
06:22 especially the PTI supporters,
06:24 they are definitely with their party,
06:26 and yesterday,
06:28 two days ago,
06:30 with Irfan Siddiqui,
06:32 and this time,
06:34 the young voters are in large numbers,
06:36 the first time voters will cast their votes,
06:38 the number is also very high,
06:40 so, in this scenario,
06:42 what kind of election is this?
06:44 Look, these elections will be very different,
06:46 when I was talking to you the other day,
06:48 a very big factor,
06:50 in these elections,
06:52 which will play a very important role,
06:54 is social media,
06:56 it is obviously,
06:58 the use of smart phones,
07:00 it is a mode of communication,
07:02 now, look,
07:04 in the circle you are in,
07:06 if you want to know,
07:08 you can go to the website,
07:10 if you want to know,
07:12 which candidate is in the circle,
07:14 which one I have to cast my vote,
07:16 it will take just 5-10 seconds,
07:18 you will know,
07:20 what is the name of the candidate,
07:22 and what is his election sign,
07:24 if you don't have a phone,
07:26 you can request someone,
07:28 to your friend,
07:30 you will know,
07:32 when you go to the polling booth,
07:34 an option will be there,
07:36 so, this is what,
07:38 I think,
07:40 this will not be an excuse,
07:42 that I didn't know,
07:44 this is all information,
07:46 we,
07:48 through your program,
07:50 through our program,
07:52 we want to talk to people,
07:54 that they should go to the 8th survey,
07:56 whoever they want to support,
07:58 whoever they feel confident,
08:00 they feel that their promises,
08:02 will be true and will work for us,
08:04 they should go and vote,
08:06 and in this,
08:08 the country will improve,
08:10 democracy will be strong,
08:12 and Pakistan will move forward.
08:14 [Ending]
08:16 [Ending]
08:18 [Ending]
08:20 [Ending]
08:22 Sit at your favorite place, give interviews to people you want to interview, do the selection yourself.
08:28 But give the people a chance to know what your vision is.
08:32 Like in US elections?
08:33 Yeah, like in America.
