Mamata-কে দিল্লিতে ধর্নায় বসার আহ্বান জানিয়ে ঠেস Adhir-এর

  • 8 months ago
সাংবাদিক বৈঠক করলেন প্রদেশ কংগ্রেস সভাপতি অধীর রঞ্জন চৌধুরী। পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়কে দিল্লিতে গিয়ে ধর্নায় বসতে আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন তিনি


00:00 I will tell the Chief Minister that 100 days of work is necessary.
00:04 Involve us. We also want 100 days of work.
00:11 What will you do by protesting in Kolkata?
00:16 Come on, you will protest in Delhi.
00:19 Not one day, but continuously.
00:21 You have been protesting for 18 days in the Singhur protest.
00:28 For the people who are dependent on 100 days of work,
00:31 let's protest in Delhi for a month.
00:33 We will do it with you.
00:35 But we don't know why we are not getting 100 days of work.
00:39 We are not getting it clearly.
00:41 The Central Government says that they have stolen.
00:45 Delhi says that they are not giving.
00:47 Everything is banned.
00:49 Today, for the Khoka Babus,
00:51 to save the state government,
00:57 the Supreme Court is going to the streets.
01:00 Kapil Sibal, Manu Singh, the big lawyers,
01:04 are pressing the Supreme Court as a special case.
01:12 So, the right to 100 days of work,
01:15 is a right of the law.
01:17 To give back that right,
01:20 why is the Supreme Court not taking the case?
01:23 Try to understand.
01:26 If I can go to the Supreme Court to save the thieves,
01:29 if I can go to the Supreme Court to save the justice,
01:33 then why can't I go to the Supreme Court to protect the people who are dependent on 100 days of work?
01:40 If someone tells me this.
01:42 And, to get 100 days of work,
01:46 there is no use protesting in Kolkata.
01:49 No one will come to see.
01:51 Congress was there,
01:54 to see the protests.
01:55 Congress was there to enjoy the fruits of the government.
01:59 That's why I will say,
02:01 if you could protest in Delhi for 26-27 days for the Singh movement,
02:09 the current Chief Minister of Bangla,
02:12 then why can't you protest in Delhi for 100 days of work?
02:18 You can come,
02:20 we will support you.
02:23 This is with the people.
02:24 No one will be in a political position with the people.
02:26 I will go with you to protest.
02:28 There is a tension in Jharkhand.
02:30 The ED has gone to his house in Delhi.
02:32 That Jharkhand Mukti Mochan leader.
02:35 We have supported the government there.
02:38 The rest of them,
02:40 I don't know if they have done anything wrong or right.
02:46 But, the ED protesters,
02:49 we know that they are taking Hemant Sohan's case to the court.
02:55 We know that Hemant Sohan will contest the case politically.
03:02 He will contest the case legally.
03:04 We know that.
03:06 I don't know the rest of the details.
03:08 People will think,
03:10 I can't tell the Chief Minister that you can't go after Rahul Gandhi's case.
03:15 I can never say that.
03:18 I can't say that you can't meet Rahul Gandhi before the case.
03:22 I can't say that.
03:24 I don't have the audacity to say that.
03:26 It will fall under the Chief Minister's authority.
03:28 I can't say that.
03:30 Our spokesperson, Rahul Gandhi, wants the word 'bans' to be removed.
