• last year
00:00 the game.
00:03 Also, I tweeted out the pick
00:06 with the T Wolves and the
00:07 Warriors. So, the Warriors are
00:08 playing for the first time.
00:10 Um since the tragic passing uh
00:14 of their uh other assistant
00:17 coach and I don't like I don't
00:19 like talking. I like
00:20 handicapping these type of
00:21 angles and stuff but they're
00:23 not losing tonight. You know,
00:25 it's just one of those deals
00:26 like they're even though
00:27 they're losing tonight. This is
00:30 the one like the, you know what
00:31 I mean? It's going to be an
00:32 emotional night for them and
00:33 stuff. I get it. Plus, no, no,
00:35 uh Trey Young. So, I think the
00:36 Warriors will win the game.
