Sex Education Groups Call for Schools in Taiwan To Improve Curriculum

  • 8 months ago
A report published by sex and emotional education groups found that Taiwan's #MeToo movement dominated the news about sex and relationships last year. They're developing syllabi for schools to adopt to improve how young people learn about relationships.
00:00 Sex and emotional education advocates in Taiwan are urging schools to improve how they teach
00:05 children about intimacy and relationships.
00:09 We need to teach people, especially young people like college students and also students
00:17 or people that have already entered into the work, the career, these young people, how
00:24 to love.
00:25 They don't know about love.
00:27 They don't know about romantic love.
00:30 The group's recent annual report said the #MeToo movement against sexual misconduct
00:36 dominated news about sex and relationships in the country last year.
00:39 It also found that the majority of unmarried people in Taiwan want to wed but have difficulties
00:45 finding a partner.
00:46 The group says teaching young people about healthy relationships will help prevent sexual
00:51 harassment and improve Taiwan's low birth rate.
