What is a WordPress? Beginner Level Guide

  • 7 months ago
Name- Beaconcoders
Website- www.beaconcoders.com
Contact us - beaconcodersseo@gmail.com

What is a WordPress website? Beginner Level Guide
1. What is WordPress?
- It as a free and open-source content management system (CMS).
wordpress image

2. Why is WordPress so popular?
- Easy to use:
emphasize the no-code interface and user-friendly features.
- Flexible and customizable:
showcase the vast theme and plugin library, allowing for diverse website types (blogs, portfolios, businesses, etc.).
- Large and supportive community:
mention the readily available help and resources from experienced users and developers.
- Cost-effective:
highlight the free core software and affordable hosting options.

3. How to build a WordPress website?
- choose a domain name and hosting, installing WordPress, picking a theme, adding content, and customizing design.
- Use screencast elements to visually demonstrate key steps.


- WordPress is a powerful and user-friendly tool for building any kind of website, even for beginners.
- So, why wait? Get out there and start building your dream website with WordPress!"
