Power demand greater than supply in SA, Qld and Tas.

  • 9 months ago
Rolling blackouts are a very real risk in parts of the country in coming weeks, with high temperatures and rising electricity demand. Overnight demand was higher than what was being generated in some states.


00:00 We have seen plenty of hot weather, not just here in South Australia, but right across
00:06 the country in recent days, and that is the biggest contributing factor as to why there
00:12 is so much demand for electricity.
00:15 As we speak, there is more demand than what there is supply for electricity in South Australia,
00:22 Queensland and Tasmania.
00:23 We have seen those numbers fluctuating throughout the morning.
00:27 At one point, New South Wales had more demand than what there was supply.
00:33 Looking at the seven day forecast, we can expect more of the same, particularly on Thursday
00:39 and Friday of this week.
00:41 The Australian Energy Market Operator, they are really encouraging everyone to conserve
00:46 as much energy as possible, to use their home air conditioners as sparingly as possible,
00:53 and that will generate more security in that electricity grid.
01:00 And Charles, what's the forecast for South Australia today?
01:06 Stinking hot, Melissa.
01:07 It's already about 30 degrees here in Adelaide.
01:10 We are going for a top of 41 degrees.
01:13 In other parts of the state, in St June on the west coast, they're looking at a top of
01:17 46, as is Oodnadatta in the central part of the state.
01:23 They've got a number of hot days ahead of them well into the 40s.
01:28 There is a heatwave warning for the majority of the state, that is sort of around the more
01:33 northern parts of the state.
01:36 But here where I am at the beach, it has been a very busy morning, plenty of people getting
01:40 in their exercise well before the sun comes up and those high temperatures hit.
01:44 Of course, plenty of people already in the water, so it does look like this is the place
01:50 to be.
