哈马斯发布16页报告 首次承认突袭以色列存在"过失"

  • 9 months ago
八点最热报 | 巴勒斯坦组织哈马斯首次承认,突袭以色列“有过失”。哈马斯昨天针对去年10月7号,向以色列发动突袭这件事,发表了一份长达16页,以英语和阿拉伯语撰写的辩护报告。哈马斯在报告中表示,突袭以色列是反对以色列占领巴勒斯坦领土的必要步骤和正常反应,也是为了确保可以解救被扣押的巴勒斯坦囚犯。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The Palestinian organization Hamas first admitted that it had a mistake in attacking Israel.
00:12 Hamas published a defense report in English and Arabic on October 7, 2016,
00:17 which was written in 16 pages.
00:23 Hamas said in the report that attacking Israel was a necessary step and a normal reaction to Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territory,
00:31 and was also to ensure the rescue of the imprisoned Palestinian prisoners.
00:36 Hamas also admitted that due to the rapid collapse of Israel's security and military system,
00:40 and the chaos caused by the Gaza border area, there were some mistakes in the process of action.
00:46 But Hamas denied that the attack was a claim of the civilian target.
00:52 Hamas said that if there was any attack against civilians, it was also an accident in the chaos of the confrontation with the Israeli army.
01:01 According to Israeli official data, there were 250 people in total in that attack,
01:07 and 1140 people died in turn. Most of them were civilians.
01:12 Now, after three months, the families of the victims have returned to the scene of the tragedy,
01:16 and they are mourning the killed relatives.
01:20 The dead are being buried in the ground.
01:23 This is the music festival held by Hamas in October last year,
01:27 which is the Leimu Desert Township in southern Israel.
01:30 The families of the victims have returned to this sad place after three months,
01:34 and they are mourning the dead in a special way.
01:37 At the event, the families of the victims were crying while looking at their family photos.
01:41 They still can't accept the fact that their relatives have passed away.
01:45 To tell you the truth, I don't think that we already understand that he is gone.
01:51 He is so much with us, so much exists.
01:54 We are still waiting for him to knock on the door.
01:58 The families of the victims who gradually walked out of the haze at the scene believe that planting trees here
02:02 can leave a beautiful memory for this land, which is shrouded in tragedy, and to re-invite new memories.
02:08 Instead, we are standing here, planting trees.
02:13 At least it is something for nature.
02:16 You can see all this amazing landscape here,
02:19 the Kalani Sea, which is completely opposite to what happened here on Saturday, October.
02:25 They must always remember their smiling faces.
02:28 This is the main purpose of the organizers of this event,
02:31 and to prove to everyone that the families will continue to live well
02:35 just like the trees in the video.
02:40 [Music]
02:45 [Music]
