旗下四家公司也被查 反贪会突击某丹斯里豪宅

  • 9 months ago
新闻报报看 | 2024年或许还有许多富豪的金钱内幕会曝光,因为反贪会现在的打贪步伐正在加速,先是查敦达因,然后查敦马的儿子,昨天又有一位丹斯里中招。反贪会官员昨天早上10点突击检查那名丹斯里商人的豪宅,接着再查那位丹斯里的4家公司,根据《前锋报》探听到的消息,反贪会这次行动主要是想取得商人财务资料与文件,以便确认有关的商人,有没有涉及贿赂。(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 Recently, the Anti-corruption Committee has targeted the eldest son of former Prime Minister Mahadi, Mirzan.
00:04 Mirzan's name was once in the documents of the International Journalist Alliance's "Dao Liao"
00:09 There is his name in the Panama documents.
00:11 The Anti-corruption Committee now limits him to 30 days to disclose all his assets in and out of the sea.
00:16 Mahadi came out last night to fight for his son.
00:20 He said that there are also many government figures in the other Pandora document.
00:26 For example, Deputy Prime Minister Amo Zazi, Slayan MP Liang Zijian, and the Minister of Trade, Dungudzhaflu.
00:31 But the Anti-corruption Committee dare not touch these people.
00:34 There is no investigation at all, let alone the prosecution.
00:37 In addition to political figures, Mahadi's machine gun also shot some businessmen.
00:41 The named ones are the head of Yunding Group, Lin Guotai, the founder of Changqing Group, Zhang Xiaoqing,
00:47 the late Hong Kong big shot, Yan Nalingan, Liu Tezuo's father, Liu Fuping,
00:52 the eldest son of Salahyar, the head of the former Saba, and the son of Musa Amman.
00:57 Mahadi said that this is the so-called "fire and ink" of justice.
01:02 In addition, Mahadi also complained that his son was threatened by the Anti-corruption Committee.
01:08 He said that if he did not admit his crime, he would be sentenced to five years in prison.
01:12 Mahadi continued to ridicule Anwar and Simon.
01:15 When they were not in government, Anwar was not Prime Minister.
01:19 He said that the law enforcement authorities were brutal.
01:22 Now that he is in government, it seems that they are worse and more brutal.
01:27 They use more brutal means to deal with the political enemies.
01:30 Mahadi also reiterated that Prime Minister Anwar accused him of abusing power during his tenure as Prime Minister.
01:36 But a year later, he still couldn't get any evidence.
01:38 Now he is going to deal with his son.
01:41 Mahadi's son was investigated and threatened.
01:44 The Republican Party's former member of Congress Hassan Khalil wrote a letter of condolence to the Anti-corruption Committee Chairman Ajan Baji.
01:52 He praised the Anti-corruption Committee for being fearless and daring to investigate many big figures.
01:57 However, he also reminded the Anti-corruption Committee that when fulfilling their duties,
02:01 they must act according to the law and maintain a professional attitude.
02:04 Do not threaten or intimidate the subject of investigation.
02:08 Hassan Khalil felt that Mahadi's complaint began to worry and create doubts.
02:13 He himself took Mahadi's complaint very seriously and thought that this kind of accusation should not happen.
02:19 Hassan Khalil emphasized that the Anti-corruption Committee is not a prosecution agency or a court.
02:23 It is like the police, under the criminal law, it is an investigative agency.
02:27 In 2024, there will probably be a lot of rich people's money exposed.
02:32 Because the Anti-corruption Committee's current investigation is accelerating.
02:36 First, check Dun Dayin, then check Dunma's son.
02:39 Yesterday, another Densely was convicted.
02:42 The Anti-corruption Committee officials raided the house of the Densely businessman at 10 a.m.
02:47 Then they investigated the four companies of Densely.
02:50 According to the news from the Qianfeng News Agency,
02:53 the Anti-corruption Committee's action this time is mainly to obtain the businessman's financial information and documents,
02:58 in order to confirm whether the relevant businessman is involved in bribery.
03:02 Which aspect of bribery?
03:04 According to the report, the Anti-corruption Committee suspects that this Densely bribery officer
03:08 in order to get him a contract worth $450 million.
03:13 The main business is to supply and manage government officials' cars.
03:16 One of the companies that the Anti-corruption Committee raided and inspected was the company that supplied government officials' cars.
03:21 That businessman is the largest shareholder of the car supply company.
03:25 The report said that the Anti-corruption Committee will investigate the bank accounts of about 100 private and company accounts managed by him.
03:32 At present, it does not take action to freeze the accounts.
03:36 However, so far, the relevant reports have not revealed which Densely was investigated.
03:41 In fact, there are relatively few businessmen with Densely's title in China.
03:45 Those who are familiar with the business world can guess who the company under Densely is,
03:49 and who the government-supplied government official is.
03:54 [Music]
