• last year
A young man named Aren played by star actor Justice Smith is recruited to an exclusively secret society of magical black people whose primary goal is to make the lives of white people easier. Other members of the cast for this upcoming film are actors/actresses Zachary Barton, Robbie Troy, James E Welsh, Mila Ford, Anthony Coons, Eric Lutz, and more directed by Kobi Libii. Check it out.
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 I know you can feel their discomfort, Aaron.
00:07 [MUSIC]
00:09 Watching you walk through a room full of white people
00:11 is the most painful thing I've ever seen.
00:13 Excuse me. Sorry.
00:15 I don't want to take you to a job interview.
00:17 There's a recruiting class starting right now
00:20 and we've got to get you in it.
00:21 [MUSIC]
00:22 Welcome to the American Society
00:25 [MUSIC]
00:27 of Magical Negros.
00:29 [MUSIC]
00:31 I don't really understand.
00:32 It's easier said than done.
00:33 [MUSIC]
00:35 What's the most dangerous animal on the planet?
00:38 Shark.
00:38 White people, when they feel uncomfortable.
00:40 White people feeling uncomfortable
00:42 precedes a lot of bad stuff for us.
00:44 That's why we fight white discomfort every day.
00:48 Because the happier they are,
00:50 the safer we are.
00:51 The name is a little updating,
00:53 maybe like magical black people
00:56 or I guess that doesn't have the same ring.
00:57 [MUSIC]
00:59 You ready?
00:59 Oh, wow.
01:00 Your first client is a Jason Munt.
01:02 His morale is far too low.
01:04 Hey.
01:05 Hey.
01:05 Darn it. I was hoping there was a station right next to him.
01:07 [MUSIC]
01:08 Oh, is this one smoking four?
01:09 No.
01:10 [MUSIC]
01:11 Yeah, it's actually fun and weirdly relaxing.
01:13 It's like being a secret agent with none of the danger.
01:15 Hey, I'm Lizzie.
01:17 Nice to meet you.
01:17 Nice to meet you.
01:18 [MUSIC]
01:19 She's great.
01:19 Yeah, she's cool.
01:20 You kidding? Come on, man.
01:21 She's smart and funny.
01:23 I know what you were doing going on about her.
01:25 You're trying to set us up.
01:26 No, no, no. That's not what I was doing.
01:27 You cannot have a relationship with Lizzie now.
01:30 Because if you don't put Jason first, everyone's magic will fail.
01:33 [MUSIC]
01:35 I've always felt like it's my job to make white people feel comfortable.
01:39 And here it literally is.
01:41 [MUSIC]
01:43 But maybe it shouldn't be.
01:45 I've got a great plan to ask her out, but I'm going to need your help.
01:47 Do you think you could like work your magic?
01:49 Hey, is he talking about me?
01:50 Hey.
01:51 Oh, my God. Wait, are you?
01:52 [MUSIC]
01:53 [MUSIC]
01:58 Someone defied the society.
02:00 Who was it?
02:01 You didn't let her go like I told you.
02:02 If you interfere with her or your client, you could have your memory erased.
02:06 You won't even remember she existed.
02:08 [MUSIC]
02:09 Even though we might never see each other again, I need you to know that what we had was real.
02:12 [MUSIC]
02:15 I'm curious to see how you're going to make it out of all this.
02:17 [MUSIC]
