La jeune Ella mène une existence difficile. Sa marraine, une fée maligne, l'a en effet condamnée à obéir à chaque fois qu'on lui demanderait un service. Or, depuis que son père s'est remarié, Ella vit sous le joug de sa belle-mère, qui profite de son don pour obtenir tout ce qu'elle souhaite. La jeune fille, lasse de servir de bonne à tout faire à la maison, décide de retrouver sa marraine pour annuler cette éprouvante malédiction. En chemin, elle croise un prince qui se dit prêt à l'aider dans sa quête. Ella apprécie les bonnes manières du jeune homme et comprend vite qu'il pourrait s'agir de son prince charmant. Mais une bande d'ogres leur barre la route et tente de les capturer...
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00:00 [Narrateur] some fairy tales begin with "once upon a time" some end with "happily ever after" and some just throw away the book.
00:09 [Narrateur] Meet Ella, thanks to a magical gift gone wrong. She's forced to be the most obedient girl in the kingdom.
00:17 [Ella] Just admit you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about.
00:19 [Ella] I'm stupid and I don't know what I'm talking about.
00:21 [Ella] Take that!
00:23 [Ella] Where's your tongue Ella?
00:25 [Ella] I really need to find my godmother and get her to take back the curse.
00:29 [Ella] Show me a map of the forest.
00:31 [Prince] Of course.
00:32 [Ella] Oh, cool trick.
00:35 [Narrateur] Now, on the road to finding her freedom, Ella's discovering an elf with an attitude.
00:42 [Prince] Take this buff!
00:43 [Narrateur] An ogre with an appetite.
00:49 [Prince] How do you like to be eaten? Baked? Boiled?
00:52 [Ella] How about free range?
00:54 [Narrateur] And a prince with a fan club.
00:58 [Ella] Oh!
00:59 [Ella] Mr. Mont?
01:00 [Prince] Oh, please, call me Cha.
01:03 [Ella] Your girlfriend doesn't mind being left alone?
01:05 [Prince] I don't have a girlfriend.
01:06 [Ella] Oh?
01:07 [Prince] I have many.
01:08 [Ella] Oh.
01:09 [Prince] I'm kidding. You shouldn't believe everything you read in Medieval Tea.
01:12 [Narrateur] She never planned on falling for the prince.
01:15 [Ella] I think you're gonna be a great king someday.
01:17 [Prince] We must find a way to get rid of the prince.
01:20 [Ella] Come on guys, we got a carnage to craft!
01:22 [Narrateur] And she never imagined they'd have to save the kingdom.
01:27 [Ella] Drop that crown!
01:28 [Narrator] Miramax Films presents The Princess Diaries and Hathaway.
01:35 [Prince] Tell me, do you have a kick out of near-death experiences?
01:50 [Ella] Hold on.
01:52 [Prince] Oh!
01:53 [Prince] You're not like other girls.
02:07 [Prince] Freeze!
02:08 [Prince] Oh?
02:09 [Ella] You have no idea.
02:11 [Princess Diaries]
02:16 *Rugissement*