5 Biggest Tricks of Shetan || Zeeshan Azhar

  • 8 months ago
5 Biggest Tricks of Shetan || Zeeshan Azhar

Shaytan will not immediately convince us to commit a major sin and also he can't , instead he will encourage us to take small steps towards that major sin. It is our job to fight against his whispers and temptations so we can protect our Imaan.

how to defeat the devil
traps of the shaitan
traps of the devil
Prophet muhammad
tricks of satan
Satan (Deity)
how to fight shaitan
shaitans biggest tricks
shaitans tricks
strategy of shaytan
how shaytan tricks you
how shaytaan attacks
ways to fight shaitan

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZeeshanAzhar684?s=09

#Islam #Allah #ProphetMuhammad
#Satan #Devil #ShetanBiggestTricks
#Islamic #StrategyOfShetan
#SatanTricks #Shaytan

May Allah save us from the evils of Satan. Ameen
