Namibia Alexander Volschenk captain's view of u19 world cup

  • 7 months ago
Namibia Alexander Volschenk captain's view of u19 world cup
00:00 How are you feeling with your first game coming up?
00:04 Very excited and very nervous at the same time.
00:08 So there's a lot of stuff that goes into it, a lot of practice, a lot of time, a lot of
00:12 blood, shit and tears.
00:15 But we believe we can get through this together as a team.
00:22 What does it mean to you to be captain of your country?
00:25 It means everything to me to be captain of my country.
00:27 I've always dreamed of it.
00:29 I've been part of the team in 2021 at qualifiers and I wasn't captain there but I moved to
00:37 South Africa in 2020 and I never thought in my life that I would actually captain the
00:42 U19 team of my country.
00:45 So I'm very proud to be this and I'm very proud that my teammates and coaches are supporting
00:49 me to be captain.
00:50 What is your leadership style?
00:55 My leadership style, it has been evolved.
00:58 I always thought it was one way because that's how I've been taught, that's how I've been
01:02 grown up.
01:03 But then my coaches have taught me there's another way by being more calm, talking to
01:08 your players, helping them, asking them what's wrong.
01:11 So I've learned that from watching a lot of podcasts as well.
01:14 What have you watched?
01:16 What has inspired you?
01:19 At this point I can't remember but it's a bit on the spot.
01:26 But I've listened to it and it's really inspired me not to be, I wouldn't say aggressive, but
01:32 I like to dominate on the field.
01:35 But it has shown me a different perspective of just being calm, talking to my teammates,
01:41 asking them what would you like, if you're okay and everything.
01:45 Tell us what we can expect from you as a player.
01:50 As a player?
01:52 Honestly I hope to just be myself.
01:57 I would like to be myself.
01:58 It goes my way, it goes my way.
02:01 Otherwise it's cricket.
02:02 Some you win, some you learn.
02:03 When people hear your name, Alex Wolshank, what do you hope they think of you as a cricketer?
02:10 I hope they think of me as a great leader and someone that always back his fellow teammates
02:18 and didn't like start away from any fight, that never backed down from anything.
02:21 That was prepared to do anything for his team and go all the way.
02:26 What would you say your main strength as a team is?
02:30 As a team, I would say by trusting each other and when the going gets tough we pull together
02:37 and we are ready for everything.
02:39 And what are you hoping to achieve this tournament?
02:44 This tournament we are hoping to achieve going through the Super Sixes and then even maybe
02:49 qualifying for the quarters and all the semis.
02:52 Can you just say the semis because there is no quarter finals here.
03:00 Namibia has never gone beyond the quarter finals.
03:03 So if you can mention we are hoping to enter our first semifinal.
03:06 So we do this question again.
03:07 Alright no problem.
03:08 What are you hoping to achieve from the tournament?
03:10 In this tournament we would like to go through the Super Sixes and then Namibia has never
03:16 gone further than the quarter finals so we are hoping to achieve going to the semifinals.
03:21 What would you say about the cricketing landscape back home?
03:26 If you had to describe it to people what it would mean for Namibia if you perform really
03:32 well as a team?
03:34 Well we have got 2.7 million people backing us and we were all playing for the eagle on
03:40 our chest and for the people back home.
03:43 Playing for each other and not playing for ourselves.
03:46 It means the world for us that our national team men have gone to two world cups and represented
03:52 our country and now it is our turn to go and represent our country.
03:56 And what was the effect of the national team going to the finals?
04:01 What effect did it have on you and what do you hope the effect will be?
04:07 Well I was watching that game and it was incredible to watch how they stood together, helped each
04:14 other, trusted each other.
04:15 It was just amazing and I would like to get our team, I would say we are just as strong
04:24 as they are and that we can do anything together.
04:28 Thank you.
