THE KING OF BLOODY FOOKIN’ BRITAIN Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the gritty streets of London, Roger Sykes and his ragtag gang, known as "Her Majesty's Misfits," pull off a daring heist, making off with a legendary cargo of the elusive drug, Malagasy Cocaine. Their bold move propels them into a high-stakes game of survival as they scramble to offload the precious contraband, setting the stage for a relentless and chaotic battle for their lives.
Directed by Derek Evans and Julio Mario Barriga
Starring Derek Evans, Michael Shooner, Kasey O'Barr.
Directed by Derek Evans and Julio Mario Barriga
Starring Derek Evans, Michael Shooner, Kasey O'Barr.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 Um, next we have Roger. Roger, why don't you come up here and tell us what you want to be when you're older?
00:06 Mum had always told me...
00:13 You can be whatever you want to be, love.
00:16 When I grow up, I want to be the king.
00:19 The name's Sykes. Roger fucking Sykes. This dump is where I live, and this here is my girlfriend Trish.
00:28 I'm not a whore! Are you fucking insane?!
00:31 And it just so happens that I'm on the glorious Virgin Mike, in a reputation for myself.
00:35 Get back here!
00:36 Word on the street was that Mr Clarence was moving a special shipment of coke from London to Liverpool.
00:44 81 kilos of the rarest cheng on fucking earth.
00:48 Virgin Mary's fucking tits.
00:57 Who likes to party? We like to party. Who got narcotics? We got narcotics.
01:04 Who likes to party? We got narcotics. Who likes to party? We like to party.
01:11 Now I wasn't there when they told him his priceless drugs were stolen, but I can imagine he said something like this.
01:18 What?! Stolen?! I want you to find these fucking ingrates and bring them to me!
01:25 You know how you drop six motherfuckers?
01:28 Six god... damn... bullets.
01:35 So this is what you're gonna do?
01:39 You're gonna tell your friends, if you have 'em, that Her Majesty's misfits are here and here to stay.
01:48 This is war!
01:54 The End
01:59 Thanks for watching!