• last year
BLACK WOLF Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Embark on a gripping journey with BLACK WOLF, where a man tormented by his high school bullies discovers they have become international terrorists four decades later. Destiny aligns as he, now a CIA operative, receives the mission of his lifetime: to eliminate the very threats that once made his life a nightmare.

Directed by talented William Lee, who also stars in the film alongside Johanna McGinley and Matthew Conway.
00:00 (ominous music)
00:02 (ominous music)
00:06 I'm gonna ask you one more question, okay?
00:14 Did you kill Billy Blackwell?
00:16 (ominous music)
00:24 (heart beating)
00:26 (heart beating)
00:29 (heart beating)
00:32 (gun firing)
00:59 Billy.
00:59 I'm gonna ask you one more question, okay?
01:03 Did you kill Billy Blackwell?
01:07 Have you ever loved somebody
01:13 that you would do anything for?
01:15 Would you die for somebody?
01:16 Would you kill for somebody?
01:20 I didn't kill Billy Blackwell.
01:22 But if you find out who did before me,
01:28 just let me know.
01:29 (heart beating)