SHARK PLANET - Hollywood Movie - Blockbuster Action Horror Movie In English -Adventure English Movie

  • 8 months ago
00:00:00 (ominous music)
00:00:02 (wind howling)
00:00:05 (wind howling)
00:00:08 (wind howling)
00:00:11 - Anarchist.
00:00:25 (wind howling)
00:00:32 (wind howling)
00:00:34 - Go down.
00:00:49 Go down now.
00:00:50 Go down.
00:00:52 (ominous music)
00:00:59 (wind howling)
00:01:01 - Get to shelter.
00:01:06 (ominous music)
00:01:09 (wind howling)
00:01:12 (explosion booms)
00:01:29 (explosion booms)
00:01:33 - Come on, come on.
00:01:37 He's over there.
00:01:38 - Search for him.
00:01:38 - We got it.
00:01:39 - Look out, Phil.
00:01:41 Look out.
00:01:42 (men shouting)
00:01:45 (explosion booms)
00:01:49 (explosion booms)
00:01:57 (men shouting)
00:01:59 (explosion booms)
00:02:03 (men shouting)
00:02:06 (explosion booms)
00:02:32 (explosion booms)
00:02:34 (men shouting)
00:02:39 (explosion booms)
00:02:50 (explosion booms)
00:02:53 (ominous music)
00:02:57 (explosion booms)
00:03:00 - Salvation, come in.
00:03:08 Spotted a flare from Junk City.
00:03:11 Send me up flares.
00:03:14 - Flares, how many?
00:03:15 - Just one.
00:03:17 - Okay, thank you.
00:03:18 - This is Salvation to Junk City, come in.
00:03:26 - Salvation to Junk City, do you read?
00:03:29 - It's gone, I don't see Junk City at all.
00:03:31 - Wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:03:32 Say again, what you see?
00:03:34 - There's nothing.
00:03:36 - Nothing, what you mean you see nothing?
00:03:38 - I can't see the city.
00:03:40 - You can't see the city?
00:03:41 - That's what I said, I can't see it.
00:03:43 - Well, where are you looking?
00:03:45 - I'm looking east.
00:03:47 - Look west.
00:03:48 - I looked west, there's nothing there.
00:03:50 - Well, if you don't see anything,
00:03:52 do you see part of the city or all of the city?
00:03:53 - I don't see the city at all.
00:03:56 He's drunk, could somebody please get up there?
00:03:58 He's had too much of the homebrew.
00:04:00 - This is the Osprey, I am heading for Junk City.
00:04:04 - This is Salvation to Barrick, come in.
00:04:07 - Yeah, go for Barrick.
00:04:09 - We need some eyes on Junk City.
00:04:11 - I can do that, I'm heading right by there.
00:04:14 - Let me know what you see.
00:04:16 - Barrick out.
00:04:17 (dramatic music)
00:04:20 - Vistron Research Station calling for the Osprey.
00:04:46 - Yeah, go for Barrick.
00:04:48 - Barrick, what's your 20?
00:04:50 - I'm about 20 nautical miles out,
00:04:52 I got your E-bar and I got some mint coffee for you.
00:04:55 - Outstanding, what's your ETA?
00:04:57 The boys are itching to hitch that scrubber to the rocket.
00:05:01 - Yeah, I'll get there when I can.
00:05:03 - We'll have some homebrew waiting for you when you get here.
00:05:06 - Did you make it?
00:05:07 - Not this time.
00:05:09 - In that case, I will take some.
00:05:10 - Over and out.
00:05:12 (dramatic music)
00:05:14 - What's our status, Nichols?
00:05:22 You want the good or the bad?
00:05:25 - Surprise me.
00:05:26 - Okay.
00:05:27 The rocket's nearly ready.
00:05:30 Atmospheric conditions are lining up quite nicely
00:05:32 for launch.
00:05:33 Starting this week, optimal conditions for the CO2 scrubbers
00:05:37 will dominate this region for a 62 hour window.
00:05:40 - And the bad news?
00:05:42 - Even if the parts Barrick bring work,
00:05:44 we still need more chassis components
00:05:46 to weld the scrubber unit to the craft properly.
00:05:49 - We can get those from Salvation.
00:05:51 - Even so, we won't be able to test
00:05:53 the scrubbers before launch.
00:05:54 - You mean a dry run?
00:05:57 - Exactly.
00:05:59 - The scrubbers rock the simulations.
00:06:01 We were able to get CO2 levels down
00:06:03 to pre-flood levels in the ensemble,
00:06:05 as you know, there's no substitute for actual testing.
00:06:07 - Why can't we test it?
00:06:09 - We only have enough materials to run the scrubbers once.
00:06:12 - I thought we were making two sets of scrubbers.
00:06:15 - Once we got into it,
00:06:16 we realized we only had enough material to make one.
00:06:19 - Okay, so we've only got one shot at this.
00:06:24 Better make it perfect.
00:06:26 - And we'll do our best to make that happen.
00:06:29 But that takes time.
00:06:31 And I'm afraid if we wait too long,
00:06:32 we lose our launch window.
00:06:34 Temperatures are increasing.
00:06:35 We're getting close to the point where the device
00:06:38 may not have an impact no matter how powerful it is.
00:06:41 The sooner that we can get the scrubbers into the atmosphere,
00:06:44 the better chance we have of reversing the warming trend.
00:06:47 - We didn't come this far to fail Dr. Nichols.
00:06:50 - I understand that.
00:06:52 But we have to consider the possibility of error
00:06:54 caused by working too quickly.
00:06:56 My team is worn out.
00:07:02 You push them too much and an error could be catastrophic.
00:07:08 - What do you need?
00:07:09 - I'd ask for a mirror call.
00:07:12 But I will settle for more time for Monroe and Ishii
00:07:14 to check and double check the launch parameters.
00:07:17 - You've got 48 hours.
00:07:20 - Thank you.
00:07:21 - Microlight's juiced up.
00:07:30 I can be there in 20.
00:07:31 - Can you transmit video back from that range?
00:07:34 - No, I clock out at a mile.
00:07:37 I've got to get the video booster from Vestron.
00:07:38 - Okay, then you radio back when you got a visual then.
00:07:41 Yeah? - Yeah.
00:07:42 Got it.
00:07:43 - Salvation to Junk City.
00:07:47 Salvation to Junk City, come in.
00:07:52 - We can put extra men on the wall.
00:08:00 But I need to know what we're dealing with.
00:08:01 - Nathan's on it.
00:08:02 We should know something within the hour.
00:08:04 - Okay.
00:08:05 Yields from the greenhouse are low.
00:08:07 It's been too hot and it's gonna keep getting hotter.
00:08:11 The solar stills ain't making enough fresh water
00:08:13 to keep us on survival rations.
00:08:15 My guys on edge,
00:08:18 from the linesmen all the way down to the fish crew,
00:08:21 everyone's itching for a fight.
00:08:23 Report to me when you got news from Junk City, hmm?
00:08:28 I find out they wasted a flare,
00:08:30 I personally go down there.
00:08:32 - I don't think they would do that.
00:08:33 I really don't.
00:08:35 - On another note, I got another request from Oceanic.
00:08:38 Yeah, they want more bits for their rocket.
00:08:41 - Can we spare 'em?
00:08:43 - Yeah.
00:08:45 - Then let's see what they're willing to buy.
00:08:49 (dramatic music)
00:08:52 (engine rumbling)
00:08:56 (dramatic music)
00:08:59 (engine rumbling)
00:09:02 (water splashing)
00:09:11 (dramatic music)
00:09:23 (engine rumbling)
00:09:26 - Got a survivor.
00:09:41 - Rainwater docked.
00:09:41 - Copy that, I'm on it.
00:09:43 (dramatic music)
00:09:45 (water splashing)
00:09:48 - Get in the boat.
00:10:13 (dramatic music)
00:10:16 - Hold on, I'll summon him.
00:10:24 (dramatic music)
00:10:27 - Come on, come on, come on.
00:10:38 (dramatic music)
00:10:41 (water splashing)
00:10:44 - Barrick, Barrick, you need to get the hell out of there.
00:10:51 (dramatic music)
00:10:54 (engine rumbling)
00:10:57 - What the hell was that?
00:11:13 - I don't know.
00:11:14 I've never seen anything like it.
00:11:16 - You okay?
00:11:17 (dramatic music)
00:11:20 (engine rumbling)
00:11:23 - Okay, Barrick, you're in the clear.
00:11:28 I'm gonna go to Salvation and tell them what happened.
00:11:31 - Yeah, I'll do the same when I get to Vestron.
00:11:35 - Okay.
00:11:35 Radio me if you need anything.
00:11:38 - Yeah, copy that, you do the same, over.
00:11:41 (dramatic music)
00:11:44 (engine rumbling)
00:11:47 - Hey, you thirsty?
00:11:52 It's the rainwater from the monsoon, 80 clicks for me to try.
00:12:00 Try it.
00:12:01 All right, here, here, here, here.
00:12:10 (dramatic music)
00:12:13 Hey, come on, we'll go here.
00:12:20 I'll show you something.
00:12:21 Come here.
00:12:25 Come over here, it's okay.
00:12:27 That's where we're going, right?
00:12:39 Focus on where we're going.
00:12:40 Look at me.
00:12:44 Okay?
00:12:46 Man, there were thousands.
00:12:54 Now, we've all seen super pods of dolphins.
00:12:56 This was like that, except there were sharks,
00:12:58 a magnitude larger than anything I've ever seen.
00:13:01 And in the middle, there was one.
00:13:02 Man, it was massive.
00:13:04 - You asking me to believe in something
00:13:06 we ain't never seen in our years on the ocean?
00:13:09 - Well, the ocean is adapting.
00:13:11 - Okay, okay, but isn't it more realistic to say
00:13:14 that the sharks were attracted to the destruction
00:13:15 of the city rather than being the cause of it?
00:13:17 Now, we've seen disasters before where they've shown up,
00:13:20 like capsizing at Shana, right?
00:13:22 - Man, you wanna know what happened,
00:13:23 you gotta speak to Barry.
00:13:25 He pulled a survivor.
00:13:26 - Come on, kid.
00:13:35 - No.
00:13:35 (dramatic music)
00:13:38 - Do you know what this place is, kid?
00:13:44 It's Vestron Station.
00:13:45 This is where they survived the Great Flood.
00:13:47 It's the safest place in the entire world.
00:13:49 They got rockets here.
00:13:52 Right, Doc?
00:13:56 Rockets?
00:13:57 - We do, actually.
00:13:58 Just one.
00:13:59 - It won't help.
00:14:01 - What?
00:14:04 - Rockets won't stop them when they come.
00:14:07 - When who comes?
00:14:08 - Sharks.
00:14:11 - Listen, um, V, V.
00:14:16 Hi.
00:14:18 I'm Dr. Nichols.
00:14:20 If you don't wanna get off this boat, you don't have to.
00:14:22 You can stay right here.
00:14:23 - No.
00:14:24 What do you mean she can't stay here?
00:14:26 No, she can stay here.
00:14:28 - It's all the same.
00:14:29 As soon as you unload your cargo,
00:14:31 you're taking her to salvation.
00:14:33 - I got another run to do.
00:14:35 - You do, and it's to salvation.
00:14:38 - We're all going there.
00:14:40 Last I checked, you're under contract with Oceanic.
00:14:43 We give you fuel and supplies for your services.
00:14:45 - Yeah, but it's limited to deep sea recovery and salvage.
00:14:49 - Well, it would be a salvage of sorts.
00:14:51 Salvation has agreed to supply us
00:14:53 with some iridium casings for our electrical contacts.
00:14:57 So I need to check the stability of the iridium.
00:15:00 (dramatic music)
00:15:02 - So we all gotta go.
00:15:05 - Yes.
00:15:07 We need to pow wow with D'Amato.
00:15:10 He wanna talk to you and your passenger.
00:15:12 So whatever new trouble this is,
00:15:15 we need to sort it out quickly.
00:15:16 We're running out of time for the launch.
00:15:18 Hi.
00:15:29 I'm Dr. Shaw.
00:15:30 Nice to meet you, Bea.
00:15:33 I wanna show you something.
00:15:34 Come here.
00:15:35 See that rocket right there?
00:15:40 We're going to attach a device to that rocket
00:15:45 called the CO2 scrubber.
00:15:46 CO2 is what caused the poles to melt
00:15:49 and the entire planet to be covered with water.
00:15:52 So our team, which is headed up by Dr. Nichols,
00:15:56 has created this device.
00:15:58 You're gonna put this device on the rocket
00:15:59 and fire it up high into the atmosphere,
00:16:02 hoping with the right conditions
00:16:04 that this will actually reverse the effect.
00:16:07 Do you know what that means?
00:16:09 - On the water?
00:16:10 - Yeah, dry land.
00:16:12 Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
00:16:14 - Very. - I know.
00:16:16 In fact, we have some of the best minds
00:16:17 on the planet working on it.
00:16:19 So we need everybody's help, including yours.
00:16:24 - Will you help us?
00:16:26 - Yeah. - Okay.
00:16:28 Now, if we could just get this thing unloaded,
00:16:30 we could leave.
00:16:31 Derek, this should help you grow some.
00:16:41 (laughing)
00:16:46 (dramatic music)
00:16:48 - What's that for?
00:17:02 - It's for radio tagging the sharks.
00:17:06 - You wanna tag sharks?
00:17:08 Do it in your own time.
00:17:10 - I don't know what your problem is with me,
00:17:13 but I suggest you deep six it.
00:17:15 (dramatic music)
00:17:17 - I don't have a problem with you, Doc.
00:17:19 I think you have a great personality.
00:17:22 But after what I saw at Junk City,
00:17:25 I see a shark, I'm out of there.
00:17:27 (dramatic music)
00:17:31 - So what's your take on this?
00:17:37 - When the poles melted,
00:17:39 we saw the fish population explode.
00:17:41 More nutrients in the water meant more fish,
00:17:43 and it grew exponentially.
00:17:45 But what we're seeing now is a population collapse
00:17:48 due to the excessive temperatures.
00:17:50 Now plankton are the base of the food chain.
00:17:53 The smaller fish eat the plankton,
00:17:54 which in turn feed the larger fish,
00:17:55 and all the way on up to the top of sharks.
00:17:58 But now, with the excessive heat,
00:18:00 the ocean is too warm for the plankton to survive.
00:18:04 This in turn causes the fish population
00:18:05 to crash on down the line.
00:18:07 And what you're left with is a bunch of top predators
00:18:10 with nothing to eat under the water.
00:18:13 So what do they do?
00:18:14 They look for food on top of the water, and that's us.
00:18:17 The ocean is dying.
00:18:20 It's gonna try to take us with it.
00:18:23 - I saved some images on the sonar from Junk City.
00:18:30 Come and have a look.
00:18:31 - Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
00:18:41 - A bunch of different shark species all together.
00:18:44 I've never seen that before.
00:18:46 - Yeah.
00:18:47 - What's that huge thing in the middle?
00:18:49 - That's the mother of all sharks.
00:18:52 - How many people are living in Salvation?
00:18:58 - Over 400.
00:18:59 - That's a big meal.
00:19:04 (clicking)
00:19:06 (clicking)
00:19:09 (ominous music)
00:19:11 (ominous music)
00:19:14 (ominous music)
00:19:17 (ominous music)
00:19:44 - What's exactly the kind of thing
00:19:45 that's gonna draw them here?
00:19:47 - They've got shark nets around this place.
00:19:49 - If it's sharks, my guys can handle that.
00:20:02 Bring it on.
00:20:03 We haul a dozen of them out of the sea every day.
00:20:05 Where do you think we get the oil for our lamps?
00:20:08 - Yeah, but these sharks?
00:20:12 These sharks are not normal sharks.
00:20:14 - I find it hard to believe an entire flotilla
00:20:17 could be taken down by sharks.
00:20:20 - You better believe it.
00:20:21 - Okay.
00:20:24 Let's say I do.
00:20:25 What are our options?
00:20:27 We got over 400 people here.
00:20:31 Can we take them to your station at Vestron?
00:20:33 - I'm not set up for that.
00:20:35 - Then why'd you come here?
00:20:39 You want something from us,
00:20:40 but you're not willing to help?
00:20:42 - Look, we're a science station.
00:20:45 We're set up for 40 or 50 people max.
00:20:47 It would take weeks to upgrade.
00:20:49 - Well, then I guess your people gonna be working
00:20:53 double time.
00:20:54 - We could take some people to the harp substation.
00:20:58 It's been mothballed for over a year.
00:21:01 - How many people can you put over there?
00:21:04 - Maybe 200.
00:21:05 - What about the rest?
00:21:08 - Yeah, look, I would vote for that,
00:21:09 but as long as you don't care about your machinery and all.
00:21:13 I know these folks.
00:21:14 They're gonna strip it down for usable parts.
00:21:16 - Who's sad you are?
00:21:18 - Everyone's.
00:21:20 I just take into account the nature
00:21:23 of our rough and ready type folks here, you know?
00:21:26 Myself included.
00:21:27 - Look, we'll take people over there if we need to,
00:21:30 but prepping the station takes time.
00:21:32 We need to do something now.
00:21:34 - You have the shark nets?
00:21:36 I would suggest beefing them up.
00:21:38 - Yeah, we don't have the nets.
00:21:40 - What?
00:21:41 - We have to cannibalize them
00:21:42 to build the expansion wing, okay?
00:21:44 - The kind of fishing we do around here,
00:21:46 nets just get in the way.
00:21:48 - So what defenses do you have?
00:21:52 - We do what we do best.
00:21:57 Mofi.
00:21:58 Relay it down the line.
00:22:01 Get every able-bodied man down here now.
00:22:04 - Maybe we could-- - Now.
00:22:07 - We'll do.
00:22:08 - Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
00:22:12 - We got some sharks to kill.
00:22:16 Fishing is full contact sport around here.
00:22:24 - With all due respect, Amato,
00:22:28 do you really think this is the best idea?
00:22:30 - I don't tell you how to run your show.
00:22:32 Don't tell me how to run mine.
00:22:34 - But if what they say is correct,
00:22:37 then I'm sorry.
00:22:38 - Junk City was a collection of scavengers
00:22:43 scraping the living off the surface.
00:22:46 Heavy wind could've just blown them over.
00:22:49 We, on the other hand, have been here from the start.
00:22:52 The sea took the land from us
00:22:54 and now we take what we want from the sea.
00:22:56 It's gonna take a whole lot more than a few sharks
00:23:01 to take us out.
00:23:02 (dramatic music)
00:23:05 - Yeah, I'm going back to the Osprey.
00:23:09 You're coming with me.
00:23:10 - Nathan, I need some eyes on this guy.
00:23:15 I wanna find out where those sharks are headed.
00:23:17 - I can do that.
00:23:18 (thudding)
00:23:25 - Stop!
00:23:30 (thudding)
00:23:33 (screaming)
00:23:41 (screaming)
00:23:50 (thudding)
00:23:52 (screaming)
00:23:55 (thudding)
00:23:57 (screaming)
00:24:04 (screaming)
00:24:11 (thudding)
00:24:23 (screaming)
00:24:25 (screaming)
00:24:36 (screaming)
00:24:51 (dramatic music)
00:24:53 (screaming)
00:25:00 (thudding)
00:25:06 (screaming)
00:25:14 (thudding)
00:25:17 (screaming)
00:25:19 (thudding)
00:25:24 (screaming)
00:25:33 (screaming)
00:25:36 (screaming)
00:25:46 (thudding)
00:25:48 (dramatic music)
00:26:00 - You ready?
00:26:07 (dramatic music)
00:26:13 (thudding)
00:26:16 (screaming)
00:26:36 (screaming)
00:26:41 (thudding)
00:26:43 (screaming)
00:26:48 (thudding)
00:26:53 (screaming)
00:26:57 (screaming)
00:27:08 (thudding)
00:27:11 - Come get it!
00:27:20 (thudding)
00:27:23 - Come on!
00:27:31 Let's go!
00:27:38 (speaking in foreign language)
00:27:42 (screaming)
00:27:47 (dramatic music)
00:28:04 (thudding)
00:28:06 (speaking in foreign language)
00:28:19 - Get out!
00:28:22 - Go, go, go, go!
00:28:34 Stay here, hang on.
00:28:35 Wait for her.
00:28:36 Go, take her there.
00:28:37 Go, go, go!
00:28:38 Go!
00:28:38 (screaming)
00:28:41 (thudding)
00:28:45 (thudding)
00:28:47 - Come on, come on!
00:28:53 Come on!
00:28:54 (screaming)
00:28:56 - This is my boat!
00:28:58 - Go, go, go!
00:28:59 Grab my hand!
00:29:00 - Take the boat!
00:29:02 - Go this way!
00:29:04 (splashing)
00:29:06 - Go!
00:29:08 - Hurry, Amber.
00:29:12 (grunting)
00:29:14 - Go!
00:29:18 (dramatic music)
00:29:30 (siren blaring)
00:29:33 - Penny!
00:29:36 Penny!
00:29:37 Over here!
00:29:38 Come to Mama!
00:29:40 Penny!
00:29:43 Penny, over here!
00:29:46 Penny!
00:29:48 Come to Mama, come on, you!
00:29:52 (panting)
00:29:55 (dramatic music)
00:29:58 - Come on, quickly, you've gotta get off this thing!
00:30:16 Hurry up!
00:30:17 Go this way, go, go!
00:30:18 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
00:30:19 You came here for this, right?
00:30:20 For your project?
00:30:21 - Hey, you gotta get these people off the flotilla.
00:30:22 - Yeah, yeah, follow me.
00:30:23 - Go, quickly, hurry!
00:30:26 (siren blaring)
00:30:29 (grunting)
00:30:38 (grunting)
00:30:46 (grunting)
00:30:52 - Where's the, um, where's the boat?
00:30:55 - Come on!
00:30:56 (dramatic music)
00:31:00 (groaning)
00:31:07 - Come on, you gotta jump!
00:31:08 - No, no, no, no!
00:31:09 - Jump, quick, jump!
00:31:10 - Come on, come on!
00:31:11 - Are we done?
00:31:12 - We don't understand, let's go!
00:31:13 (screaming)
00:31:16 (dramatic music)
00:31:19 (splashing)
00:31:21 (dramatic music)
00:31:24 (splashing)
00:31:33 (gurgling)
00:31:42 (grunting)
00:31:50 (dramatic music)
00:31:53 (grunting)
00:31:55 (grunting)
00:31:58 (gurgling)
00:32:00 (grunting)
00:32:07 (grunting)
00:32:13 (grunting)
00:32:24 (grunting)
00:32:26 (grunting)
00:32:35 (splashing)
00:32:38 - Come on!
00:32:53 (screaming)
00:32:55 (splashing)
00:32:58 - Dad, get the girl!
00:33:03 (dramatic music)
00:33:06 - Oh, God!
00:33:11 - Come on, get her!
00:33:12 (screaming)
00:33:15 - Come on, come on!
00:33:16 (screaming)
00:33:18 - Dad, get her!
00:33:20 (splashing)
00:33:23 - Come on, come on!
00:33:24 - Quick!
00:33:25 (dramatic music)
00:33:28 - Dad, get the girl!
00:33:32 - I got her, I got her!
00:33:34 (dramatic music)
00:33:37 - What the hell was that?
00:33:49 (screaming)
00:33:51 (dramatic music)
00:33:54 - Get in the boat!
00:34:01 Get in the boat, get in the boat!
00:34:03 (dramatic music)
00:34:06 (splashing)
00:34:09 - Look, wait, this is as fast as you can go.
00:34:25 - Yeah.
00:34:26 - Well, I'll just get out and push, shall I?
00:34:28 - Hey, why don't you do it?
00:34:29 - Yeah, just fight.
00:34:35 - Nichols, did you see what those sharks did?
00:34:37 - I saw what it looked like.
00:34:38 - I've seen it before.
00:34:40 The smaller sharks defending the bigger one.
00:34:42 - Sharks aren't altruistic.
00:34:44 The young cannibalize each other in the womb.
00:34:46 Something else is going on.
00:34:48 - Go on.
00:34:49 - Sharks have heightened senses.
00:34:52 Two thirds of their brain are dedicated towards smell.
00:34:55 They can sense electromagnetic fields,
00:34:56 and my guess is they're using the electromagnetic fields
00:34:59 to communicate, and she's controlling them somehow.
00:35:02 - So you're talking electrocommunication?
00:35:05 - Sharks are tuned to read bioelectrics.
00:35:07 It's not a huge leap to believe that
00:35:09 if a shark can track its prey
00:35:11 using the electromagnetic fields,
00:35:12 it can also broadcast electromagnetic pulses to communicate.
00:35:17 They're built to receive these signals.
00:35:19 The same ampullae de Lorenzini they use to track their prey
00:35:22 can be used to receive these signals
00:35:24 via electrocommunication.
00:35:25 - Maybe we can use that against them.
00:35:30 (suspenseful music)
00:35:33 - Hey guys, we got bigger problems.
00:35:42 - There's so many.
00:35:49 Hundreds of them following her.
00:35:53 She's controlling them.
00:35:57 - Come on, girl.
00:36:01 - This alpha female is controlling an army of sharks.
00:36:04 - Zack, will you do me a favor?
00:36:21 Go upstairs and keep the board straight, okay?
00:36:23 (suspenseful music)
00:36:26 - What's the speed looking like?
00:36:36 - We got 15 knots.
00:36:38 - Hey Doc, is it increasing?
00:36:39 - 17 knots.
00:36:42 - Yeah, that should do it.
00:36:44 (suspenseful music)
00:36:52 (suspenseful music)
00:36:55 - Vestron Station, come in, this is Shaw.
00:37:19 Osprey calling for Vestron, come in.
00:37:22 - We read you.
00:37:23 - So you think you can get the HAARP transmitter
00:37:25 juiced up for one more run?
00:37:26 - Last time we ran that thing,
00:37:28 it's at the power grid to the entire station for two weeks.
00:37:31 We have to replace the transformers
00:37:32 and rewire the entire station.
00:37:34 Are you sure we can take that kind of risk?
00:37:36 That would set the whole program back.
00:37:39 - I don't think we have a choice.
00:37:41 Take Project 13 off the grid.
00:37:43 Get your team over there.
00:37:44 I need that transmitter working.
00:37:46 - I can't guarantee we can even get it running.
00:37:49 No one works over there anymore.
00:37:50 Nichols knew it better than anyone.
00:37:52 - Nichols is here if you need input.
00:37:54 Get it online and get back to me.
00:37:56 I'll give you the target.
00:37:58 - Sir, you do know of the collateral damage that may occur,
00:38:01 bouncing electromagnetic beams off the ionosphere.
00:38:03 It could result in earthquakes, tsunamis,
00:38:05 a whole wealth of natural disasters
00:38:06 that we're not equipped to deal with.
00:38:08 Not to mention if anyone's in the path of the directed beam.
00:38:11 Could result in irreversible damage.
00:38:13 - Thank you, Dr. Monroe, I'm well aware of the risks.
00:38:17 We will be clear of the target zone
00:38:18 before I reactivate the beam.
00:38:21 - Ishii, what's the status on the rocket?
00:38:23 - We are working to attach the scrubbers,
00:38:27 but because of the conditions they would be subjected to
00:38:29 in the upper atmospheres,
00:38:31 I'm suspending final attachment
00:38:32 until you return with the iridium casings.
00:38:35 We need to create a harness that can withstand the heat.
00:38:38 - Negative, Ishii.
00:38:39 Continue your work.
00:38:40 - Without the addition of platinum iridium,
00:38:42 I cannot guarantee the structural integrity
00:38:44 will be maintained until deployment.
00:38:46 It could rupture on launch.
00:38:49 - Casings are on their way.
00:38:50 Continue your work.
00:38:51 We don't have much time.
00:38:52 - Sir?
00:38:53 - Find a way to make it work.
00:38:56 Double weld the seams and heat treat them.
00:38:59 Iridium can go on at a later stage.
00:39:01 We need to do this now.
00:39:02 We have no alternative.
00:39:04 This launch window may be our only chance
00:39:08 to utilize the scrubber.
00:39:09 Dr. Monroe, get that transmitter working.
00:39:13 Get back to me.
00:39:18 - You heard her then.
00:39:20 No time to waste.
00:39:21 - Well, in theory, we should be able to create a device
00:39:29 that mimics the effects of a capsizing boat
00:39:31 in the hundreds of people in the water.
00:39:33 If we place the device in the right place,
00:39:35 then sharks will come.
00:39:36 - What are you thinking of dropping it?
00:39:38 - Dwolsen Ridge.
00:39:39 - Volcano?
00:39:41 - It's an underwater caldera.
00:39:44 There are a few smokers, but it's mainly dormant.
00:39:47 So it's asleep, but not dead.
00:39:50 So when it erupts,
00:39:51 then several megatons of energy will be released.
00:39:54 - What do you mean when it erupts?
00:39:56 - We're going to use the Harp Dancer.
00:39:58 Okay, so turn the beam to the right frequency
00:40:04 and it excites the magma.
00:40:06 Then the frequency of the focus beam
00:40:08 forces the atoms into a plasma state,
00:40:10 which then in turn causes volcanic eruption.
00:40:12 - English.
00:40:14 - Okay, do you remember Project Providence?
00:40:17 - Yeah.
00:40:18 - When we attempted to recreate land mass.
00:40:21 So it was our attempt to reboot civilization
00:40:23 on man-made islands.
00:40:25 The goal was to utilize cooled magma rock
00:40:27 and turn it into inhabitable land formations.
00:40:30 So using the harp to trigger submarine volcanoes
00:40:35 by zapping the upper atmosphere
00:40:37 with focused electromagnetic radio waves.
00:40:39 - Yeah, I remember how that turned out.
00:40:41 We were in tsunami watch for a week.
00:40:44 So why do you think it'll be any different now?
00:40:46 - We're not trying to recreate a continent.
00:40:49 We just need to force interruption
00:40:51 and that's what the harp transmitter does.
00:40:53 - And how do we know that the sharks
00:40:54 will be over the volcano at that time?
00:40:56 - Leave it to me.
00:40:59 - Barrick, you're hearing this?
00:41:00 No, no, no, no, no, no, you're mad.
00:41:06 No, there has to be another way.
00:41:07 - I'm open to ideas.
00:41:10 - Well, Barrick has weapons and board.
00:41:11 We can make bang sticks.
00:41:12 Well, okay, how about electro shock, okay?
00:41:16 We stun the sharks with the electricity and then bang.
00:41:19 When they float to the surface,
00:41:20 we take them out with the bang sticks.
00:41:21 - There are far too many sharks involved in the attacks.
00:41:24 We need to neutralize them all.
00:41:25 - Okay, your device.
00:41:27 We have to take it to the volcano and drop it off
00:41:29 and then get out of there before it blows, right?
00:41:31 - Correct.
00:41:32 - Yeah, well, I'm sorry to be the brains
00:41:34 of the operation here,
00:41:35 but this boat is slower than my metabolism.
00:41:38 How do you suggest we do that?
00:41:40 - We don't have to.
00:41:41 - Now I got the signal booster
00:41:45 from your people in Vestron.
00:41:47 So you should have eyes all the way to the volcano.
00:41:52 - Excellent.
00:41:55 There are two settings.
00:42:02 One to initially attract the sharks
00:42:04 and the other to draw them in.
00:42:06 This is your primary switch.
00:42:07 Hit this when you've made contact with the school.
00:42:10 When you're positioned, trigger it here.
00:42:13 Drop it and get out of there.
00:42:14 This will send out a transmitter
00:42:16 that will descend to the volcano.
00:42:18 Once it's been deployed and you're clear,
00:42:21 I'll send word to Vestron.
00:42:22 He'll fire the heart transmitter.
00:42:25 Got it?
00:42:26 - Got it.
00:42:27 - Good luck.
00:42:29 - All right.
00:42:30 - You stay safe, Nate.
00:42:31 - You too, man.
00:42:32 (dramatic music)
00:42:37 (dramatic music intensifies)
00:42:41 (dramatic music intensifies)
00:42:45 (dramatic music intensifies)
00:42:48 (dramatic music intensifies)
00:42:52 (dramatic music intensifies)
00:42:56 (dramatic music intensifies)
00:42:59 - Nathan, when you make contact with the sharks,
00:43:25 turn on the first setting of the device.
00:43:26 This should draw them in.
00:43:28 - I got a visual on the school.
00:43:33 I'm going in a little closer.
00:43:35 They're heading southeast.
00:43:41 - You need to get them to head northwest.
00:43:45 - I'm going in.
00:43:46 (dramatic music)
00:43:53 (dramatic music intensifies)
00:43:56 (water gurgling)
00:44:07 (water gurgling)
00:44:21 (water gurgling)
00:44:24 - Oh no.
00:44:32 - The device is still transmitting.
00:44:45 We can be there in 10 minutes.
00:44:47 - Yeah, well, what do we do?
00:44:50 - We could go get it.
00:44:51 But if we deployed it to a sun ridge,
00:44:54 then the last radius would be over three miles.
00:44:57 Even if we get out of there in time,
00:45:00 the resulting wave will overwhelm us.
00:45:04 - Oh, this is great.
00:45:05 This is fantastic.
00:45:12 Sharks, volcano, wave.
00:45:15 I've got two sips left.
00:45:18 (dramatic music)
00:45:20 - There's another way.
00:45:21 All right, doc, you pilot the boat back.
00:45:35 I'll drop off the device.
00:45:36 She tops out at 30 knots.
00:45:37 She'll be fast enough to get you away from the blast zone.
00:45:40 - I'll go.
00:45:41 - No, it's not open for discussion.
00:45:44 - No, it isn't.
00:45:45 This is your boat.
00:45:47 You're the best person to pilot it, not me.
00:45:49 I appreciate the vote of confidence,
00:45:50 but there's a lot of people relying on you.
00:45:53 - Do you know how to fly this thing?
00:45:55 - I spent two months surveying the Western Hemisphere
00:45:57 for a tolls, yes, I know how to fly this thing.
00:46:00 - Okay, Nichols is right.
00:46:01 We need you here, Barak.
00:46:02 - Last time I checked,
00:46:04 I was still a captain on this boat.
00:46:05 - I'll be fine.
00:46:06 - All right.
00:46:14 Doc, I trade a lot of personal things for this boat.
00:46:16 I want it back.
00:46:17 - Or what?
00:46:18 - Or you owe me a new rig.
00:46:22 - Deal.
00:46:26 Listen, we'll meet you in the safe zone,
00:46:34 but if something doesn't feel right, just abort, okay?
00:46:37 There is a transmitter on the device,
00:46:40 but we will not have two-way communication.
00:46:43 So leave it up to your discretion.
00:46:44 (dramatic music)
00:46:48 (birds chirping)
00:46:51 (dramatic music)
00:46:54 (dramatic music)
00:46:57 (water splashing)
00:47:00 (dramatic music)
00:47:03 (water splashing)
00:47:06 (dramatic music)
00:47:09 (water splashing)
00:47:31 (dramatic music)
00:47:34 (water splashing)
00:47:42 (water splashing)
00:47:55 (dramatic music)
00:47:58 (water splashing)
00:48:23 (water splashing)
00:48:26 (water splashing)
00:48:33 - She's found the school and she's drawing them in.
00:48:43 - Here we go.
00:48:44 - This could work.
00:48:52 - Vestron station, come in, this is Shaw.
00:48:54 - We read you.
00:48:55 - Need an update on the harp, what's your status?
00:48:59 - We were over at the facility.
00:49:01 Some of the controls seem to have been stripped
00:49:03 to use on the rocket.
00:49:04 We're going to have to jumpstart this thing manually.
00:49:07 - I got Nichols out there risking it all
00:49:12 to draw them into the caldera.
00:49:14 Get it going, I don't care what it takes.
00:49:16 (dramatic music)
00:49:19 (dramatic music)
00:49:21 - Thanks.
00:49:40 - We should continue our work on the rocket.
00:49:42 That is our priority.
00:49:44 This harp device is a waste of time.
00:49:46 - I've known Shaw a long time.
00:49:47 Doesn't help anyone to second guess her.
00:49:50 - This is a mistake.
00:49:51 - If we don't stop the sharks,
00:49:53 it won't matter if the rocket works.
00:49:56 There won't be any of us left.
00:49:58 (water splashing)
00:50:16 (water splashing)
00:50:19 - Yeah.
00:50:27 - Thanks.
00:50:30 - Yeah.
00:50:31 (phone ringing)
00:50:34 - They're taking the bait.
00:50:35 - Booyah!
00:50:36 - Sorry.
00:50:40 (dramatic music)
00:50:43 - She's wired in.
00:50:53 - Let's see if this baby still has some life in her.
00:50:56 (dramatic music)
00:50:59 (dramatic music)
00:51:02 Come on, baby.
00:51:16 Okay.
00:51:21 Hello, Unix.
00:51:24 You wanna talk to me like that?
00:51:26 - What do you think?
00:51:29 - Well, this is some old school programming.
00:51:31 But all the contacts are still good.
00:51:36 - Can you get the harp online?
00:51:39 - Oh, yes.
00:51:41 She's cranky, but firm hand will do the trick.
00:51:44 (dramatic music)
00:51:47 (water splashing)
00:51:54 (dramatic music)
00:51:57 - This is Vestron calling for a spray, come in.
00:52:11 - This is Shaw, go ahead.
00:52:14 - The harp's online,
00:52:17 but if she tells me we only got one round at this.
00:52:19 - Okay, excellent.
00:52:20 Let me know when it's ready.
00:52:22 Stand by for my command to fire the transmitter.
00:52:25 - Sir, I wanna waste my reservation on firing this thing.
00:52:28 - Duly noted, but we don't have a choice.
00:52:33 Do what you can to minimize adverse effect to the station.
00:52:36 I want all hands on this.
00:52:37 - Yes, sir.
00:52:39 - Nichols is nearing her drop zone.
00:52:40 The harp must be ready when the device is in place.
00:52:43 - I got you, sir, it will be ready.
00:52:46 (dramatic music)
00:52:50 (door clicking)
00:52:52 - We're leaving?
00:52:56 - We have to trigger this thing remotely.
00:52:58 - Didn't Shaw say to sever all connection
00:53:00 between the harp and Vestron control?
00:53:02 How are we set it off without a direct link?
00:53:05 If we set it up while we're still connected,
00:53:06 Vestron could be-- - I know.
00:53:08 We have to get everyone on severing all connections
00:53:12 between the main facility and the harp transmitter.
00:53:15 But we leave one line tethered for control.
00:53:18 (Nichols gasps)
00:53:20 - When we set it off, we disconnect.
00:53:23 We shouldn't have any blowback.
00:53:25 - Are you sure of that?
00:53:27 - No one's used this thing in years.
00:53:29 There's no telling what would happen when we set it off.
00:53:31 The magnitude of power emitted from this thing
00:53:33 could have very real collateral damage to anyone nearby.
00:53:37 Remote trigger is the only way to do this.
00:53:40 (dramatic music)
00:53:43 (birds chirping)
00:53:46 (dramatic music)
00:53:48 (footsteps thudding)
00:53:52 (dramatic music)
00:53:54 (water splashing)
00:54:04 (water splashing)
00:54:12 (dramatic music)
00:54:15 (water splashing)
00:54:36 (radio beeping)
00:54:39 - She's planted the device.
00:54:47 We need to give her three minutes
00:54:48 to get away from the blast radius.
00:54:50 - Is that enough time?
00:54:51 - Yes.
00:54:54 Process isn't instantaneous.
00:54:56 Once we've triggered the harp,
00:54:59 we bounce a beam of energy at the volcano.
00:55:00 It takes a variable amount of time
00:55:02 for the volcano to erupt.
00:55:03 - She's gonna be safe, right?
00:55:05 (dramatic music)
00:55:08 - There is a margin for error, but just get us there.
00:55:12 She'll be there.
00:55:13 - Vistron Station, this is Sean, the Osprey.
00:55:21 (dramatic music)
00:55:25 - This is Caroline at Vistron, go ahead.
00:55:29 - The device has been deployed and is in position.
00:55:33 Are you ready to trigger the harp?
00:55:36 - All systems go on your command.
00:55:38 - Has Vistron been separated from the harp facility?
00:55:40 Is everything with the rocket shielded?
00:55:42 - Not exactly.
00:55:46 We're running a line in for ignition to trigger the harp.
00:55:48 - I told you to isolate that facility.
00:55:52 - I know, and I was the first one to agree with that plan.
00:55:56 But after inspecting the harp transmitter,
00:55:58 it's too risky to have someone over there setting it off.
00:56:02 It has to be done this way.
00:56:05 - Copy that, I'll leave it to you.
00:56:07 - She's cleared the safe zone.
00:56:12 - She's cleared the zone, on my mark.
00:56:15 - Yes, sir.
00:56:34 - We are ready to proceed.
00:56:35 - 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
00:56:45 Fire!
00:56:54 (dramatic music)
00:56:57 (laughing)
00:57:21 - Yeah!
00:57:23 (laughing)
00:57:26 - Did we disconnect?
00:57:35 - Negative, I have to steer the beam
00:57:36 once it reaches the ionosphere.
00:57:38 Atmospheric conditions influences the path.
00:57:42 - We need to do this now.
00:57:43 - Not yet, I can't guarantee it will hit its target.
00:57:46 (dramatic music)
00:57:49 - We can't stay connected much longer,
00:58:05 we'll lose everything.
00:58:07 - We need one minute to focus the beam.
00:58:09 - We don't have one more minute.
00:58:11 We're losing it!
00:58:17 (dramatic music)
00:58:18 - Come on, baby!
00:58:20 - It should be hard to make connection any longer.
00:58:33 - On target, now!
00:58:45 (alarm beeping)
00:58:47 - Beam is on target, disconnect!
00:58:49 - Woo, yeah!
00:59:00 - Oh my gosh, look at that!
00:59:05 Oh, oh, oh!
00:59:06 (laughing)
00:59:11 - Woo hoo!
00:59:12 (dramatic music)
00:59:18 (dramatic music)
00:59:21 - Ha ha, look at that!
00:59:44 Woo hoo!
00:59:47 - Hey, you sure?
00:59:48 - Barry, coming up along!
00:59:55 - Quickly, quickly!
00:59:56 - Where are you going?
00:59:58 - Wait, wait, wait, you're not landing towards that,
01:00:13 are you?
01:00:14 - Yeah, I'm bowing away from capsizes.
01:00:16 - Wait, well then it's a spaz at the flipping wave
01:00:19 and then it's bugger off back that way, Zoe!
01:00:21 - Just hold on a second.
01:00:23 - Barrick!
01:00:24 - Don't look, sweetheart.
01:00:32 - Sit down.
01:00:39 - No, you sit down!
01:00:40 - Sit down!
01:00:41 - I'll sit down.
01:00:42 - I'll sit down.
01:00:44 - Caroline?
01:00:56 Caroline, Caroline, can you hear me?
01:00:59 (coughing)
01:01:02 - How'd we do?
01:01:11 - Well, when the harp weighs off,
01:01:14 it's sent to EMB pulse, sideways and upwards.
01:01:18 The power's out, systems are down.
01:01:23 - We didn't disconnect in time.
01:01:29 - No, we did.
01:01:29 But I don't think it mattered.
01:01:33 The brunt of it hit right here where we are at.
01:01:38 (sighing)
01:01:40 - How's the rocket?
01:01:43 - Structurally, sound.
01:01:46 If we can get the iridium casings from the Osprey,
01:01:51 we're good to launch.
01:01:52 However, without power, we're dead in the water.
01:01:58 - What about wave kinetic energy harvesters?
01:02:05 - We don't have any.
01:02:06 - Wave kinetic energy harvesters, or solar cells?
01:02:10 - Well, mechanically, they are sound,
01:02:12 but the battery is used for storing the energy, it's fried.
01:02:16 - So we have no way of storing the energy we harvest.
01:02:19 What about direct power from the harvesters?
01:02:23 - Current generated is too weak.
01:02:25 - So what you're saying is that we can generate energy,
01:02:27 but we have no way of storing it?
01:02:30 - Yes, that's correct.
01:02:32 (dramatic music)
01:02:34 - What about our target?
01:02:38 Have you heard anything from Osprey?
01:02:41 - Not yet.
01:02:42 We're working on backup communications as we speak.
01:02:46 - Good.
01:02:52 We need to get Sean on board.
01:02:57 (dramatic music)
01:02:59 - Vestron station's not responding.
01:03:05 - What does that mean?
01:03:06 - Probably that they took an EMP hit.
01:03:10 - What about Dr. Nichols?
01:03:11 (dramatic music)
01:03:15 - We're gonna have to ride the wave out,
01:03:20 fetch her after.
01:03:20 - Tell me, have Britain waves sounded like this before?
01:03:27 - Not like this.
01:03:28 (dramatic music)
01:03:33 Definitely not like this.
01:03:41 - We need more power.
01:03:45 Go take the fuel lines,
01:03:46 we might have to pump it manually.
01:03:48 - No, I'll go, you need to shoulder.
01:03:50 - I'll go.
01:03:52 (dramatic music)
01:03:55 - Got some problem with your throttle.
01:04:00 - Come on.
01:04:05 I'm gonna get security.
01:04:09 (dramatic music)
01:04:12 Um, okay, yes, put your arm.
01:04:16 It's working, it's working, it's working, it's working.
01:04:22 (dramatic music)
01:04:24 - Joe, I need more power.
01:04:33 - It's maxed out.
01:04:36 - Here we go.
01:04:39 (dramatic music)
01:04:41 (engine rumbling)
01:04:44 Here we go.
01:04:58 Here we go, come on.
01:05:00 (Joe grunting)
01:05:04 Come on.
01:05:07 (dramatic music)
01:05:11 (engine rumbling)
01:05:14 Come on.
01:05:14 (dramatic music)
01:05:17 (Joe laughing)
01:05:27 (Joe panting)
01:05:30 Yes, yes.
01:05:38 (Joe panting)
01:05:41 (Joe exhaling)
01:05:43 (Joe laughing)
01:05:46 Good job, girl.
01:05:49 (dramatic music)
01:05:51 (engine rumbling)
01:05:57 (engine rumbling)
01:06:08 (dramatic music)
01:06:11 (engine rumbling)
01:06:19 (engine rumbling)
01:06:31 (engine rumbling)
01:06:34 (engine rumbling)
01:06:44 (engine rumbling)
01:06:49 (engine rumbling)
01:07:00 (water splashing)
01:07:03 (engine rumbling)
01:07:08 (water splashing)
01:07:14 (dramatic music)
01:07:17 (water splashing)
01:07:23 (water splashing)
01:07:26 - I spotted her.
01:07:39 She's in the water.
01:07:40 (water splashing)
01:07:45 (water splashing)
01:07:51 (water splashing)
01:07:54 - Back of the boat.
01:08:03 (dramatic music)
01:08:10 (water splashing)
01:08:13 - Get a tag, that's sharp.
01:08:23 (water splashing)
01:08:27 (Joe grunting)
01:08:31 - Hold on a second.
01:08:39 (dramatic music)
01:08:42 - Come with me.
01:08:49 Come on.
01:08:51 (dramatic music)
01:08:53 (Joe grunting)
01:09:03 (dramatic music)
01:09:06 (dramatic music)
01:09:09 - I think this should work.
01:09:12 - No need.
01:09:18 (dramatic music)
01:09:20 - Okay, we used some bits for the shark attracting device,
01:09:29 but we didn't touch the iridium.
01:09:31 - Thanks.
01:09:32 Get these into the final wells on the scrubbers ASAP.
01:09:35 - What's the status of the rocket?
01:09:36 - This is the last component we're waiting for,
01:09:38 but we have a bigger issue.
01:09:41 - I noticed, power.
01:09:42 - May take two to three days
01:09:43 to get electrical up and running.
01:09:45 - We can't wait that long.
01:09:46 We'll lose our window to launch.
01:09:48 - We know, but it's worse than that.
01:09:52 - Go on.
01:09:53 - The destruction caused by the EMP surge
01:09:55 did more than just damage our electrical.
01:09:58 It fused the motors that run the pumps
01:10:00 that keep Vestron above water.
01:10:01 - Vestron is sinking.
01:10:05 - What about the rocket?
01:10:06 - I advise dismantling
01:10:08 and transport essential components out with your vessel.
01:10:11 - How heavy is that thing?
01:10:15 My boat can only carry so much.
01:10:17 - Vestron is sinking.
01:10:18 Without the pumps, this place will be under water
01:10:21 within 48 hours.
01:10:22 - Then we need to launch the rocket before then.
01:10:26 - Sir, I don't think you understand.
01:10:29 We don't know at what point this platform becomes unstable.
01:10:32 You risk losing the rocket.
01:10:34 - Everything we have been working for.
01:10:35 - This could work.
01:10:39 We only need to find enough power for ignition.
01:10:42 After that, the rocket will power itself.
01:10:44 - Doc, my boat's got power.
01:10:47 - It's not enough.
01:10:51 - Sir, I know you've put a lot into this.
01:10:58 We all have.
01:10:59 But to risk it all on one final shot is not something--
01:11:03 - Listen, Dr. Nichols says that this is the launch window.
01:11:06 We can't wait.
01:11:08 This planet can't wait.
01:11:10 It gets hotter every day,
01:11:11 and the hotter it gets, the less chance we have of success.
01:11:14 We're at tipping point.
01:11:16 We've got one chance.
01:11:19 It's now.
01:11:21 (dramatic music)
01:11:26 (rocket beeping)
01:11:29 - So what's your plan to power the rocket to ignition?
01:11:37 - Well, the shark has displayed
01:11:38 some powerful bioelectric characteristics.
01:11:40 In our last encounter,
01:11:43 I actually managed to radio tag the shark,
01:11:45 which not only monitors the temperature,
01:11:47 but also fluctuations in the electric field.
01:11:50 We all know what an electric eel is, yeah?
01:11:53 - They use electrical pulses to stun their prey.
01:11:56 - Right.
01:11:57 Yeah, well, this shark doesn't have
01:11:58 that particular capability,
01:12:00 but it does have other capabilities.
01:12:02 We believe that it's communicating
01:12:05 with the surrounding sharks
01:12:06 by completely overwhelming circuits
01:12:09 of the ampullae de Lorenzini.
01:12:10 Thing is, is that sharks don't normally use
01:12:13 their electro-sensing organs
01:12:14 until the moment before they bite their prey,
01:12:16 and they need to be in close proximity
01:12:18 for it to be able to work.
01:12:19 It's not like their sense of smell.
01:12:21 Their ampullae is actually quite weak,
01:12:23 so the fact that our shark
01:12:26 is broadcasting electromagnetic symbols
01:12:29 to a shark that can detect it from distances,
01:12:32 I mean, it must have
01:12:34 a very powerful electro-transmitting organ.
01:12:37 Oh, this is what my sensor picked up.
01:12:40 A series of pulses that completely overwhelm our sensors.
01:12:51 I mean, we're talking about kilojoules of energy here.
01:12:54 - You wanna jumpstart the rocket
01:13:02 by using the power from a shark?
01:13:03 Come on.
01:13:11 - Look at the readout.
01:13:19 - Can you correlate the pulses to the behavior?
01:13:22 What's this peak right here?
01:13:24 - When I started firing at the alpha shark,
01:13:27 the smaller one started defending it.
01:13:29 That's the peak.
01:13:30 - If we record enough of these signals,
01:13:39 we may be able to decipher the code
01:13:41 that the alpha shark is using to control the other sharks.
01:13:44 - Yep.
01:13:46 (dramatic music)
01:13:49 - Cheryl, get that rocket ready to launch.
01:13:54 Monroe, follow me.
01:13:56 - Sir, with your permission,
01:13:58 I'd like to stay behind and monitor the shark's bioelectrics.
01:14:01 I think we could use it against him.
01:14:02 - You get that shark to follow me,
01:14:03 I don't care what it takes.
01:14:04 - How exactly are you gonna control the shark?
01:14:10 - We don't need to control it, we just need to mimic it.
01:14:13 We figure out the signal it uses
01:14:15 to send a command to attack, we become the alpha shark.
01:14:18 (fire crackling)
01:14:31 (dramatic music)
01:14:34 - She's welded in.
01:14:54 - Come on, let's get this on the rocket.
01:14:57 (dramatic music)
01:15:00 - You got this?
01:15:23 (dramatic music)
01:15:26 - Monroe?
01:15:44 (dramatic music)
01:15:50 (fire crackling)
01:15:52 - I'm sorry I never did this sooner.
01:16:01 - Okay.
01:16:04 (dramatic music)
01:16:07 (fire crackling)
01:16:10 - Come on, go, go, go, go.
01:16:32 (dramatic music)
01:16:37 - Oh!
01:16:38 - Here, here, here, here, here, here.
01:16:41 Get in here.
01:16:42 Stay down, stay down.
01:16:45 Prepare to stay here until I come and get you, all right?
01:16:48 Come on, mate.
01:16:49 Come on.
01:16:54 Go!
01:16:56 (screaming)
01:16:58 (screaming)
01:17:01 (dramatic music)
01:17:03 (roaring)
01:17:13 (screaming)
01:17:17 - Help me, help me.
01:17:20 (screaming)
01:17:22 (dramatic music)
01:17:25 (roaring)
01:17:39 (dramatic music)
01:17:43 (water splashing)
01:17:46 - She's close.
01:18:02 Lots of fast bursts.
01:18:05 - I got it.
01:18:11 Micro pulses, directional micro pulses.
01:18:13 That's how she's doing it.
01:18:15 I got it.
01:18:16 I got the code.
01:18:16 (dramatic music)
01:18:19 (gun firing)
01:18:24 - Come over here.
01:18:29 (gun firing)
01:18:31 Come on!
01:18:33 - What's she doing?
01:18:41 (gun firing)
01:18:43 - Come on!
01:18:44 - Chow!
01:18:50 Get out of there!
01:18:52 - Come on.
01:18:53 - Chow!
01:18:56 (roaring)
01:19:01 - Help me!
01:19:07 (sizzling)
01:19:09 - Follow me.
01:19:19 - [Computer] Initiating countdown.
01:19:25 15, 14,
01:19:26 13, 12, 11, 10,
01:19:34 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:19:36 (dramatic music)
01:19:49 (roaring)
01:19:51 (dramatic music)
01:19:54 (roaring)
01:19:56 (dramatic music)
01:19:59 (roaring)
01:20:01 (screaming)
01:20:19 (roaring)
01:20:21 (roaring)
01:20:27 (dramatic music)
01:20:30 - I've recorded the signals.
01:20:32 I've reconfigured the hydrophone to transmit.
01:20:34 We should be able to send a signal like this.
01:20:36 If it works, the school will attack the Alpha.
01:20:40 It's working.
01:20:45 It's working.
01:20:48 (roaring)
01:20:51 (glass shattering)
01:20:55 (roaring)
01:20:57 It's not working.
01:21:00 - Something's wrong.
01:21:05 - Doc, we gotta go.
01:21:06 She's coming for us.
01:21:07 - He's targeting us.
01:21:09 (glass shattering)
01:21:13 - We gotta go.
01:21:18 - Get out of here.
01:21:19 (roaring)
01:21:22 (glass shattering)
01:21:25 (roaring)
01:21:27 (roaring)
01:21:29 (glass shattering)
01:21:48 (roaring)
01:21:51 (dramatic music)
01:21:54 (roaring)
01:21:56 (dramatic music)
01:21:59 (roaring)
01:22:01 (dramatic music)
01:22:04 (dramatic music)
01:22:07 (dramatic music)
01:22:09 (dramatic music)
01:22:12 (dramatic music)
01:22:15 (dramatic music)
01:22:18 (dramatic music)
01:22:20 (dramatic music)
01:22:23 (dramatic music)
01:22:26 (dramatic music)
01:22:29 (dramatic music)
01:22:31 (dramatic music)
01:22:34 - It's gonna be okay.
01:23:01 Come on.
01:23:02 We've still got a few escapers left.
01:23:04 We can get away before it goes down.
01:23:07 (dramatic music)
01:23:10 (dramatic music)
01:23:21 (dramatic music)
01:23:24 (dramatic music)
01:23:26 (dramatic music)
01:23:30 (dramatic music)
01:23:33 (dramatic music)
01:23:44 (dramatic music)
01:23:56 (dramatic music)
01:23:59 (dramatic music)
01:24:17 (dramatic music)
01:24:20 (dramatic music)
01:24:22 (dramatic music)
01:24:25 [Music]
