从法律到商界再到政坛 敦达因写下“跨界传奇” 若不从政资产超过500亿?

  • 9 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌敦达因有多“富可敌国”?他向反贪会调查提出司法检讨申请的宣誓书曝光,随之也大方“揭露”自己的资产……

主持 | @celes 美伶

#敦达因 #财产 #反贪会 #潘多拉文件
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00 How rich is Don Dain?
00:02 If he doesn't have any evidence,
00:03 his assets may exceed RMB5 billion.
00:05 According to Pandora's file,
00:07 the left-hand man of Don Dain
00:09 has a total of at least RMB25 million
00:10 in overseas assets,
00:14 which is about RMB1.4 billion in assets.
00:17 This is the most popular asset recently.
00:18 Is the 85-year-old former financial minister
00:20 really a rich and powerful country
00:22 as the outside world says?
00:23 Let's find out from his application
00:26 to the court recently.
00:27 The Anti-Corruption Committee recently started an investigation
00:28 into Don Dain's money laundering activities.
00:30 In addition to the Elham building
00:32 that Don Dain's family was seized last month,
00:33 the investigation also expanded to
00:35 Don Dain's wife and son.
00:36 However, for this series of investigations,
00:38 Don Dain and his family
00:39 applied for judicial review in court
00:41 and tried to block the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Committee.
00:44 In today's announcement,
00:44 in the oath of oath
00:46 to apply for judicial review,
00:47 Don Dain openly stated his financial situation,
00:50 indicating that if he had not been in power at that time
00:52 and continued to roll in the business world,
00:54 the value of the liquidated equity
00:56 may exceed RMB5 billion.
00:58 He mentioned in his oath of oath
00:59 that he started his business in 1969
01:01 and jointly established with other shareholders
01:03 Sharigat Maluri Private Limited Company
01:05 to develop real estate.
01:06 And Kuala Lumpur Daman Maluri
01:08 and Daman Bukit Maluri
01:09 are the representatives.
01:10 The current valuation is RMB261.
01:12 In addition, he is also the owner of
01:14 the Malaysian, French Bank and UNBC
01:16 and has control and a large amount of equity
01:17 in many controlling companies.
01:20 He has a wide range of areas such as TV stations,
01:21 heavy industry, banks, supermarkets,
01:23 cross-border food and beverage processing groups,
01:25 etc.
01:26 But Don Dain's equity in Malaysia is only 10%
01:29 and the value is about RMB3 billion.
01:31 Don Dain emphasized that
01:32 before he took over the government and took office,
01:34 he was already a rich and successful businessman.
01:37 For example, the report of that year also wrote him like this.
01:40 Don Dain took over the Ministry of Finance
01:42 and called him a millionaire entrepreneur
01:43 at the age of 45 in the article.
01:46 Of course, it is worth mentioning that
01:47 Don Dain was a professional lawyer
01:50 before he took over the government and the business,
01:51 and was a judge and a deputy procurator.
01:54 His later magnificent transformation is a masterpiece.
01:57 During Don Dain's reign,
01:58 he was appointed as the Minister of Finance twice
02:00 and was regarded as a good assistant
02:01 to Mahathir to implement the privatization policy.
02:04 There are more stories behind this.
02:06 How many do you know?
02:07 If you have the opportunity, let's talk again.
02:08 If you like this video,
02:09 remember to share it to let more people know.
02:11 Remember to follow Red Hot Spot
02:12 to follow more domestic and foreign news.
02:14 (electronic music)
02:17 you
