Latest news bulletin | January 12th – Morning

  • 8 months ago
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.


00:00 South Africa`s genocide case against Israel started on Thursday at the International Court
00:05 of Justice in The Hague.
00:21 The imprisonment of two Polish PIS politicians is escalating a struggle between the new government
00:26 and the old over the country`s public media.
00:30 Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania signed an agreement on Thursday for collaborative demining efforts
00:35 in the Black Sea.
00:40 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was in the capital of Estonia on Thursday for
00:45 meetings with the country`s leaders on the second day of a trip through the Baltic states.
00:50 Ukraine is hoping to speed up the domestic production of ammunition and weapons and is
00:54 seeking joint projects with foreign governments.
00:57 Russia can`t be stopped, he says, but Kiev is in high need of more air defense systems.
01:04 Zelensky has
01:29 assured Russia is experiencing a missile and ammunition deficit and has lost a large part
01:34 of its experienced forces.
01:36 But the Russian attacks do not stop.
01:39 Missile air strikes have intensified in recent weeks.
01:42 On Wednesday night, two Russian missiles struck a hotel in Kharkiv, killing 11 people.
01:48 Residential homes and vehicles were also severely damaged.
01:55 South Africa`s genocide case against Israel started on Thursday at the International Court
01:59 of Justice in The Hague.
02:01 South Africa is alleging Israel has engaged in genocidal acts in Gaza during the war against
02:06 Hamas.
02:07 It is demanding the court to approve of an interim measure that would stop combat operations
02:12 in Gaza.
02:13 It is also asking Israel to offer reparations.
02:17 According to South Africa, Israel would have violated its obligations under the 1948 Genocide
02:22 Convention.
02:23 Countries such as Iran, Turkey, Colombia and Brazil have supported South Africa`s case.
02:29 Israel`s government denounced the genocide claim.
02:31 The foreign ministry said South Africa`s case lacks a legal foundation and constitutes a
02:36 despicable and contemptuous exploitation of the court.
02:39 Israel, which has a history of ignoring international tribunals, has agreed to defend itself in
02:45 front of the 15 elected judges.
02:47 More than 22,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, have been killed in Israeli
02:52 strikes since the beginning of the conflict, according to Gaza`s health ministry.
03:01 Footage released by the Associated Press shows dozens of people running in a panic in the
03:06 aftermath of a strike in which at least 20 people were killed when it hit a two-story
03:12 building in the central Gaza city of Deir al-Bala.
03:16 Officials hit on Wednesday near the Al-Aqsa Hospital, according to hospital officials.
03:22 IDF commanders met in the Gaza Strip.
03:25 "There is not a single kilometer in Gaza that you cannot enter and break.
03:30 There is no such thing.
03:31 After what you did, there is no such thing.
03:32 After what you did, there is no village in Lebanon, there is no street in Lebanon that
03:33 you cannot enter and break.
03:34 We will put you in the right places.
03:35 You will do what you have to do.
03:36 We will put you in the right places.
03:37 You will do what you have to do.
03:38 We will put you in the right places.
03:39 You will do what you have to do.
03:40 We will put you in the right places.
03:41 You will do what you have to do.
03:42 We will put you in the right places.
03:43 You will do what you have to do.
03:44 We will put you in the right places.
03:46 You will do what you have to do.
03:47 We will put you in the right places.
03:48 You will do what you have to do.
03:49 We will put you in the right places.
03:50 You will do what you have to do.
03:51 We will put you in the right places.
03:52 You will do what you have to do.
03:53 We will put you in the right places.
03:54 You will do what you have to do.
03:55 We will put you in the right places.
03:56 You will do what you have to do.
03:57 We will put you in the right places.
03:58 You will do what you have to do.
03:59 We will put you in the right places.
04:00 You will do what you have to do.
04:01 We will put you in the right places.
04:02 You will do what you have to do.
04:03 We will put you in the right places.
04:04 You will do what you have to do.
04:06 Palestinians in the West Bank gathered in Nelson Mandela Square to thank South Africa
04:11 for filing the controversial case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.
04:22 Train drivers in Germany have announced a three-day strike over poor working conditions
04:27 and low pay.
04:28 80% of trains will not be running between Wednesday and Friday.
04:32 The German train union is threatening to continue striking unless an offer is made.
04:37 We have to make the job attractive, so that people come to us, so that they stay.
04:43 Many people leave quickly.
04:44 That is why it is necessary.
04:45 We have to do something.
04:46 The train board has no ideas.
04:47 It does nothing.
04:48 According to local media, a recently published report shows that Deutsche Bahn board members
05:01 will receive 5 million euros worth of bonuses for 2022, despite train delays being at an
05:08 all-time high.
05:15 Germany is currently ranked in eighth for their amount of strikes in Europe, but experts
05:19 anticipate an increase in 2024.
05:22 However, to catch up with France, Germany would need to strike five times more than
05:27 it did in 2021.
05:31 Experts are aware of the strikes wandering around main train stations looking for alternative
05:36 routes.
05:38 Experts are concerned that supply chains may be hit by these strikes, with cargo train
05:42 drivers also joining in.
05:43 It's not just train drivers who are unhappy, but German farmers have been blocking roads
05:48 with their tractors this week.
05:50 It poses the question, will the government of Europe's biggest economy be feeling the
05:55 pressure yet?
05:56 Liv Stroud, in Berlin, for Euronews.
05:59 The imprisonment of two Polish lawmakers from the ousted PIS party is escalating an
06:07 already bitter struggle between the new government led by Donald Tusk and the previous ruling
06:13 party, which oversaw an illiberal takeover of Poland's institutions before its defeat
06:18 in October's election.
06:19 People have just found out that Minister Sienkiewicz is acting against the law.
06:25 His decision was overturned by the court.
06:30 People can see that.
06:31 It's very important that Poland, the ruling party, but also Europe, sees that the Polish
06:38 society does not agree with the over-authoritarian actions and methods that Tusk is implementing
06:43 in Poland.
06:44 NGOs and experts point out that public media in Poland, where heads of news are political
06:51 appointments, is a big factor when it comes to public perception.
06:54 In recent years, public media became a mouthpiece for the governing majority on an unprecedented
07:03 scale and that really needed a change.
07:06 What is doubtful, however, is the legal way the changes were introduced in Polish constitutional
07:12 order.
07:13 It is not the minister, it is not a politician in charge of appointing heads of the public
07:21 media.
07:22 A new public television team was created in December with the aim of creating a new media
07:28 with improved journalistic standards.
07:30 But the legality of the change has been questioned and in some cases access to TV infrastructure
07:35 has been blocked.
07:36 We need to make a normal information program.
07:43 We want it to be objective, to show the reasons of all sides, not to be biased.
07:51 We want to focus on criticizing one side and on praising another.
07:58 PIS supporters have protested outside government against the changes being made to the media
08:04 landscape, but Tusk's government is preparing to make other changes too.
08:08 We are in the process of announcing the budget for this year and this is definitely a priority
08:16 for us.
08:21 Voices on public media are still divided and this conflict will certainly find its end
08:32 in court.
08:33 Meanwhile, some of the newsrooms of the public television, like the one behind me, remain
08:38 closed.
08:39 Magdalena Chodownik for Euronews from Warsaw.
08:44 The UN Security Council adopted a new maritime security resolution on Wednesday condemning
08:50 Houthi attacks on ships crossing the Red Sea and demanding they stop with immediate effect.
08:56 Algeria, China, Mozambique and Russia abstained.
08:59 US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the attacks were an economic threat.
09:05 Houthi rebels first attacked the Israel-linked Galaxy leadership on the 19th of November
09:10 and took its crew hostage.
09:12 Many more assaults in the shipping lane vital to world trade have taken place since then.
09:21 The defacing of a religious icon featuring an image of Joseph Stalin has provoked an
09:26 angry response in Georgia.
09:28 A crowd vented their anger outside the house of a woman who had thrown paint over the artwork
09:34 in a cathedral in the capital Tbilisi.
09:36 The woman posted a video online of the damaged icon.
09:41 Stalin remains a deeply divisive figure in the country, with many saying the religious
09:45 panel boosts support for the former Soviet dictator who was born in Georgia, but he is
09:49 still revered by others, mainly those who identify with Russian culture.
09:54 The panel has since been cleaned and placed under police surveillance.
09:59 Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania signed an agreement on Thursday for enhanced collaborative maritime
10:06 demining efforts.
10:07 This was announced at a press conference by the Turkish defense minister.
10:11 Defense officials from the three NATO allies, Turkish Minister Guler, Romanian Minister
10:15 Tilvar and Bulgarian Deputy Minister Sapranov met in Istanbul on Thursday.
10:22 Agreement comes after Ankara denied access to UK-donated minesweepers for Ukraine in
10:27 the Black Sea last week.
10:28 In February 2022, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Turkey enacted the 1936 Montrox Convention
10:36 to prevent Russian or Ukrainian ships from passing through the Bosporus and Dardanelles
10:41 Straits and ask countries outside the Black Sea not to send warships.
10:45 Moscow and Kyiv exchanged accusations of responsibility for the mines adrift in the Black Sea.
11:02 Face masks are now mandatory in hospitals and health centers around Spain as the country
11:07 experiences a surge in flu, covid and other respiratory illnesses.
11:12 The government's decision, which comes six months after the use of masks were completely
11:17 abolished, has been opposed by some regional administrations such as Andalusia.
11:21 But Spain's new health minister, Monica Garcia, overruled their objections and sought
11:26 to present the move as a "common sense measure" to protect vulnerable people and health workers.
11:33 [WHOOSH]
