Operation Nemesis: Police target street hoons

  • 7 months ago
Sunshine Coast police are investigating alleged hooning and alleged anti-social behaviour across the area, investigations have led to several people being arrested on more than 50 charges and 60 traffic infringement notices.
00:00 (water running)
00:02 - Police search warrant, open the door!
00:07 Police search warrant, open the door!
00:13 Police search warrant!
00:15 Police search warrant!
00:19 (indistinct chatter)
00:22 Police search warrant, open the door!
00:38 Police search warrant, open the door!
00:40 Police search warrant, open the door!
00:43 (birds chirping)
00:46 (birds chirping)
00:50 (indistinct chatter)
00:53 (indistinct chatter)
