CONAN - El corazón del elefante - Pt. 2 (Ep. 2) - Serie completa en Español Latino - Ralf Moeller

  • 8 months ago
00:00 After the oceans swallowed Atlantis, and before the beginning of history, there was a time when the mythical kingdoms covered the world.
00:11 It was the times of Conan.
00:14 Made a slave in his childhood, Conan grew up to become a great warrior, and escaped to find mysteries, magic and mythical beings.
00:24 Always facing the supreme sorcerer.
00:27 Lover, friend and hero.
00:31 His destiny was to free the oppressed and become king for his own merits.
00:56 Conan.
00:58 In the previous chapter, Hissazul dreamed that a cimerian would kill him with the sword of Atlantis.
01:04 How can I silence those rumors so...
01:07 Tell them, you could kill the chosen one.
01:10 Meanwhile, Conan and Tamira discover love.
01:13 If you leave, there will be nothing beautiful left here.
01:17 Hissazul attacked the village and both were captured.
01:20 Yara forced Conan to fight like a gladiator, but he managed to escape.
01:24 His servant became an ally of Conan.
01:27 I can help you.
01:29 In his journey, Conan defeated the mummy to get the legendary sword.
01:32 The god Kron spoke to Conan.
01:34 I needed a great warrior to correct mistakes.
01:39 You are a warrior.
01:41 The heart of the elephant, second part.
01:47 There is something that worries me.
01:51 If your god Kron protects you, why does he put you to the test?
01:54 Because he loves him.
01:56 And wouldn't it be easier to ask you some questions?
02:01 Who is that barbarian?
02:07 He is... Conan, the great warrior.
02:11 Any army would give a hundred horses to have him in their ranks.
02:15 And I am Betia, the queen of Alta.
02:19 Really?
02:21 Do you think I look like a virgin queen?
02:25 [♪♪♪]
02:28 [♪♪♪]
02:32 [♪♪♪]
02:35 [♪♪♪]
02:38 [♪♪♪]
02:41 [♪♪♪]
02:45 [♪♪♪]
02:48 [music]
03:16 I was not without conditions.
03:19 But now there is time.
03:21 I want my clothes.
03:23 [music]
03:40 If I had known you ate so much, I would have left you in the forest.
03:43 I have made a very long journey.
03:46 And I did not ask you to invite me.
03:49 You should be alert and travel on horseback.
03:52 Sometimes I do.
03:55 What have you done with your horse?
03:57 Eat it?
03:59 No.
04:00 I'm sure you have it.
04:07 And my sword.
04:25 You have taken care of it.
04:29 I think it was worth it.
04:31 Thank you.
04:35 I am Karela, Queen of Thieves.
04:39 Have you heard of me?
04:41 No.
04:44 Usually people who enter my forest with weapons do not come out alive.
04:49 Usually people who throw me into the river are not still alive.
04:57 Where are you going?
04:59 I'm looking for Yara.
05:03 The sorcerer Yara.
05:07 I know him.
05:10 He has a wonderful jewel.
05:13 What they call the heart of the elephant.
05:18 I've always wanted to steal it.
05:21 But only a madman would steal a sorcerer.
05:25 He has another jewel called Tamira, which I will steal.
05:29 I didn't think you were crazy.
05:34 Someday I will return your hospitality.
05:38 You could do it now.
05:42 I prefer to look for Otli.
05:46 I never let a stranger see my hiding place and leave for good.
05:50 And I never let anyone stop me from going where I want to go.
05:56 Don't worry. I will keep your hiding place a secret.
06:02 Maybe we'll meet again.
06:14 When you don't have such urgent matters.
06:18 We were in a hurry.
06:22 I'm going to the river.
06:26 I'm going to the river.
06:30 I'm going to the river.
06:34 What?
06:36 I'm going to the river.
06:41 No, no, no. Wait, wait.
06:44 I'm tired of walking.
06:46 Maybe we'll meet some friendly people and they'll lend us a horse.
06:50 No, wait.
06:52 If not, we'll take it away.
06:56 Who are you and what do you do?
07:14 I'm Dor and I don't serve anyone.
07:17 We have nothing to protect.
07:19 Where are you going then?
07:21 Or do you like the smell of horses sweat?
07:25 We are looking for a warrior named Conan.
07:28 We hope he will guide us.
07:30 To do what?
07:32 To free this land of blue hyss.
07:37 We know Conan.
07:39 If you give us some horses, we will help you find him.
07:43 Freeing this land of blue hyss is another matter.
07:47 It's not our business.
07:49 We only have one horse left, but you can share it.
07:54 I know, I know. You can't talk and you don't like horses.
08:12 Aye.
08:14 [music]
08:16 [music]
08:18 [music]
08:46 We'll arrive at dusk.
08:48 Do you know what it's like to be my size?
09:00 I was your size.
09:02 At four years old.
09:04 Nobody takes me seriously.
09:08 Nobody.
09:10 It may be because of the hat you wear.
09:13 What's wrong with my hat?
09:15 It's too close to the ground.
09:17 [laughs]
09:18 See? You make fun of me too.
09:21 No, enemies make fun of each other.
09:24 I only mess with you.
09:27 Are you calling me a friend?
09:29 If you take me to Tamira, you will be a great friend.
09:43 Shall we attack?
09:45 It's crazy.
09:47 They are too strong.
09:49 We need more men and better weapons to face Groz.
09:52 The men who ravaged our village.
09:54 What's going on? Do you want to die too?
09:56 Yes, I wouldn't mind.
09:59 If it were precise.
10:10 Okay, we'll help you.
10:13 Let's go.
10:15 They look happy.
10:32 But strange.
10:34 Yara prefers it that way.
10:38 [music]
10:40 What is this fog?
10:53 It's harmless now, but Yara can poison it whenever she wants.
10:57 She sends snakes that slide between her to kill those she wants dead.
11:03 You must be careful.
11:07 [screams]
11:09 It was a joke. We're friends.
11:15 Hmm.
11:17 Where do we go?
11:19 Yara will have the jewel in the tower.
11:22 And she will also have the girl there.
11:25 There are guards watching, but I know how to get in.
11:32 When we cross the walls, jump so she can see you.
11:36 Is it another joke?
11:38 Do you see that she laughs at me?
11:40 There is no fog behind the walls.
11:43 It must be up in her castle wing.
11:46 Stay here.
11:48 Don't forget that he's a sorcerer.
11:50 Sorcerers die.
11:52 And we?
11:56 [music]
11:58 Conan.
12:13 Tamira.
12:15 I missed you.
12:21 [music]
12:23 Are you okay?
12:29 Yes.
12:31 My love.
12:33 I was so scared.
12:35 Did he hurt you?
12:39 No.
12:41 [music]
12:48 Is it still too soon to talk about having children?
12:51 I think we should wait until you're safe, far from Aranjune.
12:55 [laughs]
12:56 I'm sorry.
12:58 My father always said I was born in a hurry.
13:01 Having children with you...
13:07 is all I think about.
13:10 [music]
13:13 [music]
13:15 How are we going to escape?
13:24 The door to my room is open, but I can't get out.
13:28 It's like there's an invisible wall.
13:31 I'm here like a prisoner.
13:33 I don't agree.
13:35 You're more like a bait.
13:38 A bait for barbarians.
13:41 [music]
13:43 Let us out, or I'll split you in two.
13:48 That's a great sword.
13:51 You'll need it where you're going.
13:54 Matamé will remain in that state forever.
14:00 Do as I say and I'll set her free.
14:02 What do you want?
14:04 I want you to go to the tower and steal the heart of the elephant.
14:08 I was told it was yours, and that your powers emanated from it.
14:12 The creature that kept it stole it from me.
14:15 I have enough power to control you.
14:17 I want to get it back.
14:19 What creature keeps it?
14:20 That doesn't matter.
14:21 I care a lot.
14:23 Bring me the heart, and I'll set Tamira free.
14:27 If you fail, she'll be mine for a thousand of your lives.
14:31 Set her free from the mirror, and I'll do whatever you want.
14:33 Why would I do that?
14:35 You want the jewel, and you don't want to die.
14:39 She's still in trance.
14:47 And she'll be in trance until you return.
14:50 This time, you can go through the door.
14:54 [music]
15:13 It's beautiful.
15:15 [music]
15:21 The skin of the snake, too.
15:24 [music]
15:42 Where?
15:43 I don't know.
15:45 [music]
15:55 Protect the treasure room.
15:57 There will be more.
15:59 [music]
16:06 When I was little, I always thought I would grow up any day.
16:12 I waited a long time, but no.
16:15 Why didn't you do it before?
16:18 You?
16:19 Do you recognize me?
16:21 Hey, if you're going to be on top of me, at least lean on my elbows.
16:25 What are you doing here?
16:27 You said only a madman would steal a sorcerer.
16:29 I've changed my mind.
16:31 There was a dead guard at the entrance.
16:37 He's been strangled.
16:38 He tried to kill Jan.
16:41 That's Jan.
16:43 He's my best archer.
16:46 Ha!
16:47 If Jan kills Conan, I'll cut Jan's neck off.
16:51 And she'll kill me.
16:53 I don't like this game.
16:56 Otry says there are more guards here.
16:58 I don't know.
17:00 We just got here.
17:02 Is there another entrance?
17:04 Maybe that one.
17:07 [music]
17:14 No!
17:15 [music]
17:27 [music]
17:45 No.
17:46 [music]
17:53 [music]
17:58 I knew the risk.
18:01 You can keep all the jewels in the tower.
18:04 But I need the heart of the elephant.
18:06 No.
18:07 I've come for it, too.
18:09 Yara won't free Tamira if I don't give her the jewel.
18:13 Listen.
18:14 Barbarian.
18:16 Maybe he was born in the dark side, but it wasn't last night.
18:19 That's true.
18:21 [music]
18:25 Never a woman,
18:27 a woman I don't even know,
18:29 has ever stopped my whims and desires so many times.
18:33 Do you accept the deal?
18:35 All the other jewels?
18:37 [music]
18:41 No tricks.
18:43 [music]
18:46 I have to meet Tamira.
18:48 [music]
19:01 [music]
19:03 Wow!
19:05 This is what I was missing.
19:07 You can keep the heart of the elephant.
19:10 Are you sure no one has left alive?
19:13 Not a single one.
19:14 Conan.
19:16 Look at this stone.
19:18 Very beautiful.
19:20 It's possible the guards killed some of them.
19:25 But what killed the rest?
19:27 What killed the rest is behind that door.
19:31 This smells like witchcraft.
19:38 [music]
19:44 [speaking in Spanish]
19:51 [speaking in Spanish]
19:53 [speaking in Spanish]
19:55 [music]
20:24 [music]
20:34 [music]
20:38 [music]
21:07 [music]
21:36 [speaking in Spanish]
21:39 [speaking in Spanish]
21:41 - You'll have time to kill me. - I don't trust witchcraft.
21:46 There are many types of witchcraft. White magic and black magic.
21:51 - What do you do? - It depends on who you're asking.
21:55 The creature I killed in the other room was Malina.
21:58 Once it wasn't. The sorcerer learned his magic from me, but he wanted everything.
22:06 He wanted to rule over men and beasts. When I refused, he turned my wife into that monster you saw.
22:15 And me, into the creature you have before you.
22:19 I'm sorry about your wife. But my wife's life depends on this jewel.
22:25 When she dies, my wife is free. What you've done is not a bad deed.
22:32 She died for love. Your love for someone. - I don't understand. Why doesn't Yara come here and take the jewel?
22:39 - Her powers are great, but not so much. She needs the jewel. She'd be helpless in my tower.
22:46 For 200 years she's sent innumerable thieves.
22:50 Spider killed everyone who could get through the garden.
22:53 - If I kill Yara, you'll free my wife? - No. You must give her that jewel.
23:00 - With that, I'd only be able to grant her absolute power. - Trust me.
23:06 - Why? - Whoever kills Spider must kill me, and then give the jewel. You must give her the jewel.
23:14 - But I can't kill you. You're not my enemy.
23:19 - Tear my heart out and pour its blood over the jewel. That way you'll free me from this body, and I'll be able to reunite with my beloved in a world much better than this.
23:33 - I understand very well that you want to be with your beloved.
23:37 - When you give Yara the jewel, tell her that Akosha grants you one last gift and one last enchantment.
23:48 Repeat these words.
23:51 [Grunts]
23:56 [♪♪♪]
23:59 [♪♪♪]
24:03 [♪♪♪]
24:06 [♪♪♪]
24:20 [♪♪♪]
24:23 [Water dripping]
24:31 [Footsteps]
24:34 - Where is the girl from the village? - Why?
24:40 - Listen, sorcerer. As long as my army doesn't destroy, Blue Gis will destroy it. Where is she?
24:48 - I need her now. You can take her later.
24:52 - Get her out of the trance. - She's not under any spell.
24:56 - No woman would follow you without being bewitched.
25:00 - You'll find her in the square.
25:03 [♪♪♪]
25:14 [Groaning]
25:17 - You haven't seen the sunrise. It's been beautiful from here.
25:36 Do you have the jewel?
25:40 [♪♪♪]
25:43 - I'm starting to believe in Crom.
25:49 - There's still hope for you.
25:52 Let's go.
25:59 - Back! Back!
26:09 [♪♪♪]
26:12 - Where is Conan?
26:18 Come on, answer me!
26:23 - He's behind you, following your steps and presenting your nightmares.
26:30 - Don't play with me.
26:34 - If you kill me, you'll sign your death sentence.
26:39 - So be it.
26:44 [Grunts]
26:47 - I'm looking for Conan the Barbarian!
27:01 [♪♪♪]
27:04 - Who else will refuse to speak?
27:08 Speak!
27:11 - Did you get the jewel?
27:14 [♪♪♪]
27:17 - Yes. And Tamira?
27:24 - Let me see her and I'll tell you where she is.
27:29 [♪♪♪]
27:32 - Goroth took it. She's waiting for you in the town square.
27:44 - I'm going to kill you.
27:46 - No, while you possess this jewel.
27:49 [♪♪♪]
27:57 - I must tell you that Yakosha grants you one last gift and one last enchantment.
28:03 - No! You betrayed me!
28:11 [Screams]
28:14 [♪♪♪]
28:24 - Tamira!
28:27 - I knew you'd find me.
28:35 I would have given you many children, Conan.
28:41 Many strong children, with eyes of heaven's colour.
28:46 - You'll still give them to me.
28:49 - I'm seeing the other world.
28:52 It's wonderful.
28:55 - It's my fault.
29:00 All this is my fault.
29:03 - No, Conan.
29:05 Evil will always want you and everyone around you to die.
29:10 You are free.
29:13 You can never and never surrender to evil.
29:17 You must give me your word.
29:20 - Promise me.
29:23 Fighting by your side, I was very happy.
29:26 - You liked life.
29:28 - But it was my life.
29:31 And although it was short, with you I breathed a very different air.
29:37 A free air with a delicious smell.
29:43 Conan.
29:47 - Tamira, I don't want to lose you.
29:50 - You'll never lose me.
29:54 Whenever you can free someone, I'll be there.
30:01 Remember...
30:06 I love you.
30:10 You're going to be a great king.
30:15 I love you.
30:18 No!
30:28 No!
30:55 - I have abandoned the search for the Barbarian, sir.
30:58 - Oh, yes? And...
31:00 Why?
31:01 - It was unfruitful.
31:02 - Unfruitful?
31:04 Who told you not to follow?
31:06 - I killed his wife on the streets of Erengon.
31:10 She will come to us.
31:12 - Sometimes you surprise me, General Goroth.
31:16 And this time it was with great pleasure.
31:20 Deploy your troops.
31:23 - I'm your servant, sir.
31:26 - I'm going to the city.
31:30 - I'm going to the city.
31:33 - Is she the woman you were looking for?
31:59 - I'm sorry.
32:02 - Did you follow me?
32:08 - Along with other people from the village.
32:10 - Did many survive the attack?
32:13 - Few. But they have joined others.
32:17 - Are you with them?
32:19 - No.
32:26 - No, Conan.
32:28 We have consulted.
32:31 We are with you.
32:34 - Take me where the others are.
32:42 - I will not leave you.
32:45 - If you are willing to die free,
33:03 you must be able to live as free men.
33:06 - They have lost everything.
33:08 - Some...
33:09 - They blame you.
33:10 - I have also lost everything.
33:13 Tamira is dead.
33:15 Guilty or not, are you with me?
33:19 - We are.
33:24 - For revenge or for freedom?
33:27 - For both.
33:30 - Then we will fight and we will win!
33:34 - Yes!
33:36 - Yes!
33:38 - Yes!
33:40 - Tell me something.
33:42 Why does Ghis Azul want to see him dead?
33:44 - I do not know yet.
33:47 - I do.
33:50 Someone told Ghis Azul that you were the one who called him to death.
33:54 - And why didn't you tell me before?
33:56 - Nothing would have changed.
33:58 And until now we only thought of Yara.
34:01 In his dreams, Ghis Azul sees you with the sword of Atlantis.
34:06 It is his greatest fear.
34:09 - He is afraid of Krom.
34:11 And he will also be afraid of me.
34:14 - Are there treasures in Ghis Azul's castle?
34:19 - There are other reasons to go there.
34:21 - Not for me.
34:23 - I suppose there will be many treasures.
34:27 But there is also revenge.
34:29 - Looting and revenge are noble concepts, dear friend.
34:35 - Yes.
34:37 - I am glad you survived.
34:44 - Why? Would it have made you sad otherwise?
34:48 - You will never know that.
34:51 - General, look!
35:04 - Where did he find so many followers?
35:07 - Alert the troops!
35:09 - The surprise factor will give us an advantage.
35:14 - Where did he find so many followers?
35:17 - Alert the troops!
35:19 - The surprise factor will give us an advantage.
35:23 - The surprise factor will give us an advantage.
35:26 - Attack!
35:48 - Attack!
35:50 - Attack!
35:52 - Attack!
35:54 - Attack!
35:56 - Attack!
35:58 - Attack!
36:01 - Attack!
36:03 - Attack!
36:05 - Attack!
36:07 - Attack!
36:09 - Attack!
36:11 - Attack!
36:13 - Attack!
36:15 - Attack!
36:17 - Attack!
36:19 - Attack!
36:21 - Attack!
36:23 - Attack!
36:25 - Attack!
36:27 - Attack!
36:54 - I owe you one.
36:56 - Forget it.
36:57 - I'd rather owe you one.
36:59 - GONAN!
37:08 - GORON!
37:12 - That sword will be mine, Gonan!
37:22 - Pray your sorcerer, woman killer!
37:26 - You don't know the Creed!
37:49 - For you? No!
37:51 - No!
37:53 - Now the sorcerer will die.
38:05 - The battle is lost, master.
38:12 - You could have said it with more feeling.
38:15 - I can't show feeling, since I have no future and I can't change the past.
38:20 - And what do you know about the chosen warrior?
38:24 - He's crossing the forest. He's coming to the castle.
38:27 - And General Goroth, why didn't you say he was dead?
38:32 - Because you're famous for taking revenge on your messengers.
38:36 - You've been dead for many years.
38:41 - You're a naked skull without a body.
38:45 - Then Gonan won't be able to inflict me any damage.
38:48 - And he'll soon knock on your door.
38:51 - And how will I face him?
38:55 - Your armies are decimated.
38:57 - I suggest you use your own powers.
39:01 - Are you advising me to run away from my barbarous enemies?
39:06 - I lack the ability to run.
39:09 - And I suggest you make us both disappear.
39:13 - Until then, I'll try to do everything I can to escape on my own.
39:18 - I should give your remains to that barbarian.
39:23 - Although, on the other hand...
39:26 - You're right.
39:29 - It hasn't taken long.
39:34 - We'll finish with Blue Ghis.
39:42 - What?
39:44 - It'll be very difficult to steal treasures from a castle that doesn't exist.
40:07 - You've done something good. Don't you feel better?
40:11 - No, just poorer.
40:14 - Now I feel better. I'll take care of the wounded.
40:21 - I'll ask Crom to help you.
40:24 - We'll see each other again. I don't accept false promises.
40:29 - What a woman!
40:37 - Yes, she's great.
40:39 - I couldn't sleep with her. She enjoys killing.
40:42 - Now you can go back to your homes and live in peace.
40:47 - We're not men of peace.
40:52 - And you wouldn't last two days without my advice.
40:59 - If I look for Blue Ghis, it's better if I go alone.
41:08 - Fine, go alone. But our cause is the same.
41:12 - Do you want us to follow you? Or to walk together as friends?
41:17 - I would never reject your friendship.
41:20 - Maybe it's time to imitate Cebin and keep quiet.
41:26 - I have enough mouth to swallow you all.
41:34 (Laughs)
41:37 - We're going to live and die together.
41:45 - We must clarify some things.
41:48 - I suggest you listen to me carefully.
41:51 - This will prevent you from suffering.
41:54 - I can't believe it. Are you threatening us?
41:59 - Exactly.
42:01 - Is there a brain inside that head?
42:04 - It's possible, but I don't know where it is.
42:07 - I don't accept to be ridiculed, insulted or treated badly.
42:15 - I only do it for the sake of the others.
42:18 - I can trust you.
42:20 - I don't like caves, fog, rivers, snakes, horses...
42:24 - I don't like anything that weighs more than I can lift.
42:30 - Are you looking at me?
42:32 - Only because you occupy my visual field.
42:35 - Well, my little toy friend.
42:38 - What are you going to give us in exchange for all those concessions?
42:42 - Loyalty, courage and friendship.
42:46 - Thank you.
42:48 - Cebin says he will teach you to ride and that you will share the horse.
42:59 - And that he will teach you both to treat me.
43:03 - I trust that he will master both arts.
43:07 - In exchange, I can only offer you adventures and dangers.
43:13 - I accept.
43:15 - For Crom. Together we will fight for freedom.
43:23 - Together we will fight for freedom.
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43:49 [ ♪ ♪ ]
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