Citra Nusantara Gemilang Resmi Listing di BEI

  • 8 months ago
PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang Tbk resmi tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada Senin (8/1/2024) dengan kode CGAS. Harga saham perseroan dibuka naik 24,85% ke level Rp422 per saham, dari harga penawaran awal yang ditetapkan sebesar Rp338 per saham.

Hingga pukul 09.05 WIB, harga saham CGAS berada di posisi Rp308 per saham. Sementara itu, total saham perseroan yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 77,69 juta saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp24,64 miliar dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 11.592 kali.


00:00 PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK has started to note its share in the Indonesian FEC.
00:05 The development and natural gas distribution company targets the acquisition of funds up to Rp 179 billion in the general offer of share funds.
00:15 PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK has started to note its share in the Indonesian FEC.
00:24 It is trying to complete all the stages of the general offer of share funds with the target of the acquisition of IPO funds of Rp 179.62 billion.
00:34 PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang's shares with the code CGAS will be noted on the board of the Indonesian FEC Development Agency and will be the second meeting to hold the IPO this year.
00:47 In this IPO, Citra Nusantara Gemilang released 531.4 million new shares at the price of Rp 338 per share.
00:58 The amount of IPO shares is equal to 30% of the capital in the sector and is filled after the IPO.
01:07 In addition, the shares also exceed 265.71 Waren Series 1 or 21.43% of the total number of shares placed and stored fully when the IPO registration statement is delivered.
01:23 As information, PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK is a company that focuses on the development of natural gas compression or natural gas compression in Indonesia.
01:35 Where the main activity of the investment company is the trade and distribution of natural gas.
01:40 90% of the IPO funds of Citra Nusantara Gemilang will be used for the financing of the construction of LNG Station in Kaliangville, Tambun, Zone 7, Regional 2.
01:53 Various sources, IDX Channel.
02:00 And now we will go to the Main Hall of the Indonesian Stock Exchange to follow the ceremony of the IPO of PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK.
02:06 Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK in the future.
02:09 Hopefully the best steps chosen by Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK to land in the stock exchange will be followed by other companies in Indonesia.
02:21 Go public, the right solution, great corporation.
02:25 Thank you, good morning.
02:29 Thank you, sir. Please return to your seat.
02:32 Next, the main Director's Welcome, PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK.
02:48 To Mr. Andika Purwonugroho, please.
02:52 (Religious greetings)
03:12 Good morning. May peace be upon us all.
03:19 (Religious greetings)
03:22 I would like to extend my respect to Mr. Christian Sihar Manulang,
03:28 Director of Transaction and Cooperation Supervision of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia,
03:34 along with the Board of Directors and staff of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia,
03:39 and to the audience who are happy to be here this time.
03:49 Alhamdulillah, we are grateful to be able to attend the opening ceremony of the IPO of PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang TBK
04:03 in this place.
04:12 Happy New Year.
04:18 May God bless us all in 2024.
04:29 First of all, I would like to thank PT Pilar Mas Investindo Sekuritas
04:39 for the guarantee of the effect emissions and also to all institutions and professions supporting the capital market,
04:45 as well as appreciation to all parties who have always helped and supported us from the beginning until today,
04:55 which is a historic day for our company to be recorded as an open company in the Indonesia Effect Stock Exchange with the CGAS stock code.
05:09 We also thank PT Bursa Efek Indonesia and the financial services authorities
05:17 for directing and providing us with valuable input so that we can be effective in initiating public offerings today.
05:28 Ladies and Gentlemen,
05:30 Our company is moving in the field of commercialization and distribution of natural gas compresses,
05:37 the first in Indonesia, and has more than 17 years of experience.
05:43 We produce natural gas compresses that we distribute to industrial customers,
05:51 both small, medium, and large industries, with the needs according to the use of the industry.
06:04 We distribute it using the so-called gas transport module or GTM,
06:10 with a high pressure of 250 bar to our segment.
06:18 We also distribute CNG to retail customers.
06:26 Today, it is a commercial business segment, including hotels, restaurants, and several SMEs in Indonesia.
06:36 We also use equipment to distribute gas using pressure reducing stations.
06:46 Our product is gasra.
06:51 We call it gasra because it is anonymous from gas citranusantara or part of the products we distribute.
07:03 It represents our company's values as an energy company in Indonesia
07:09 that promotes the quality of products and services so that all our customers feel the benefits of CNG
07:15 as an efficient and environmentally friendly energy source.
07:20 Today, it is a new milestone for our company
07:24 and makes us a company that can be encouraged to increase the energy of retail
07:31 and increase the growth of retail in a positive way,
07:35 realizing all our targets to develop, innovate,
07:40 so that it has a positive impact on the increase of our financial energy.
07:46 Especially the company value that will ultimately increase the value of shareholders.
07:52 We will also always pay attention to the continuation of business
07:57 and increase the retail ecosystem and maintain the company's management status in a positive way.
08:04 That concludes my remarks on this occasion.
08:09 Once again, I would like to thank all of you.
08:15 (Religious greetings)
08:21 Thank you, sir. Please return to your seats.
08:25 Ladies and gentlemen,
08:27 we will now take a look at the Indonesia Stock Exchange's trading activities.
08:38 Here is the first report on the Indonesian Stock Exchange's trading activities.
08:47 (Religious greetings)
08:55 (Religious greetings)
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09:43 (Religious greetings)
10:07 Ladies and gentlemen,
10:09 we will now take a look at the first report on the Indonesian Stock Exchange's trading activities.
10:15 (Religious greetings)
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11:04 (Religious greetings)
11:10 (Religious greetings)
11:16 (Religious greetings)
11:23 (Religious greetings)
11:28 Ladies and gentlemen,
11:31 let us count down together from the count of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
11:45 (Bell ringing)
11:52 (Bell ringing)
11:55 (Religious greetings)
12:03 (Bell ringing)
12:07 (Bell ringing)
12:11 (Bell ringing)
12:15 (Bell ringing)
12:20 (Bell ringing)
12:23 Next, we will take a look at the stock movement on the monitor screen.
12:30 The PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang Tbk transaction has occurred at the price position of Rp338.
12:38 The total frequency so far is 2,300 transactions,
12:45 with a total volume of 162,000 lots for a total transaction value of Rp5.6 billion.
12:53 Let's continue to see the development of the index of the joint stock price today.
13:01 The IHSG is currently at the positive 7380 or experiencing an increase of 0.41% from the closing index yesterday.
13:14 (Religious greetings)
13:16 (Religious greetings)
13:19 (Religious greetings)
13:22 (Religious greetings)
13:25 (Religious greetings)
13:28 (Religious greetings)
13:31 (Religious greetings)
13:34 Ladies and gentlemen, next is the handover of certificates and exchange of certificates.
13:42 We ask you to come forward to proceed with the process of handing over certificates and exchange of certificates.
13:50 The handover of certificates will be done by PT Bursa Efek Indonesia to PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang Tbk.
14:04 Let's give a round of applause.
14:11 (Religious greetings)
14:13 (Religious greetings)
14:16 (Religious greetings)
14:19 Next is the handover of certificates from Bursa Efek Indonesia to PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang Tbk.
14:27 Let's give a round of applause.
14:31 (Religious greetings)
14:34 (Religious greetings)
14:38 Next is the handover of certificates from PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang Tbk to Bursa Efek Indonesia.
14:45 Let's give a round of applause.
14:49 We just watched the IPO ceremony of PT Citra Nusantara Gemilang Tbk with the code SAAM CGAS which is included in the energy sector.
15:00 Before we discuss about SAAM or MB10 and other products from Mas Reza Priyambada,
15:06 we will first update the movement of IHSG in the opening of the first session.
15:10 Currently, the IHSG's supply is moving at 0.6%
15:16 at level 7387.679, after previously at level 7350.619.
15:28 SAAM is included in the top genus, such as BMRI, MEDC, STRK, PGEO, ADARO, ANTAM, IMAS, RAJA, FILM.
15:38 SAAM is also included in the top losers, such as CGAS, SKOKA, ASLI, SGR, BSSR, VTNY, BANG and MINE.
15:49 Thank you.
15:51 Thank you.
15:54 Thank you.
15:56 (electronic music)
