年轻骇客窃取政府数据后 以每套200美元网上卖

  • 8 months ago
八点最热报 | 全国商业罪案调查部总监南利,今天召开记者会时指出,一名24岁的年轻骇客,骇入政府机构的伺服器,以窃取敏感的个人资料,然后再通过暗网,以每套个资200美金的价格进行贩售。最终,警方成功掌握了该名嫌犯的身份和下落,并在圣诞节当天,将他逮捕归案。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:05 In the age of Internet, there are more and more cases of technology as a criminal tool.
00:11 Nan Li, Director of the National Investigation Department of Crime, held a press conference today.
00:15 He told everyone that a 24-year-old young hacker hacked into the government's server to steal sensitive personal data.
00:23 Then he sold it through the dark web at a price of $200 per set.
00:29 In the end, the police successfully found the identity and whereabouts of the suspect and arrested him on Christmas.
00:36 The police said that the suspect did not commit a crime and was released after receiving a confession.
00:41 The case is still under investigation.
00:43 In addition, Nan Li also pointed out at the press conference that the amount of loss in the past five years in the case of our country's commercial crime has reached 1.4 billion.
00:52 Let's take a look at a group of domestic fast news.
00:54 Nan Li, Director of the National Investigation Department of Crime, held a press conference today.
00:58 He said that the amount of loss in the past five years in the case of our country's commercial crime has reached 1.4 billion.
01:04 The number of cases involved is more than 150,000, the most of which is fraud.
01:08 According to last year's data, fraud accounted for nearly 90% of commercial crimes.
01:13 Nan Li added that although the amount of loss last year has decreased, the number of complaints received has increased.
01:18 Therefore, the authorities will continue to punish commercial crimes that have gradually worsened due to the curfew.
01:25 The head of the Martyrs' League and the member of the Wanli Maozhou, Akma, uploaded a video today.
01:29 It shows that he tried to find clues from the garbage dumps along the roadside to find people who threw garbage.
01:35 Akma said that he had just cleaned up in the morning, but the garbage dumps appeared again that night.
01:40 He emphasized that he would find the owners of these garbage and throw the garbage back to the other person's house.
01:46 Last month, the "Wannao" double-dealing pig man who was murdered by someone was buried.
01:52 The case has made new progress today.
01:55 Six of the eight suspects were found guilty of destruction of evidence and eye-catching crimes and murder.
02:01 The other two were found guilty of the charge of "conviction of the defense".
02:05 According to the police's preliminary investigation, the suspect's motive for murder was to spread his friend's cover because he was dissatisfied with the dead.
02:11 He killed the dead in a fit of rage.
02:14 Thanks for watching.
