FTS 20:30 03-01: Terrorist attacks at General Soleimani memorial kill over 100 people in Iran

  • 7 months ago
Mexican authorities rescue 31 kidnapped migrants in Tamaulipas. // Terrorist attacks at General Soleimani memorial kill over 100 people in Iran. // Argentinian court suspends DNU's labor chapter. teleSUR

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00:10 In Iran, at least 103 people have been killed,
00:13 and more than 200 were injured in two terrorist blasts
00:16 near the burial site of General Qasem Soleimani
00:20 in the city of Kerman during a ceremony marking
00:22 his fourth martyrdom anniversary.
00:27 In Mexico, the 31 migrants who had been kidnapped
00:30 in the state of Tamaulipas on Saturday were rescued.
00:32 Argentinian courts suspended the application of the labor
00:38 chapter of the decree of necessity and urgency
00:41 issued by President Javier Milley.
00:43 Welcome to "From the South."
00:48 I am Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:51 We begin with the news.
00:53 In Iran, at least 103 people have been killed,
00:56 and more than 200 were injured in two terrorist blasts
00:59 near the burial site of General Qasem Soleimani
01:03 in the city of Kerman during a ceremony marking
01:05 his fourth martyrdom anniversary.
01:08 Medical services said the death toll
01:10 is expected to rise as ambulances were
01:12 taking the wounded to hospitals, as the deputy head of Iran's
01:16 emergency organization, Babak Jekhtaparast,
01:20 said that some of the injured are in critical condition.
01:23 According to Irna News Agency, the first explosion
01:26 occurred some 700 meters from the grave of General Soleimani
01:31 at 2.50 PM local time, and the second one
01:34 occurred about one kilometer away around 10 minutes later.
01:38 Until now, there has been no immediate claim
01:40 of responsibility for the attack.
01:43 Meanwhile, the Iranian cabinet of ministers
01:45 has announced a day of national mourning on Thursday.
01:49 In this regard, the Iranian interior minister, Ahmad Vahidi,
01:53 assured that the Iranian security forces and the military
01:56 will respond to the terrorist attacks as soon as possible.
01:59 Vahidi also indicated that the authorities have begun
02:02 investigations to determine the perpetrators
02:05 and the motives of the attacks.
02:07 President Ebrahim Raisi condemned the terrorist act
02:10 while assuring to punish the perpetrators of the aggression.
02:16 - I warned the Zionist regime without any doubt
02:21 that you will pay a price for this crime
02:24 and the crimes you committed, which will be very regrettable.
02:33 - These gatherings that you see held in this country,
02:36 these are not gatherings that you
02:37 see held in the country of the people.
02:39 These are gatherings that you see
02:40 held in the country of the people.
02:42 These gatherings that you see held in this country,
02:46 this flood of people that poured towards the grave of Ashkazem
02:49 these days, you come to scare the people
02:52 with your criminal act.
02:53 You're not strong enough to face the resistance.
02:56 Your power has lost its effectiveness
02:58 against the forces of resistance.
03:01 Are you targeting now innocent people?
03:03 You should know that you will pay a heavy price
03:05 for this horrible crime.
03:06 - Amid aggression, Iranian citizens
03:11 paid tribute to martyr Commander Qasem Soleimani, killed
03:14 by US forces four years ago in Iraq.
03:17 Tens of thousands of people dressed in mourning clothes
03:19 marched on Wednesday to Kerman Cemetery
03:22 to pay tribute to former Commander Qasem Soleimani,
03:25 killed in a US drone strike in Baghdad International
03:28 Airport in Iraq.
03:30 Among the crowd, young people hold pictures of General
03:33 Soleimani and reaffirmed the country's commitment
03:36 to avenge the assassination of their commander.
03:38 In parallel, the countries of Iraq and Lebanon
03:41 hold memorial ceremonies confirming their loyalty
03:44 to Soleimani's ideals and expressing gratitude
03:47 for his service in the army.
03:48 In this context, from Lebanon, the Secretary General
03:56 of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech
03:59 in the framework of the commemoration
04:01 of the assassination of the Iranian anti-terrorist
04:03 Commander Qasem Soleimani.
04:06 The Hezbollah leader took the opportunity
04:08 to greet all Muslims while regretting
04:10 the death of several fighters facing the Israeli occupation,
04:14 among whom he placed the assassination of Deputy Head
04:17 of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Saleh al-Arauri,
04:21 at the hands of the Tel Aviv army.
04:23 In this context, Nasrallah also saluted the struggle
04:26 of the Palestinian people to achieve freedom
04:28 from the Israeli occupation.
04:30 Furthermore, the Hezbollah leader
04:32 highlighted the efforts of the assassin, Iranian Commander
04:36 Soleimani, so that resistance movements could
04:39 count on their own capacities.
04:41 The Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah,
04:49 highlighted the resistance of the Palestinian people
04:51 in their lands despite the constant Israeli attacks.
04:54 The Al-Aqsa flood has shown that these people, when they made
05:00 the decision, along with the resistance in Gaza
05:03 and the acts that followed, the steadfastness
05:05 and the sacrifices, are proof that Israel lost its plans.
05:11 The story of Palestinians forgetting,
05:13 giving up their land, or the next generation
05:15 and the internet generation, all that ended with great failure.
05:23 It ended in Gaza.
05:25 It ended in the West Bank.
05:26 But the Al-Aqsa flood gave a deadly blow
05:28 to the Israeli plan.
05:29 The Israelis are very clear now that before these people, who
05:37 cannot forget their land, who cannot forget their history,
05:43 who cannot forget their present and their future
05:45 and their holy places, and that is what the Israelis reflect
05:48 with sorrow.
05:50 Nasrallah described the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip
05:54 as the biggest genocide of this century.
05:59 In the Al-Aqsa flood operation and what
06:00 is happening today on all battlefronts,
06:03 the image of Israel fell completely
06:05 at the moral and legal levels.
06:06 Israel today, in the views of all countries in the region,
06:13 is killing children, killing women, destroying houses,
06:16 displacing civilians from their homes, imposing famine,
06:24 crushing children, civilians.
06:26 It is the one that has the largest record of genocide
06:29 in this century.
06:32 Palestinians living in Syria today
06:34 commemorated the fourth anniversary
06:35 of the assassination of the commander of Al-Quds Force
06:39 of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps,
06:42 Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani,
06:44 an event that served to ratify the strong alliance
06:47 between the Palestinians and the Iranian brothers
06:50 and the other peoples of the Axis of Resistance
06:53 against the Israeli occupation.
06:54 Let's see.
06:59 Soleimani's revolutionary legacy,
07:01 the struggle against the Israeli occupation,
07:03 the invasive troops of the United States
07:05 and the terrorist gangs, is still present
07:07 in the people of the region.
07:08 This was affirmed by the participants
07:10 in the tribute ceremony, representing
07:12 Palestine and the other countries, members
07:14 of the resistance bloc.
07:21 Qasem Soleimani was a revolutionary man
07:23 whose ideals remained alive throughout the Resistance Axis.
07:27 So his legacy is now the basis on which
07:29 we managed to consolidate and develop the resistance.
07:32 And we are truly grateful for the role
07:34 he played in defending our cause when
07:36 he served as a field leader of the Resistance Axis.
07:39 Our revolutionary path is based on principles
07:44 that remain unchanged over time, so that our tendency
07:48 and the ideals of our martyrs will not
07:50 change until we achieve the definitive victory
07:52 against the hegemonic forces of the world.
07:59 The date coincides, according to the participants,
08:02 with the brutal Israeli war of extermination against Gaza,
08:05 a genocide which they affirmed, although it
08:08 has the unconditional support of Washington
08:10 and the complicit silence of the so-called world community,
08:13 will not be able to achieve its objectives.
08:15 Thanks to the steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance
08:18 fighters, who, like Soleimani, are
08:19 ready to sacrifice their lives in defense
08:21 of the just Palestinian cause.
08:23 We condemn the unconditional US support
08:31 for this Israeli war of extermination
08:33 against our brothers in the Gaza Strip,
08:36 and believe that to stop this Israeli genocide,
08:38 it is imperative that our Arab brothers act
08:40 united in support of the Palestinian resistance
08:43 and in support of their brave struggle against the occupation
08:46 troops.
08:49 We pay tribute to Qasem Soleimani
08:52 in appreciation of his outstanding role
08:54 in defense of the Palestinian cause,
08:56 and also in appreciation of the Palestinian people,
08:58 to all the free people of the world who support Palestine,
09:02 as well as to our brave people who do not give up and continue
09:05 to face the Israeli aggression, offering
09:07 the martyrs until the liberation of our occupied territories.
09:10 The Palestinian people are not alone
09:17 in the struggle against the Israeli occupation.
09:19 In addition to the massive popular marches condemning
09:21 the Sionist war of extermination against Gaza,
09:24 the Lebanese resistance is standing up
09:26 against the Israeli occupation in southern Lebanon,
09:28 and the forces of the Iraqi popular mobilization
09:31 are relentlessly attacking the illegal US military bases
09:34 in Syrian and Iraqi territories.
09:36 While the armed forces of Yemen are intercepting in the Red Sea
09:48 any ship heading for Tel Aviv, actions
09:50 that demonstrate that Soleimani, who
09:51 has assassinated four years ago at the hands of the invading US
09:55 troops in Baghdad, has become an example
09:57 to follow in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine
10:00 and the other occupied Arab territories.
10:02 Let's take a short break, but remember,
10:11 you can join us on TikTok at @TelesurEnglish,
10:13 where you will find news in different formats, news
10:15 updates, and more.
10:16 Other stories coming up.
10:17 Stay with us.
10:18 Welcome back.
10:38 The United Nations Office for the Coordination
10:41 of Humanitarian Affairs and the World Health Organization
10:44 denounced new Israeli bombardments
10:46 against hospital centers and residential areas
10:49 in the city of Kanjunis in the Gaza Strip.
10:52 The organizations pointed out that many
10:54 of these medical facilities shelters thousands
10:57 of people who were left homeless by the same Israeli bombing.
11:01 The director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom
11:04 Ghebreyesus, described the attacks as reckless
11:07 and insisted on his call for an end to the conflict
11:10 and for the protection of health workers and health facilities.
11:14 The conflict that began on October 7th
11:17 has claimed more than 22,000 Palestinian fatalities in Gaza,
11:22 70% of them children and women.
11:25 On Wednesday, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement,
11:31 Hamas, announced that it had frozen all talks
11:34 on the exchange of hostages, hostage takers,
11:37 and a possible ceasefire following the assassination
11:40 of Saleh al-Arodi.
11:41 Shortly before the crime committed
11:43 by the Zionist government of Israel,
11:46 the leader of the resistance, Ismail Haniyeh,
11:48 subscribed to proposals from Egypt and Qatar on the ceasefire.
11:53 In the meantime, both Cairo and Doha
11:56 have been informed of the suspension
11:58 of any agreement or dialogue.
12:00 It should be noted that neither the Washington government
12:03 nor Tel Aviv have referred to the assassination of one
12:06 of the key figures of the resistance,
12:08 along with six other commanders.
12:11 On the other hand, it was learned
12:12 that on Wednesday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah
12:16 will deliver a speech.
12:17 In Mexico, the 31 migrants who had
12:24 been kidnapped in the state of Tamaulipas on Saturday
12:27 were rescued.
12:28 The authorities indicated that the rescue was carried out
12:31 through an operation that tracked
12:33 the phones of those involved, the analysis of the videos
12:36 recorded by the bus, and the routes on which the migrants
12:40 were being transported.
12:41 The officials detailed that the citizens
12:44 are receiving the corresponding medical attention.
12:46 In this context, the security forces
12:49 emphasized that the motive for the kidnapping
12:51 is unknown at this time, while investigations
12:54 continue to determine the causes of the kidnapping.
12:56 Argentinian court issued an injunction
13:03 suspending the application of the labor chapter
13:06 of the decree of necessity and urgency
13:08 issued by the government of Javier Millet.
13:10 The resolution was taken following
13:12 the request of the General Labor Confederation, which
13:15 had appealed a first instant resolution
13:18 and ordered the ruling of a precautionary measure
13:21 to wait for the analysis of the constitutionality of the reform
13:24 made by means of the DNY.
13:27 Likewise, the magistrates of the court
13:29 postulated to refer the case to the Federal Administrative
13:33 Court so that it might define court should process the file.
13:38 The judges also pointed out that several of the norms
13:40 that the national executive power intends
13:43 to modify without the intervention of the legislators
13:47 are of a repressive or punitive nature.
13:49 The Argentine government announced
13:56 that it will appeal the ruling that
13:58 suspend the labor reforms established
14:00 in the decree of necessity and urgency, D1E,
14:04 promoted by President Javier Millet.
14:06 According to Millet's government,
14:08 the decision of the Court of the National Chamber of Labor
14:11 appeals contradicts all the rulings issued
14:14 in the country for which they will request its incompetence.
14:18 It was reported that the appeal is
14:20 being prepared by the Treasury's Attorney's Office.
14:22 President-elect of Guatemala, Bernardo Arevalo,
14:31 expressed that he would reverse the decisions
14:33 of the outgoing government led by the current President
14:36 Alejandro Giammattei.
14:38 Arevalo indicated that the first action he will take upon
14:41 assuming the government on January 14
14:44 would be to revoke the decrees imposed
14:46 by the outgoing government, pointing out
14:48 that it is irresponsible.
14:50 He also pointed out that Giammattei will hand over
14:53 to him a weakened executive power, which
14:56 has been pointed out by analysts and social organizations
14:59 as being responsible for the deterioration of the rule
15:02 of law and democracy in the country.
15:04 Arevalo also recognized that his first challenge will
15:07 be to try to recover the public institution by responding
15:11 to the needs of the population and the executive capacity.
15:15 We have a second short break coming up,
15:21 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
15:23 for our English-speaking audience,
15:25 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
15:28 and share the link to reach more people.
15:30 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
15:32 as well as the rest of the world.
15:35 Stay connected and informed with Telesul.
15:36 Final short break, don't go away.
15:38 Welcome back to From the South.
15:51 In Serbia, the Republic Electoral Commission
15:53 confirmed the victory of the Serbian Progressive Party,
15:56 the SNS, of President Aleksandar Vucic
16:00 in the legislative elections on December 17,
16:03 with 46.75% of the votes.
16:07 According to the final results published on Wednesday
16:10 by the electoral body, after processing 100% of the ballots,
16:14 the coalition formed around Vucic
16:16 obtained over 46% of the votes, consolidating its victory
16:20 in the parliamentary elections.
16:22 Meanwhile, the opposition bloc Serbia Against Violence
16:25 obtained 23.66% of the votes, coming in second.
16:30 General elections are held in Serbia at least every four years.
16:34 The previous one had been held in 2020,
16:37 when the alliance led by the party headed at that time by Vucic
16:41 came to power alone.
16:43 The government of Bangladesh deployed the army
16:50 in at least 62 districts to ensure a peaceful holding
16:54 of the 12th Tajatiba Sunset elections.
16:58 Through a statement, the Ministry of Defence
17:00 informed that the military will remain on the streets,
17:03 at least until January 10th, with the reinforcement
17:06 of the coast and border guards in the administrative divisions
17:09 close to the sea.
17:11 The air force is also expected to provide
17:13 the necessary helicopter support to polling stations
17:16 in the mountainous areas of the country.
17:19 On the other hand, the electoral commission
17:21 authorized the monitoring of the national legislative elections
17:25 by 186 foreign observers and at least 59 journalists
17:30 from different international media.
17:32 In this sense, the electoral authority
17:34 also allowed 20,773 local observers
17:38 to monitor the elections.
17:49 On Wednesday, the French flood risk information service
18:00 declared a dozen rivers in the northern half of France
18:03 on orange alert.
18:05 The French authorities on Tuesday
18:06 had placed the region of Pas-de-Calais on red alert.
18:10 A coastal river that flows into the North Sea
18:13 has been affected by exceptional flooding.
18:16 According to the prefecture of Pas-de-Calais,
18:18 more than 50 municipalities in the department
18:21 have been impacted and 198 people
18:24 have had to be evacuated.
18:26 In this sense, at least 2,000 people
18:29 are without drinking water.
18:30 In turn, local media added that in Pas-de-Calais
18:34 and the neighboring department of North,
18:36 more than 10,000 households were without electricity.
18:39 Temperatures in the Finnish capital
18:47 hit 15 degrees below zero on Wednesday
18:50 as the Scandinavian country recorded its coldest winter
18:53 so far in this season.
18:55 The sub-zero temperatures followed a warmer than normal
19:00 fall across much Europe, which came
19:02 against the backdrop of 2023 being recorded
19:05 as the warmest year on record.
19:07 This is widely believed to be linked
19:09 to global warming and the ecological crisis
19:12 with carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere
19:14 now at their highest for at least 2 million years.
19:18 In Finland, authorities warn that temperatures
19:20 will continue to drop throughout the week,
19:23 while local police urge drivers to avoid unnecessary journeys,
19:27 as wind and snow can make travel dangerous.
19:30 However, even with temperatures freezing in the city,
19:33 Helsinki residents are not deterred by the cold.
19:36 We have come to the end of this news brief,
19:39 but you can find this and many other stories
19:41 on our website at telesurenglish.net
19:43 and join us on social media, Facebook,
19:45 Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
19:48 For TELUS Sur English, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
19:49 Thank you for watching.
19:50 (upbeat music)
19:53 (upbeat music)
19:56 [GROANING]
