曾用政府资金救儿子公司 一前首相将被反贪会传召?

  • 9 months ago
八点最热报 | 昨天有消息指出,反贪会将在下个星期传召一名前首相,以针对他涉嫌滥用数百万令吉公款一事协助调查。到今天为止,没有人直接点名这名前首相是谁,但首相安华强调,不管贪污的人地位有多高,都逃脱不了当局的法网。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The 2024 opening year is a year of great news.
00:08 Yesterday, news pointed out that the Anti-corruption Committee will summon a former prime minister next week
00:12 to help investigate the case of him being suspected of embezzling millions of dollars in public funds.
00:17 Until today, no one has directly named who this former prime minister is.
00:21 But Prime Minister Anhua emphasized that no matter how high the status of the corrupt person is,
00:25 he cannot escape the law of the party.
00:28 Although the name was not made public, the source of the news quoted by Qian Fengbao listed several characteristics.
00:33 According to the information, this former prime minister is suspected of embezzling government funds to save his son's company,
00:39 which has caused the loss of more than 500 billion yuan to the state oil company.
00:43 This former prime minister is also a consultant of the Foundation,
00:46 and was once suspected of embezzling public funds in his tenure during the epidemic,
00:50 and issuing projects to certain people.
00:53 The news also pointed out that the funds from state-owned enterprises were suspected of being used to build several large-scale projects in the country.
00:58 In addition to the former national top leader,
01:00 some business giants have also been included in the investigation by the Anti-corruption Committee.
01:05 In addition, the investigation by the Anti-corruption Committee also included the assets of this former prime minister's wife and children.
01:11 Prime Minister Anhua also responded to this when attending the PADU system launch ceremony today.
01:17 Prime Minister Anhua praised the Malaysian police and the Anti-corruption Committee today.
01:21 No matter the position or status of the embezzler, they are firm and brave in taking action against corruption.
01:26 This reflects the promise of our country to fight corruption,
01:28 ensuring that no person can escape the law of the state.
01:31 You embezzled state funds, you embezzled state wealth,
01:35 and you are the prime minister, finance minister, and minister.
01:38 You remember that we have to act with determination to save this country.
01:43 Although no one directly named who the former prime minister who would be investigated was,
01:47 the Supreme Court Justice Buai in the "Face Book" stated that
01:50 the former leader was investigated and arrested is not unusual.
01:53 And the people are now waiting for the former prime minister Dunma and the former finance minister Dun Dayin to be investigated.
01:58 And they believe that once someone is investigated, detained, and prosecuted,
02:02 it will be the most prominent news title in 2024.
02:05 Apple Action News
02:10 Apple Action News
02:14 Apple Action News
