• last year
This quick bodyweight core workout video featuring Women's Health cover star Katie Austin leads to fast results with planks, bird dogs, bicycles, and more.


00:00 Hi, Women's Health.
00:01 It's Katie Austin here,
00:02 and welcome back to the Strength Transformation Challenge.
00:06 I'm here to show you guys
00:07 an amazing 10-minute core crusher ab workout.
00:11 All you need is yourself, so let's get to it.
00:13 We're gonna start right here with your feet
00:14 a little bit more than hip distance apart,
00:16 and arms out wide, opening up that chest.
00:19 Inhale, and as you exhale, give me a big bear hug,
00:24 opening up your chest,
00:25 and almost like you're hugging a tree,
00:27 getting your abs nice and warmed up.
00:29 And breathing in through your nose,
00:33 and exhale.
00:34 Wonderful.
00:36 Who cares what you look like?
00:37 We're gonna have some fun.
00:38 We only have 10 minutes.
00:40 It's gonna be efficient.
00:41 It's gonna be effective.
00:43 Last two.
00:44 Last one, leaving your arms out wide, just like this,
00:48 and I want you guys to give me some side pulls
00:50 from side to side.
00:51 Now, here's where we're just warming up our abs
00:54 just a little bit.
00:55 I want you guys to add that pretend resistance,
00:58 almost like you have a rope pulling on each side,
01:01 cinching in that side belly,
01:03 keeping the good posture, shoulders back.
01:07 Nice work.
01:09 For four, for three,
01:11 give it all you got for two and one.
01:15 On that last one, hands come right behind your head.
01:18 I want a standing march in place.
01:20 So driving those knees towards your chest.
01:23 Inhale and exhale.
01:26 Working those lower abs now.
01:28 I just wanna get your heart rate up just a little bit
01:30 before we really get in to the workout.
01:33 Let's give me a nice crunch, cross, great.
01:37 Cross, crunch, and exhale every time.
01:40 Driving that elbow.
01:41 Driving that knee towards that elbow, wonderful.
01:46 Exhale each time.
01:48 Working those obliques right here, you guys.
01:53 Keeping those hands behind your head with great posture.
01:56 Here we go for four, three, two, and one.
02:01 Now, step to the end of your mat.
02:04 I want you guys to walk your hands down into a high plank.
02:08 We're really about to spice things up.
02:10 So walk your hands down into that high plank,
02:12 holding tight, core is in tight,
02:15 butt is nice and squeezed, breathing in.
02:17 I want you guys to start bringing one knee
02:19 towards your opposite elbow,
02:21 almost like a mountain climber,
02:22 but slow and steady and crossing it right here.
02:26 Wonderful for your obliques.
02:28 Getting a little bit of your upper body as well.
02:30 Keeping great plank positioning as well.
02:33 Here we go.
02:34 Keep breathing.
02:37 Now, because this is only 10 minutes,
02:39 we're moving through these moves kind of fast.
02:42 So stick with me.
02:43 You got it.
02:44 Four, for three, two, holding that high plank in, one.
02:49 Pushing the booty back towards the sky into a down dog
02:54 and reaching back, opposite hand coming towards that ankle,
02:58 down dog, ankle taps.
02:59 Here we go.
03:00 You got this, you guys.
03:03 These are some of my favorite ab moves
03:06 that I'm gonna lead you guys through.
03:08 Plus the best part about this,
03:12 all you need is yourself to feel that burn.
03:15 Nice work.
03:16 Squeeze your butt as you come back to that high plank
03:22 for three, great, two, and one.
03:27 Meet me back in that high plank.
03:31 Now, as you're in this high plank,
03:33 I want you guys to bring in for a floating tabletop.
03:35 So both knees in, but do not touch your knees to the mat.
03:39 I want you guys to float just an inch or two above.
03:41 And then what we're gonna do is come back
03:42 into the high plank position.
03:45 Repeat this, three, breathing in,
03:48 staying strong with your upper body,
03:51 for two, almost there, hold strong.
03:56 Here's where your power is gonna come in.
03:58 Here's where your strength transformation
04:00 is gonna come in.
04:01 Last one and release those knees towards the mat.
04:05 Now we're gonna do a bird dog,
04:06 one of my favorite ways to really work the core.
04:09 So I want you guys to drive opposite knee to elbow,
04:11 hold, stabilize through your core
04:14 and extend each limb out,
04:16 lifting, reaching through your fingertips.
04:19 Beautiful and back together.
04:21 Really lengthen through your fingertips and those toes.
04:25 And exhale.
04:28 Catch your breath right here for two.
04:34 Reach even further on this last one.
04:38 And let's switch.
04:41 Take a nice deep breath in,
04:44 opposite knee to elbow and release.
04:49 Beautiful.
04:50 Nice work, you guys.
04:56 I'm proud of you.
05:00 Thank you for joining
05:02 the Women's Health Strength Transformation Challenge.
05:06 So happy that you are here.
05:08 We have three more.
05:11 Last two.
05:14 Really reach with this last one.
05:18 Extend, hold and as you release,
05:22 spin around onto your booty.
05:24 Now plant your feet on the mat right here.
05:27 Bend your legs.
05:29 I want your palms facing the sky.
05:32 Roll down those shoulders
05:34 and we're gonna do some Pilates roll downs
05:35 where each vertebrae at a time is slowly hitting the mat.
05:40 And exhale on the way up.
05:44 Try your best to keep those feet planted on the mat.
05:48 Slow and steady.
05:51 Nice work.
05:53 Last two.
05:57 Keep those arms up there.
06:00 Last one.
06:02 We're holding at the top
06:04 and I want you guys to give me a pulse.
06:06 Yes, pulse it out right here.
06:07 Now, if you're challenging yourself,
06:09 even sit back further, right?
06:11 If you guys want a modification,
06:13 come towards your knees a little bit more
06:15 and just pulse right there.
06:16 Nice work, you guys.
06:17 Beautiful, four and three and two.
06:25 Holding in one, shoulders back.
06:28 I want you guys to open up towards me.
06:30 One side, open up your chest
06:32 and coming right back to center.
06:33 Here we go.
06:34 Twisting that torso just a little bit to open up.
06:38 We only have a few of these right here.
06:40 Stick with me.
06:43 Breathing in and exhale.
06:45 Reaching back with those fingertips.
06:47 Last two.
06:50 Last one.
06:53 Coming back to center and rolling down slowly.
06:58 Beautiful, as you roll down,
07:00 I want you guys to pick up those feet.
07:02 Now, your knees are at a 90 degree angle.
07:04 I want no space between your back and the mat right here.
07:08 I want you guys to give me a simple toe tap.
07:11 Toe tap right here, slow and steady.
07:15 Now, place those hands right behind your head,
07:18 picking up your shoulders off the mat just a little bit
07:21 for that extra challenge.
07:23 Beautiful, it might not look like much,
07:25 but this move right here really is a core crusher.
07:31 How are we feeling so far?
07:32 Good?
07:33 Here we go.
07:34 First seven, slight taps.
07:39 Keep those knees up there.
07:40 Shoulders even further up off the mat for four,
07:45 three, two, great.
07:50 Last one.
07:51 Leaving your feet up here at a 90 degree angle,
07:53 just propping yourself up, holding this position.
07:56 I want lifted bicycles.
07:58 So shifting your shoulder towards your opposite knee
08:01 just slightly to twist and get those obliques.
08:07 It's a little bit of a slower movement
08:10 than a regular bicycle right here,
08:12 but it's still amazing low impact cardio.
08:16 Nice work.
08:18 Don't forget to breathe.
08:23 Your breath is one of the most important things
08:25 with ab workouts.
08:27 Finish strong for four, for three, two, great work, and one.
08:33 Now, I'll give you a little bit of a breather,
08:36 but what we have next is a boat position.
08:38 So what I want you guys to do is pick those feet up
08:41 once again, up off the mat, 90 degree angle.
08:44 I want these hands out and I wanna flutter just like that.
08:48 Now, here is the chance
08:50 where you're really gonna feel this.
08:52 Here we go.
08:53 Flutter those hands, almost like resistance below.
08:56 Get those shoulders nice and back.
08:58 Good posture.
09:00 And if you guys feel like you need to modify this at all
09:03 for extra balance, lightly place your feet
09:05 right here on the mat.
09:06 But of course, do not forget to flutter those arms.
09:09 I, in fact, feeling spicy today, so I'm full throttle.
09:13 Four, three, two, and one.
09:17 Relax.
09:18 I want you guys to spin around to the front of your mat.
09:22 You guys crushed that.
09:24 Take it on back.
09:25 Feel free to pedal out your feet right here.
09:28 Slowly lower down onto your triceps.
09:35 And we're just gonna feel that stretch for our core.
09:38 Beautiful.
09:39 How are we feeling?
09:41 We feeling good?
09:42 We feeling like we just burned out our core.
09:45 We feel amazing in just 10 minutes.
09:47 We feel stronger.
09:48 We feel more confident and energized.
09:50 And as you exhale, meet me in a kneeling position.
09:55 I just want side to side reaches.
09:59 Slowly down your heart rate right here.
10:01 Inhale.
10:04 (exhales)
10:05 And exhale.
10:08 Wonderful work, you guys.
10:09 Thank you so much for joining me.
10:11 I really appreciate it.
10:13 And I will see you at your next
10:15 Strength Transformation Challenge workout.
10:17 Bye, guys.
